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Everything posted by SPraus

  1. Thank you for the responce. Lets see they are all in one table but anoter problem came up so I just changed the search type (just to one area) then being that most the tags were the same I created a dropdown box. But thank you sou much for the help. SPraus
  2. Hey everyone im trying to do a search through a HUGE database for a string but I dont wanna limit it to a single table. This is what I have SELECT DISTINCT * FROM aso WHERE * LIKE %'.$phpstring.'% Can anyone give me help because the * dont work and without it dont work but I dont wanna search every table by sql lol. Please lemme know. SPraus PS sorry if this sounds stupid (now that im thinking of it I think there is a rason but its late so ill still ask lol)
  3. Sorry im bumping this because i really need to find out this problem before i can go onto the next step.
  4. You must put a unique name on the input boxes then read in that name later to First Name: <Input type="text" size="30" maxlength="12" name="first"><br /> Last Name: <input type="text" size="30" maxlength="12" name="last"><><br /> Address: <input type="text" name="address" size="30" maxlength="12"><br /> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" /> Male<br> <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" /> Female<br> PHP: <?php // retrieve form data $first = $_POST['first']; $last = $_POST['last']; $address = $_POST['address']; $gender = $_POST['gender']; // use it echo (" First Name: <strong>$first</strong><br> Last Name: <strong>$last</strong><br> Address: <strong>$address</strong><br> Gender: <strong>$gender</strong><br> "); ?> EDIT capped a couple words i shouldnt have, code ready now.
  5. You must have IE 8 to view this problem but at http://www.theacesofwar.com/new/view_products.php?company=aso if you select anything out of the table the entire page reformats and moves a crapload of stuff. It dose not do this in IE 6, IE 7, Firefox, or Crome. Any ideas are apperciated; SPraus
  6. Well guys i figured it out, add this code just incase your in the same problem. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd> <head> </head> <html> <body> Your body goes here!!! and the style stuff can be moved into the head section! <style type="text/css"> #footer {display:block; bottom:0px; left:0px; width:100%; position:fixed;text-align:center; font-weight:bold;} </style> <div id=footer> <img src=../images/img0003.gif id=Shape3 align=top alt= title= border=0 width=100% height=20> </div> </body> </html>
  7. well im not missing them because php wont let me do echo("<a href= "http://www.google.com">)"; lol
  8. Ok i have IE 8 and i had to use position:fixed to get it the way i wanted it on chrome and firefox http://www.theacesofwar.com/new/view_products.php?company=aso thats the actual link to the one im currently looking at Sorry i know its kinda a pain but thanks for the help
  9. Ok that almost fixed it but not working with IE at all (works in Firefox, and chrome) any help is apperciated
  10. Hey all, im looking for a nice way to keep upto date with currency conversions weather it be a database or something built into php. Any help is apperciated; SPraus
  11. If you would like to keep the data null for the other sections insert something like this ,,,Bob,345275 ,,,Tim,2547354 ,,,Test,5763
  12. Hey guys, Im sory that im not quite clear but i have an example for you http://theacesofwar.com/cgi-local/BossCart.cgi?pagenum=1&dbname=/cgi-local/boss_maindb&company=aso The bar at the bottom containing the shopping cart floats as you scroll down the page, I am trying to do something like that (im renevating that page for a friend therefore its not functional) but id perfer not to have to do frames, What I have been trying is at: http://www.theacesofwar.com/new/ Keep in mind this is still in design and coding phases so it looks horible but if you can help I would really apperciate it. Thank You, SPraus
  13. not using a vchar but the ltrim works, Thanks for quick responce.
  14. Hey everyone; I need some help, I have the strings 0001.30 0003.00 0030.21 0192.02 1340.00 as prices and i need to trim them in php so that i dont have to change my sql database (so it will order easier) the "trim($string,$char)" dosn't work because there are 0s that I need any ideas (also if you know how to change it so it reads 1.30 in the database but still orders it ^ that way (correctly) please let me know) Thanks In Advance SPraus
  15. Hey guys, I accidently closed the other post too fast before I added something. The example was Bob;Joe;example;example..... Broken down thanks to Ober and Lonewolf into an array using $str = "Bob;Joe;Jim;Another Example Name;"; $myarray = explode(';', $str); now i have one other problem, I have multiple diferent things that could Bob or Joe therefore if i use this it would print (in my example) Bob<br>Jim<br> for the first array and then if the second has bob and jim it would print Bob<br>Jim<br>Bob<br>Jim<br>, I need it to only do 1. If you understand please help me I am so close to getting this project done, it is to point out products for each body part for an orthotics website so there are more than 1 neckbrace so if it was Neck as opposed to Bob it would print Neck<br>Neck<br>Neck<br>.... if It was listing 3 neckbraces I would like it to only list Neck<br> than the next tag for the next product like Ancle<br> I know its complicated how I explained it but if someone could help me please let me know. Thank You; Spraus
  16. Thanks guys, this solved it. PS thanks for being so ridiculously fast lol. usually id wait a week for someone to respond so thank you very much!!!!
  17. Hello Everyone, I am looking for some help on a specialised searching function. Here is what I have. Bob;Joe;Jim;Another Example Name; This is contained in an SQL database, each of these are tags for a product such as things made for computers only or just made for cars. I would like to search for a ; and save only what is before it. Here is kinda what I think. the {} are just for more explanation $char = ; SearchStr($string,$char) now copy the stuff before the ; for the next copy from ; number 2 to ; number 1. and so on and so forth. Please help if you have any ideas. SPraus PS if you dont understand please reply and I will try to explain more. I know i didnt explain it too well. Thanks again
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