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Everything posted by robert_gsfame

  1. I have 2 tables, the second one i set float:right the problem is that when i add newline in the first table like this <table><tr><td>aaaa</td></tr><tr><td>aaa</td></tr></table> or simply just <table><tr><td><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></td></tr></table> my second table position also effected,how can i fix the my second table position ? thx
  2. <?php $id=urldecode(base64_decode($_GET['product_id'])); $explode=explode(";",$id); $count=count($explode); for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { if(in_array(base64_encode($explode[$i]),$_SESSION['basket'])) { $x=""; $x=array_search(base64_encode($explode[$i]),$_SESSION['basket']); unset($_SESSION['basket'][$x]); } } ?> The problem is let say i have 3 records and unset() 2 of them, i will still have 1 record but i dont know which part is wrong, i got it not as a first index of an array which is $_SESSION['basket'][0] but $_SESSION['basket'][1] i found $_SESSION['basket'][0] empty thanks
  3. is it possible to destroy a session based on browser tab. meaning if i close a browser then destroy session thx
  4. I try both of this n gave me different result :confused: if(paging!=="0"){ var pagex="&currentpage="+paging;}else{ var pagex="";} this will result &currentpage=0 when paging is equal to 0 if(paging=="0"){ var pagex="";}else{ var pagex="&currentpage="+paging;} no result for this when paging is equal to 0 how come this gave different result??
  5. can i customize the alertbox??but not all alertbox but some..like when using class so let say i have two buttons and each will alert() different sentences and the first one will look normal or not customized while the second one customized.. thx
  6. How can i countdown time but not depend on user's browser..thx anyone got a clue??
  7. '$_POST['.$cell.']'; what are those single quotes used for?? in order to check whether $cellpost has value or not: if(!empty($cellpost))
  8. how can i check or detect whether a page is refresh or reload??
  9. I show an alertbox with javascript but it was designed using css.. the problem is when it is shown up in mozilla, when i scroll the browser up and down the alertbox the position of the alertbox also change following the direction...but not in IE 6.0, which part should i modify so that i can get the same result as mozilla ? thanks.below is my css code <style type="text/css"> #modalContainer { background-color:transparent; position:relative; width:100%; height:100%; top:0px; left:0px; z-index:10000; } #alertBox { position:relative; width:500px; height:100px; margin-top:170px; border:2px solid #000; background-color:#F2F5F6; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:20px 30px; } #modalContainer > #alertBox { position:fixed; } #alertBox p { font:0.7em verdana,arial; height:50px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px; text-align:center; padding-top:15px; } </style> the bold one is the problem since IE 6.0 doesnt support that
  10. I only use null when it comes to query not for if statement
  11. try change this: if ($discussIDtrans == null) with this if(empty($discussIDtrans)){
  12. I am not sure what is $comDiscussNo but i only guess that it is comDiscussNo=blablabla header("location:forumsDiscussion.php?$comDiscussNo"); $_GET['$comDiscussNo']; so bold part also wrong should be $_GET['comDiscussNo'];
  13. again this part look suspicious $discussID=(int)$_POST['discussID']; you are using header() so use $_GET instead of $_POST
  14. OMG....i really worry now as 80% of my pages contain javascript and it wont work if javascript turned off...i search on google and i found that less than 10 % browsers have disabled their javascript....i dont know whether is it true or not but hope it's true..
  15. how can i check whether user has enable or disable their javascript on browser using php script??
  16. Does every browser support javascript?? i really worry as most of my pages contain javascript.....should i do the checking whether users have enable their javascript once visit my website and give alert or anything else that i can do? need some clue... thx
  17. thx mrAdam...i always get the difficulty when it comes to RegExp.... :P so confusing
  18. How can i check whether a string contain any numbers or not....using REGEXP thx
  19. Oops one more question, i got the error when checking whether file has been copy into the folder using copy()...i cant solve this problem yet, so i decided to use move_uploaded_file to avoid the error... why cant i get the return value "TRUE" of "FALSE" use copy() so that the error appeared...it seems like copy() cannot read my filename...??
  20. If the file is valid, it will be moved to the filename given by destination?? in what case the file is not valid?? size, filetype?? but we validate the file before move it into certain folder...so in what case the file is not valid?? thx
  21. I just want the different between copy() VS move_uploaded_file when it comes to upload file. I always use copy not move_uploaded_file...what is the difference and which is the best to be used?? thx
  22. i already run my website for more than 1 year n nothing went wrong...no error, but suddenly i got this kind of error this morning
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