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  1. Figured it out, Thanks for the help.
  2. Thanks for the answer Jay. One day I aspire to be considered a PHP newbie but I'm embarassed to say that I'm not quite to that level yet. Could you be more specific, maybe offer an example of how the link code should look. And should I only change these links in this portion of the code: <?php $pgc=file_get_contents("http://www.somedomain.com"); $pgc=preg_replace ('/pub-[0-9]+/i','pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('/UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]/i','UA-XXXXXXX-X',$pgc); $nhead="<head> <base href=\"http://www.somedomain.com\"> <base target=\"self\"> <script type=\"text/javascript\">var redir=false;</script> "; if (!preg_match('#<head>#i',$pgc)) { // no head tag found $pgc=preg_replace('#<html>#i',"<HTML>$nhead",$pgc); } else { $pgc=preg_replace('#<head>#i',$nhead,$pgc); } $pgc=preg_replace('#</body>#i','',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#</html>#i','',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#saveasale.net#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#upsellit.com#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#intellichat.com#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#PreventExitPop == false#i','PreventExitPop == "yourmama62"',$pgc); echo $pgc; ?> I would really appreciate the help. Thanks again.
  3. Hi, I use a tool that allows me to "clone" websites using a bit of php. My problem is that when you click on a link, it opens in a new window. I would like it to open in the same window. Here is the generated code: <script type="text/javascript"> var $_GET = { };var q = window.location.href.split('?')[1]; var pairs = (q != null) ? q.split('&') : []; for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) { var pair = pairs.split('='); if(pair[1] == null) { pair[1] = ''; } pair[1] = decodeURI(pair[1]); $_GET[pair[0]] = pair[1]; } var tid = $_GET['tid']; </script><?php $pgc=file_get_contents("http://www.somedomain.com"); $pgc=preg_replace ('/pub-[0-9]+/i','pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('/UA-[0-9]+-[0-9]/i','UA-XXXXXXX-X',$pgc); $nhead="<head> <base href=\"http://www.somedomain.com\"> <base target=\"self\"> <script type=\"text/javascript\">var redir=false;</script> "; if (!preg_match('#<head>#i',$pgc)) { // no head tag found $pgc=preg_replace('#<html>#i',"<HTML>$nhead",$pgc); } else { $pgc=preg_replace('#<head>#i',$nhead,$pgc); } $pgc=preg_replace('#</body>#i','',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#</html>#i','',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#saveasale.net#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#upsellit.com#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#intellichat.com#i','pkemfier.dif',$pgc); $pgc=preg_replace('#PreventExitPop == false#i','PreventExitPop == "yourmama62"',$pgc); echo $pgc; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var nvv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eval(unescape('%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%75%6E%64%6F%45%6E%63%28%76%61%6C%29%7B%65%6E%64%3D%76%61%6C%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%76%61%6C%3D%76%61%6C%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%28%33%2C%65%6E%64%29%3B%64%3D%76%61%6C%2E%6D%61%74%63%68%28%2F%5B%5C%77%5D%7B%32%7D%2F%67%69%29%3B%66%6F%72%28%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%64%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%29%7B%64%5B%69%5D%3D%22%25%22%2B%64%5B%69%5D%3B%7D%64%3D%64%2E%6A%6F%69%6E%28%27%27%29%3B%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%64%3B%7D%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%75%6E%65%73%63%61%70%65%28%75%6E%64%6F%45%6E%63%28%6E%76%76%29%29%29%3B'));</script></BODY></HTML> Thanks in advance for the help
  4. Well, yes. I saw the execphp plugin and I know how to upload/activate a plugin in wordpress but the rest was way over my head. Once I upload/activate the plugin, then what? I assume I would be required to write some php script to make this possible, and that's just not happenin'. Can you point me to some "Wordpress PHP plugin for dummies" or something like that? Another problem is finding a plugin that "does this." I don't know what "this" is other than it has to do with php. What would I search to accomplish "this".
  5. First, I know nothing about php scripting language so bear with me. I've created a website using the wordpress platform. I want to add some php script so that I can track adwords keywords. Question #1 - Is there a way to add php to a wordpress blog so that I can track adwords keywords? Example: My blog url is www.mysite.com To track Adwords keywords I need url's that look something like this: www.mysite.com/?id=ekeyword www.mysite.com/?id=pkeyword www.mysite.com/?id=bkeyword where these 3 url's are one adgroup and e,p,b represent the 3 match types and all point to www.mysite.com . If I am able to make the page dynamic, I would like to be able to pass the keyword info all the way to conversion. For example, a shareasale affiliate link on the page would normally look like www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?B=xxxx&U=xxxx&M=xxxx . In order to track to the keyword level, you would add the "&afftrack=" followed by the match type and keyword. What I would like to do is have it read "&afftrack={id}" where the keyword would be passed along from the original click. Is this possible? Does this even make sense or am I trying to invent some new, exotic php hybrid script that doesn't exist yet Any help is appreciated.
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