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Everything posted by r00t0101

  1. sorry, the question is meant towards multiple sub-domains; Is there a config file that I can create to set the site_root sorta like a jail so it does not look at the server_root?
  2. excellent, thank you kevinkorb! Ah yea I thought the /download would point to the site_root instead of the server_root. Quick question, Is it possible to create a global site_root variable for this? for example: /root /public_html -> /example.com -> /download.php -> /download -> new.txt Could this be done. I would create a global variable named base_dir=/example.com and use $base_dir/download. My goal is to re-do the code, clean it up a bit and to re-organize the source and files into more meaningful names. By cleaning up and updating the code with global variables this would make the source more manageable. so with your update I would like if this could be done. This is probably a bad example but if lets say for example your adding global variables to a source file full of image links where instead of changing all paths you just need to change it in once at the top. base_dir=/example.com $file='$base_dir/download/new.txt'; $type='text/plain'; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",false); header("Content-Type: ".$type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file)."\";" ); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); readfile($file);
  3. excellent, thank you for the help. My layout looks similar to the layout below. Within the example.com domain is the download.php and the file new.txt is in the download folder. /root /public_html -> /example.com -> /download.php -> /download -> new.txt
  4. ah ok, I need this to work from the site root instead of the server root. Is there a way to force it to use the site root?
  5. Hello all, I am having a difficult time trying to download a file from a directory. I have tried to research this issue but each time I keep getting an empty text file instead of a ~2mb file. What I would like to have is to place my file (new.txt) in a separate folder. As of now it is under the root directory and it works fine but when I include a path then I get an error file not found. Thanks ######################################### ######################################### $file='/path/new.txt'; $type='text/plain'; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private",false); header("Content-Type: ".$type); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file)."\";" ); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file)); readfile($file);
  6. Just curious, so there is no way to use URLs in my example. Just wondering how that would work if the site is being hosted other than locally? I tried $CFG->root = /var/www as well as some other combinations but I still get errors.
  7. Hello all, I was wondering if this could be done. I would like to re-design my site where the files being called on is using global variables instead of using syntax "../" or "../../". I would like use a more readable approach using global variables like $dir_name/file_name instead if possible. I figured this way there will only be one place to update instead of scanning through the whole file doing a search and replace on each item. Below is a general idea of what I would like. In this example I have four files: a global, header, footer and an index file. The index file includes the global file without a problem however I had problems executing the header and footer files when using variables as seen commented. Respectively yours, Rick <!-- Start testGlobal.php --> <? $CFG->root = ""; $CFG->headerDir = "$CFG->root/header"; $CFG->footerDir = "$CFG->root/footer"; ?> <!-- End testGlobal.php --> <!-- Start index.php --> <?php include("TestGlobal.php"); ?> <!-- <? echo $CFG->headerDir; ?>/header.php --> <?php include ("./header/header.php"); ?> bla bla bla<br><br> <!-- <? echo $CFG->footerDir; ?>/footer.php --> <?php include ("./footer/footer.php"); ?> <!-- End index.php> <!-- Start header.php --> <html> <head> <title>Hello world</title> </head> Header Test Section<br><br> <body> </html> <!-- End header.php --> <!-- Start footer.php --> Copyright @ test.com <!-- End footer.php>
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