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Everything posted by Destramic

  1. ummm seems a bit long winded...but maybe the only option i have...thank you...is there way of setting a static property without it being defined as a property?...cause that would help haha
  2. ok cool thanks...so how would i do it if i wanted to do something like this $var = 'mysql'; $this->$var = DB::factory($db_type, array('host' => $db_host, 'username' => $db_username, 'password' => $db_password, 'database' => $db_name), $db_table); cause i wouldnt know what the property name would be...
  3. hey guys here is my model which extended from every News_Model, User_Model etc. the problem im facing is with the line $this->mysql = DB::factory($db_type, array('host' => $db_host, 'username' => $db_username, 'password' => $db_password, 'database' => $db_name), $db_table); becasue when defying the $this->mysql property it sets in the __set magic method which i dont want...but i need the $this->mysql property to be stored in the model class so it can be used in the __call and __set methods. so basically somehow i wanna set $this->msyql without going troube the magic method __set <?php class Model { public function __construct() { $config = Registry::singleton()->config; $db_type = $config->db_type; $db_host = $config->db_host; $db_username = $config->db_username; $db_password = $config->db_password; $db_name = $config->db_name; $db_table = $this->get_table_name(); $this->mysql = DB::factory($db_type, array('host' => $db_host, 'username' => $db_username, 'password' => $db_password, 'database' => $db_name), $db_table); } public function __set($column, $value) { $this->mysql->$column = $value; } public function __call($method, $arguments) { if (method_exists($this->mysql, $method)) { $this->mysql->$method($arguments); } } protected function get_table_name() { $config = Registry::singleton()->config; $model_name = get_class($this); $model_prefix = $config->model_prefix; $prefix_length = strlen($model_prefix); $table_name = substr($model_name, 0, - $prefix_length); $table_name = strtolower($table_name); $table_name = Inflection::pluralize($table_name); return $table_name; } } how it will then be used to update columns Class News_Model { } Class Some_Controller { $news = new News_Model(); $news->status = 1; $news->save(3); // will update news column status where id = 3 } if anyone can help me please...i can't think how to tackle this
  4. well the way i was thinking of doing is was loading the controller and action though the front controller...and i dunno how your framework operates but you could just include the controller like: $news = new News_Controller(); $news->articles() //retutning all the aticles i dont know if this is a good way of doing things but it would work nicely in my framework
  5. that worked great...thanks mate
  6. hey guys im having a problem with finding out if i string has the followeing... a-z, 0-9, /, _, - and white spaces...im not sure why it is returning false when the charters in the $uri variable are allowed characters...maybe a expression problem if anyone can help please on shy its not working...thank you <?php protected function is_uri_friendly($uri) { $uri = "game/counter-strike/league/test"; if (preg_match('#[^a-z0-9/-_]#i', $uri) > 0) { echo "$uri contain invalid characters\n"; }else { echo "$uri DOES NOT contain invalid characters.\n"; } ?> }
  7. hey guys ive been making and designing my own framwork which isnt far off completion now...im just wondering...do other frameworks have like a action/method which allows you to call another controller in a controller? so bascially in your index page your able to call your news headline, voting poll, search etc...? thanks guys
  8. ive used trim to get rid of the end of a a string and it takes an extra character off it anyone can help please $class_name = "League_Model"; echo $model_name = trim($class_name, "_Model"); result: Leagu im want it to return: league
  9. ok thanks note taken...so should i just do the loop update in the controller would that be correct?
  10. maybe this will help you to understand what im trying to do template where i want to update in loop <table> <tr> <th id="rank">Rank</th> <th id="team">Team</th> <th id="points">PTS</th> <th id="matches_played">MP</th> <th id="wins">W</th> <th id="losses">L</th> <th id="draws">D</th> <th id="streak">W Streak</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($this->rows as $rows):?> // update row in loop <tr> <td><?= $rows['rank'] ?>.</td> <td><?= $rows['team_name'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['points'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['matches_played'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['wins'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['losses'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['draws'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['win_streak'] ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> or should i just create a loop in my controller of $this->rows and do the updates there?....if you could tell me what the best practice would be plesase
  11. thanks for your post thorpe...can i load the controller method in the template to have a update in a loop?
  12. heys guys just a simple question...bascially in my model i have a method that get rows from a table and those rows are presented in my template file in a loop. now what i wanna do is have a update in the loop its self to change column values of that particular row...how can i do this really? it is ok to somehow call the model in the template file? $this->news->update_status($val, $val2); i be happy if someone could help me on this question...thank you
  13. fenway you are the main man...thanks alot
  14. sorry you are gonna have to bear with me and explain a bit more cause im no pro with mysql wrap max()? aslso i tried IFNULL(@win_streak, 0) but it didnt work. and you want me to get rid of the case? MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result WHEN 'Win' THEN @win_streak +1 ELSE 0 END) AS `win_streak`
  15. yeah i suppose i could put if (empty($row['win_steak'])) { echo "0"; } else { echo $row['win_streak']; } but i'd much prefer to be able to do it in the query...and what do you mean by crazy query? haha...i mean how else should i do what i want to do in a query?
  16. why what other way do you think i should do it?...but like i said some of the teams have no records of matches and they havent had any so the win_streak reutrns null....can i set that to 0 somehow please?
  17. ok ive got it working now finnaly...the only problem i do have if you can help is that the win_streak column returns null on some cases...not ive tried to put WHEN NULL THEN 0 in the case but that doesnt do nothing...still returns null...thanks for your help fenway SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @tie := 0; SET @win_streak := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'), IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @tie := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, (SELECT MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result WHEN 'Win' THEN @win_streak +1 ELSE 0 END) FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC) AS `win_streak`, COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'Counter-Strike Europeon Team Death Match' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x
  18. ok i sort of go in work...but...it returns the team as having 1 streak...but it has no win result if you can help please SELECT MAX( IF( lmr.result = 'Win', @win_streak +1, IF( lmr.result = 'Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF( lmr.result = 'Loss', @win_streak = '0', @win_streak = '0' ) ) ) ) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id =1 ORDER BY lm.date DESC
  19. thanks fenway...a very useful site...now ive tried to do what i think is right but the query isnt working at all the error im getting is SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @tie := 0; SET @win_streak := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'), IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @tie := '0', @win_streak := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, (SELECT IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC), COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x the query works without (SELECT IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC), can you please help me
  20. well this is the query i have been working on and yeah the query from the same topic....and sorry yes that table now has a date included now
  21. sorry about the delay... here is the query i have and i want to add a streak column to it so if you can help or advise me what to do...i would like to add it to this query really if possible SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @drawing := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @drawing := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @drawing = '0', @drawing = '1'), @drawing = '0'), IF(@drawing = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @drawing := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x
  22. oh sorry that is where i should have a date column?...im still trying to design this table
  23. what im basical after is the current continuous streak...so if a team has won thier last 3 games then streak is 3...but if they loss or draw then the streak ends and equals 0
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