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Everything posted by emopoops

  1. what pears mail class? sorry how do i figure out if thats installed? is that script similar to this one i found: http://blog.dagoosh.com/post/2009/03/17/google-apps-gmail-send-email-asp.aspx well the admin on the support forum says that free hosting account users like me uuse google apps to send but i cant figure out how.. so i guess the host lets the free accounts use it but how? oh and basically free? whats that actually mean? if i have a webstore that sends mails all the time for comerical uses can i still use it or what? i dont get licenses
  2. ok well i contacted my host about it not working or sending 30 -60 minutes after the code is run and they stated its because of some filtering it goes through and gave me a link to http://phpmailer.worxware.com/index.php?pg=projects it says its some license thing i dont understand licenses i try to stay away from them. does nayone know if its free for liek comercial sites or whatever to use? cause i am going to have a webstore on my site etc in the future and i cant use anything that doesnt allow comercial use for free. and also... on the forum i read something about the users using google apps for mail but ive done some googling and stuff i cant figure out how to send mail with that it makes no sense does anyone know what that is?? http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/group/index.html
  3. i know ALL ABOUT THE SESSION VARIABLEs. i know the form stuff . i have mutiple session variables. session_regisiter is depreciated? i didnt know tha tthanks for letting me know. i got it from some tutorial. well. i think php has a built in garbage collection and i dont UNDERSTAND the directory and why its needed and if its needed in every directory blah blah blah. i have multiply directories on my site. but. i have a question. if i dont use session_register() that what do i use to set a session? ur saying when a user sucessfully signs in then i do something like this: session_start(); session_name(mysessionname); $_SESSION[mod] == "yesyoursignedin"; and then on every page (in the include file thats included on every page) i have to check if the user is signed in by... if(session_start(mysessionname)){show page} else{redirect to login} or what?
  4. ????what does that mean? r u thos toher accounts?
  5. i dont understand what u mean with the /sessions i use byethost free hosting i have no clue what that means. anyways. i still dont understand what im supposed to change in my code. i have that exact code included on every page of my site to keep unlogged in people out. this is all that happens besides setting other session variables like mod and stuff::: signin: session_start(); session_register("mysessionvariable"); //set a variable for use later $id = session_id(); //let's grab the session ID for those who don't have cookies $_SESSION['id'] = $iddd;
  6. whats with the word snag? i just read it like three times in three different threads but this is the only one by you'? do u have multiple accounts or something?
  7. yeah i was thinking of the urlencode thing before i posted i just couldnt remember the name. i had to use it in a feed on a php page to encode the url that had like get variables in it and spaces whatnot.. to validate the feed.
  8. WHY DO U NEED TO do that? why does it need to be converted? i have a get variable that contains a url i use for redirecting and it works just fine no converts needed
  9. if u have links specififed a certain color aka a:link the class doesnt change them to a different color. it only changes the hover. i just tested <style> a.white{ color:#ffffff; } a.white:hover{ color:#aaaaaa; } a:link, a:active, a:visited{color:red} a:hover{color:deeppink} </style> hi whats up <a class="white" href="#">this should be white</a> <a href="#">this be red</a> both links were RED but the hovers where different
  10. ok well this seems to work i mean background-color: seems to be working BUT STILL I POSTED ABOUT font-color: not working. and i just checked again font-color: does nothing!
  11. so ur saying? all i have to do is use the code the isset code u provided and take out all the other stuff? and that other set of stuff u posted... use those in the signin page... but why is session start at the bottom? i thot session starts at the top always
  12. oh osrry i typd it wrong i meant{ but see background-color: doesnt work when background: does and font-color: doesnt work for me and color: does
  13. i have the folowing css and it doesnt od anything to thw page it realy throwing me of body(background-color:black;font-color:blue;}
  14. url.com#nameofsomething then a link to click on works to. <a href="#nameofsomething">click</a> and then this is different than the h1 as stated above: <a name="nameofsomething></a> u dont have to put anything in it. just place it where u want to go
  15. huh? r u meaning u didnt know u could include a file? i dont get it
  16. whenn the user selects the category they want to view like add it before or something if($_GET[category]){add my code here}
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