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Everything posted by Destramic

  1. ok thanks note taken...so should i just do the loop update in the controller would that be correct?
  2. maybe this will help you to understand what im trying to do template where i want to update in loop <table> <tr> <th id="rank">Rank</th> <th id="team">Team</th> <th id="points">PTS</th> <th id="matches_played">MP</th> <th id="wins">W</th> <th id="losses">L</th> <th id="draws">D</th> <th id="streak">W Streak</th> </tr> <?php foreach ($this->rows as $rows):?> // update row in loop <tr> <td><?= $rows['rank'] ?>.</td> <td><?= $rows['team_name'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['points'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['matches_played'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['wins'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['losses'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['draws'] ?></td> <td><?= $rows['win_streak'] ?></td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </table> or should i just create a loop in my controller of $this->rows and do the updates there?....if you could tell me what the best practice would be plesase
  3. thanks for your post thorpe...can i load the controller method in the template to have a update in a loop?
  4. heys guys just a simple question...bascially in my model i have a method that get rows from a table and those rows are presented in my template file in a loop. now what i wanna do is have a update in the loop its self to change column values of that particular row...how can i do this really? it is ok to somehow call the model in the template file? $this->news->update_status($val, $val2); i be happy if someone could help me on this question...thank you
  5. fenway you are the main man...thanks alot
  6. sorry you are gonna have to bear with me and explain a bit more cause im no pro with mysql wrap max()? aslso i tried IFNULL(@win_streak, 0) but it didnt work. and you want me to get rid of the case? MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result WHEN 'Win' THEN @win_streak +1 ELSE 0 END) AS `win_streak`
  7. yeah i suppose i could put if (empty($row['win_steak'])) { echo "0"; } else { echo $row['win_streak']; } but i'd much prefer to be able to do it in the query...and what do you mean by crazy query? haha...i mean how else should i do what i want to do in a query?
  8. why what other way do you think i should do it?...but like i said some of the teams have no records of matches and they havent had any so the win_streak reutrns null....can i set that to 0 somehow please?
  9. ok ive got it working now finnaly...the only problem i do have if you can help is that the win_streak column returns null on some cases...not ive tried to put WHEN NULL THEN 0 in the case but that doesnt do nothing...still returns null...thanks for your help fenway SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @tie := 0; SET @win_streak := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'), IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @tie := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, (SELECT MAX(@win_streak := CASE lmr.result WHEN 'Win' THEN @win_streak +1 ELSE 0 END) FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC) AS `win_streak`, COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'Counter-Strike Europeon Team Death Match' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x
  10. ok i sort of go in work...but...it returns the team as having 1 streak...but it has no win result if you can help please SELECT MAX( IF( lmr.result = 'Win', @win_streak +1, IF( lmr.result = 'Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF( lmr.result = 'Loss', @win_streak = '0', @win_streak = '0' ) ) ) ) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id =1 ORDER BY lm.date DESC
  11. thanks fenway...a very useful site...now ive tried to do what i think is right but the query isnt working at all the error im getting is SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @tie := 0; SET @win_streak := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @tie := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @tie = '0', @tie = '1'), @tie = '0'), IF(@tie = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @tie := '0', @win_streak := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, (SELECT IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC), COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x the query works without (SELECT IF(lmr.result='Win', @win_streak + 1, IF(lmr.result='Draw', @win_streak = '0', IF(lmr.result='Loss', @win_streak = '0', 0))) AS `win_streak` FROM league_match_results lmr LEFT JOIN league_matches lm ON lm.league_match_id = lmr.league_match_id WHERE lmr.team_id = t.team_id ORDER BY lm.date DESC), can you please help me
  12. well this is the query i have been working on and yeah the query from the same topic....and sorry yes that table now has a date included now
  13. sorry about the delay... here is the query i have and i want to add a streak column to it so if you can help or advise me what to do...i would like to add it to this query really if possible SET @rank := 0; SET @points := 0; SET @drawing := 0; SELECT *, @rank := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @rank + 1, @rank), @rank + 1), @points := points, @drawing := IF(@points = points, IF(@points = '0', @drawing = '0', @drawing = '1'), @drawing = '0'), IF(@drawing = '1', @rank + 1, @rank) as rank, @drawing := '0' FROM( SELECT t.team_id, t.team_name, COUNT(r.league_match_result_id) AS 'matches_played', SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 1, 0)) AS `wins`, SUM(IF(r.result='Loss', 1, 0)) AS `losses`, SUM(IF(r.result='Draw', 1, 0)) AS `draws`, SUM(IF(r.result='Win', 3, IF(r.result='Draw', 1, IF(r.result='Loss', 0, 0)))) AS `points` FROM teams t LEFT JOIN league_match_results r ON r.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN team_leagues tl ON tl.team_id = t.team_id LEFT JOIN leagues l ON l.league_name = 'test' LEFT JOIN games g ON g.game_abbreviation = 'CSS' GROUP BY t.team_id ORDER BY points DESC, t.team_name) AS x
  14. oh sorry that is where i should have a date column?...im still trying to design this table
  15. what im basical after is the current continuous streak...so if a team has won thier last 3 games then streak is 3...but if they loss or draw then the streak ends and equals 0
  16. sorry i dont see what you mean by sortorder column?...you mean the column i want to sort and order?
  17. hey guys i have a table called match_results and looks like this match_results -------------------------- league_result_id league_match_id team_id result ------------------------- now what i want to be able to do is when selecting the results is get the steak where result = win if anyone could help or have a site on how this can be done please...thank you
  18. this is what i wanted call_user_func_array(array(new $name(), "__construct"), $arguments);
  19. im using my own framework im building...now ive decided to go down the root of using helpersin my view class public function __call($helper, $arguments) { if (!$this->get_helper($helper)) { $instance = new $helper($arguments); $this->set_helper($helper, $instance); return $instance; } } now the __call works as i want it...but the problem is the $arguments var is an array and gets sent to the helper like that...what is the best way to tackle this...i'd like it to be send as a string as it is not a array (i think the __call method automatically makes the incoming string an array) if you could give me your help/suggestions please guys
  20. ok but calling $this->_title inside the template isnt exactly right is it?
  21. @nightsylr i decided to do it like you said... public function league($game_name, $league_name) { $rows = $this->leagues->fetch_league($game_name, $league_name); $this->view->head_title('test - hello'); $this->view->rows = $rows; $this->view->render('headers/header.html'); $this->view->render('leagues/league.html'); $this->view->render('footers/footer.html'); } if that is how you meant...now when the title is set it will assign the value to $this->_title ... but i dont want the title called like that in my header file...is there a way i can do this without changing the property name?
  22. ok i see now thank you...so what would be the best way to do this and include the header and footer to each controller?
  23. the problem im getting is with this line in the bootstrap $this->view->head_title('test'); the view property is only initiated in the league_controller and $this->view doesnt exsist within the bootstap but i call the bootstrap header in the league controller and it wont let me execute the head title...if anyone can help me on why or how i can over come this please....thank you (code below) bootstrap public static function header() { $this->view->head_title('test'); } leaugue_controller method public function league($game_name, $league_name) { Bootstrap::header(); $rows = $this->leagues->fetch_league($game_name, $league_name); $this->view->head_title()->set_separator()->prepend('hello'); $this->view->rows = $rows; Bootstrap::footer(); }
  24. my bad...but can you tell me if it is good or bad practice to use them the way i said?
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