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  1. I have a Zend 1.7.6 app using Dojo 1.3. I am using dojo.xhrPost to send a form to a controller in Zend. The front controller is setup with "noViewRendered". When the xhrPost call happens, everything works as planned except for the response. The response received is "<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">91", where 91 is the ID I am sending back. I expect to receive only the 91 in the response but I am getting the meta tag as well. Does anyone know where this is getting set/picked up? Code for controller and javascript is as follows: function saveFamily(divToUpdate) { if(dijit.byId('formFamily').validate()) { dojo.xhrPost({ url: "/family/add", load: function(response, ioArgs){ alert(response); if(Number(familyID) > 0) { dojo.publish("guardianTopic", [{ message: "Family information saved!", type: "message", duration: 2000 }]); document.getElementById('familyId').value = familyID; dojo.byId('formFamily').disabled = true; dijit.byId('guardianFirstName').focus(); } else alert('Ouch!'); return response; }, error: function(response, ioArgs){ dojo.byId(divToUpdate).innerHTML = "An error occurred, with response: " + response; return response; }, form: "formFamily", handleAs: "text" }); //dojo.byId('address1').disabled = !dojo.byId('address1').disabled; //document.getElementById('familyId').value = '1'; } } public function addAction() { try { $req = $this->_request; $posts = $req->getPost(); $family = new Model_DbTable_Family(); $data = array('family_name' => $posts['familyLastName'], 'last_visit' => date('Y-n-j'), 'email' => $posts['email'], 'home_phone' => $posts['homePhone'], 'work_phone' => $posts['workPhone'], 'cell_phone' => $posts['cellPhone'] ); $familyId = $family->insert($data); echo $familyId; } catch(Exception $e) { echo '0'; } }
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