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Everything posted by Isterklister

  1. Thanks, version 1 look perfect for the job and I will test it.
  2. Hello, I'm trying to get a drop down list (ordinary html function, select option ...) but I want it to start from an image. When you click the image I want the drop down list to appear. Hove can I do this? /Pelle
  3. I just got the same solution. Thanks anyway. /Pelle
  4. Thank you! Thats perfect. I have some problem with ' and " in the php code. echo "<a href='$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?lang=2'>Language2</a>"; will return some errors and that is understandable, but how would I solve this? /Pelle
  5. Hello, I have two links in the top of the page (where you can select language). If I click on one of them I want the page to reload with new argument (GET), ex <a href='XXXXXXX?lang=2'>Language1</a> <a href='XXXXXXX?lang=1'>Language2</a> where XXXXXXX should be replaced with some code that call itself. How could I do this? I will not set the filename instead of XXXXXXX because I use the top of the site on every pages. I can probably set a variable with the file name in the top of the script but are there a smoother way to do this? / new idé I can send the arguments via POST but I still needs a function to reload the page. Thanks Pelle
  6. Thank you! It was the last ' in the scr='...' that was missing. I did test and change so much I missed that little thing.
  7. I call the script via: echo "<img src='merge_flag_logo.php?flag=$flag_t[flag]>"; where (example) $flag_t[flag] = "flag2.png"
  8. Thanks, I have changed this but it is still not working.
  9. Hello again, I have now picked up some code to merge two pictures (with transparency). <?php $flag = $_GET['flag']; /* Attempt to overlay transparent and semi-transparent images */ $width = 800; $height = 600; $dst_width = 800; $dst_height = 600; $bottom_image = imagecreatefrompng("flag-back.png"); $top_image = imagecreatefrompng('$flag'); imagesavealpha($top_image, false); imagealphablending($top_image, false); imagecopy($bottom_image, $top_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height); header('Content-type: image/png'); $erer = 232; imagepng($bottom_image); imageDestroy($bottom_image); ?> I call the sript from another file: echo "<img src='merge_flag_logo.php?flag=$flag_t[flag]>"; The script works fine if I instead of $_GET... just write a picture name instead of $flag. How can I get the image name with GET and use it in the script? Thanks Isterklister
  10. Thank you. I just found the answer in http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,245995.0.html Thank You!
  11. Hello, I have a small problem. I have a php file showing text and images. Now I will have two images merged into one with GD and showned in this page. Here comes my small problem - the line: header ("Content-type: image/png"); Where should I put it? If I put it in my head instead of: header ("Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); the page cannot show the ordinary text and pictures. Thanks Isterklister
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