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Everything posted by Technaut

  1. higuys, Thanks for the tips so far. I input the missing closing /div changed the width of the left and right columns to 180px The problem is now I had some tables below containing images etc. These images were always meant to be at the bottom of the page, when I change the float the layout of all of these images is now out of place. Is there any obvious reason why that would happen or shoudl i post the code for the images etc too?
  2. Hi folks, I am trying to create a site which has 3 columns that are side by side each other. ie left column with menus, middle part with content and right menu with banners/menus. Here is the html:- <div id=container> <div id="leftnav"> </div> <div id="rightnav"> </div> <div id="content"> </div> here is the css:- #container { margin: none; width: 100%; border: none; } #leftnav { float: left; width:20%; padding: 5px; margin:0; } #rightnav { width: 20%; float:right; padding: 5px; margin:0; } #content { margin: 0 180px 0 180px; padding: 1em; border-left: none; border-right: none; font-family: "Times New Roman",sans-serif ,arial, helvetica; font-size: 1.0em; line-height: 1.6em; } The problem is that if I put anything in the leftnav html section this displays on the left hand side above the content. The content seems to start after the leftnav instead of beside it if you know what I mean
  3. okay this is hard for me but easy for you.. i have a main file index.php which has loads of code that I have written, I need the same code to be in loads of other files on the site. The code includes, headers, menus, left column, right column etc. Basically the only differrent part on each of the files will be some content. I was thinking that instead of having one big index.php file and having to copy and paste that code to loads of other files that I could make many small files such as header.php, footer.php, leftcol.php and so on. Then once in each file I could somehow reference leftcol.php and that would always show. The main reason I want to do this is if I change the code for the left column I'd rather just updated a leftcol.php file and this will flow through to all the other files instead of updating every file every time. as I said, easy for you but hard for me
  4. has anyone ever had any experience with this error? Warning: setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Passing locale category name as string is deprecated. Use the LC_* -constants instead in E:\domains\0\01563.com\user\htdocs\php-gettext\gettext.inc on line 130 Warning: setlocale() [function.setlocale]: Invalid locale category name LC_MESSAGES, must be one of LC_ALL, LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE, LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, or LC_TIME in E:\domains\0\01563.com\user\htdocs\php-gettext\gettext.inc on line 130
  5. so should it be this:- define("PROJECT_DIR", realpath('./')); define("LOCALE_DIR", PROJECT_DIR .'/locale'); define("DEFAULT_LOCALE", 'tr_TR'); or does the right hand side needs quotes too
  6. Hi, I'm trying to install kissa.be on a server and I'm having problems with some undefined constants:- here are the error messages:- Notice: Use of undefined constant PROJECT_DIR - assumed 'PROJECT_DIR' in E:\domains\0\example.com\user\htdocs\config.php on line 9 Notice: Use of undefined constant LOCALE_DIR - assumed 'LOCALE_DIR' in E:\domains\0\example.com\user\htdocs\config.php on line 11 Notice: Use of undefined constant DEFAULT_LOCALE - assumed 'DEFAULT_LOCALE' in E:\domains\0\example.com\user\htdocs\config.php on line 14 Notice: Use of undefined constant LC_MESSAGES - assumed 'LC_MESSAGES' in E:\domains\0\example.com\user\htdocs\config.php on line 59 Here are the lines of code define(PROJECT_DIR, realpath('./')); define(LOCALE_DIR, PROJECT_DIR .'/locale'); define(DEFAULT_LOCALE, 'tr_TR'); T_setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $locale); I really cant work out why this wouldn't work. The only experience I have with PHP is a couple of wordpress blogs so be gentle
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