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Everything posted by koolswans

  1. Please try below code: function getDirectory( $path = '.', $level = 0 ) { $ignore = array( 'cgi-bin', '.', '..' ); // Directories to ignore when listing output. Many hosts // will deny PHP access to the cgi-bin. $dh = @opendir( $path ); // Open the directory to the handle $dh while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) { // Loop through the directory if( !in_array( $file, $ignore ) ){ // Check that this file is not to be ignored $spaces = str_repeat( ' ', ( $level * 4 ) ); // Just to add spacing to the list, to better // show the directory tree. if( is_dir( "$path/$file" ) ){ // Its a directory, so we need to keep reading down... echo "<strong>$spaces $file</strong><br />"; getDirectory( "$path/$file", ($level+1) ); // Re-call this same function but on a new directory. // this is what makes function recursive. } else { echo "$spaces $file<br />"; // Just print out the filename } } } closedir( $dh ); // Close the directory handle } /* How to Call In Windows */ /* Print DIrectory/File Structure of (windows/web) folder*/ //getDirectory("c:\\windows\\web\\"); /* How to Call In Linux */ /* Print DIrectory/File Structure of (windows/web) folder*/ getDirectory("/windows/web/");
  2. Hi... Please pass your Product ID in custom form field variable to Paypal. when transaction gets successful you can search full product details based on the product id which u received in your custom variable from Paypal. Hope u got an idea. SwAn
  3. Hello Guys, Can any one tell me how can i display or merge word document contents into Html page not using COM and DCOM. Best Regards, Swatantra Bhargava
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