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Everything posted by ievernova

  1. im already using a foreach loop to output the cart items and have tried using soemthing like that already, as far as i understand i want to put teh foreach loop you mentioned above where the current foreach loop mis that display the cart items, how do i combine two foreach loops?
  2. Hi, I m trying to export a cart script to paypal as a form, for paypal to understand that ive sent multiple items i need to give each product in the array a number starting from one going up in numberical order, iv tried to use a for loop with an increment counthing variable for($counter=1;$counter>0;$coutner++) but cant get it to work with this existing code; whats the easiest way to do this?! i know how to get all of the variables and stuff into the form o i would just like to know how to output the array key number (is i?) as a variable where it says in teh code below... i want the final output to be something like this 1 ProductA Quantity: 20 2 ProductB Quantity: 15 3 ProductC Quantity: 6 this is the point at which i output the cart before proceeding to the checkout, function writeShoppingCart() { $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if (!$cart) { return '<p>You have no items in your shopping cart</p>'; } else { // Parse the cart session variable $items = explode(',',$cart); $s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's':''; return '<p>You have <a href="cart.php">'.count($items).' item'.$s.' in your shopping cart</a></p>'; } } function showCart() { global $db; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $contents = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1; } $output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" method="post" id="cart">'; $output[] = '<table>'; foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM syn_vinyl_product WHERE prod_id = '.$id; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch(); extract($row); $output[] = '<tr>'; $output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove</a></td>'; $output[] = '<td>'.$prod_title.' by '.$artist.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td>£'.$price.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="3" maxlength="3" /></td>'; $output[] = '<td>£'.($price * $qty).' ////////////////ITEM NUMBER HERE /////////////////</td>'; $total = ''; $total += $price * $qty; $output[] = '</tr>'; } $output[] = '</table>'; $output[] = '<p>Grand total: <strong>£'.$total.'</strong></p>'; $output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>'; $output[] = '</form>'; } else { $output[] = '<p>You shopping cart is empty.</p>'; } return join('',$output); } the cart code <?php ########## ### saved from http://v3.thewatchmakerproject.com/journal/276/building-a-simple-php-shopping-cart ########## // Include MySQL class require_once('mysql.class.php'); // Include database connection require_once('global.inc.php'); // Include functions require_once('functions.inc.php'); // Start the session session_start(); // Process actions $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; $action =''; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; }; switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($cart) { $cart .= ','.$_GET['id']; } else { $cart = $_GET['id']; } break; case 'delete': if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $newcart = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($_GET['id'] != $item) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$item; } else { $newcart = $item; } } } $cart = $newcart; } break; case 'update': if ($cart) { $newcart = ''; foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (stristr($key,'qty')) { $id = str_replace('qty','',$key); $items = ($newcart != '') ? explode(',',$newcart) : explode(',',$cart); $newcart = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($id != $item) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$item; } else { $newcart = $item; } } } for ($i=1;$i<=$value;$i++) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$id; } else { $newcart = $id; } } } } } $cart = $newcart; break; } $_SESSION['cart'] = $cart; ?> THANKS ALOTT!!!!!!!!!
  3. the cart code <?php ########## ### saved from http://v3.thewatchmakerproject.com/journal/276/building-a-simple-php-shopping-cart ########## // Include MySQL class require_once('mysql.class.php'); // Include database connection require_once('global.inc.php'); // Include functions require_once('functions.inc.php'); // Start the session session_start(); // Process actions $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; $action =''; if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; }; switch ($action) { case 'add': if ($cart) { $cart .= ','.$_GET['id']; } else { $cart = $_GET['id']; } break; case 'delete': if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $newcart = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($_GET['id'] != $item) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$item; } else { $newcart = $item; } } } $cart = $newcart; } break; case 'update': if ($cart) { $newcart = ''; foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value) { if (stristr($key,'qty')) { $id = str_replace('qty','',$key); $items = ($newcart != '') ? explode(',',$newcart) : explode(',',$cart); $newcart = ''; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($id != $item) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$item; } else { $newcart = $item; } } } for ($i=1;$i<=$value;$i++) { if ($newcart != '') { $newcart .= ','.$id; } else { $newcart = $id; } } } } } $cart = $newcart; break; } $_SESSION['cart'] = $cart; ?>
  4. Hi, I m trying to export a cart script into paypal, for paypal to understand that ive sent multiple items i need to give each product in the array a number starting from one going up in numberical order, iv tried to use a for loop with an increment counthing variable for($counter=1;$counter>0;$coutner++) but cant get it to work with this existing code; whats the easiest way to do this?! i know how to get all of the variables and stuff into the form i need to send to paypal so i would just like to know how to output the number from a variable where it says in teh code below... i want the final output to be something like this 1 ProductA Quantity: 20 2 ProductB Quantity: 15 3 ProductC Quantity: 6 this is the point at which i output the cart before proceeding to the checkout, function showCart() { global $db; $cart = $_SESSION['cart']; if ($cart) { $items = explode(',',$cart); $contents = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1; } $output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" method="post" id="cart">'; $output[] = '<table>'; foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM syn_vinyl_product WHERE prod_id = '.$id; $result = $db->query($sql); $row = $result->fetch(); extract($row); $output[] = '<tr>'; $output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove</a></td>'; $output[] = '<td>'.$prod_title.' by '.$prod_desc.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td>£'.$price.'</td>'; $output[] = '<td><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="3" maxlength="3" /></td>'; $output[] = '<td>£'.($price * $qty).'</td>'; $output[] = '<td>////////// OUTPUTT THE NUMBER HERE /////////////</td>'; $total = ''; $total += $price * $qty; $output[] = '</tr>'; } $output[] = '</table>'; $output[] = '<p>Grand total: <strong>£'.$total.'</strong></p>'; $output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>'; $output[] = '</form>'; } THANKS ALOT!!!
  5. Hi, Is it possible to show the absolute UL of the image files uploaded after running this upload script? if so how? eg: http://mysite.com/admin/image1name.jpg http://mysite.com/admin/image2name.jpg http://mysite.com/admin/image3name.jpg ../admin/form.php: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="post"> Image1: <input name="userfile[]" type="file" /><br /> Image2: <input name="userfile[]" type="file" /><br /> Image3: <input name="userfile[]" type="file" /><br /> Image4: <input name="userfile[]" type="file" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /> </form> ../admin/Upload .php: <?php $success = 0; $fail = 0; $uploaddir = ''; for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) { if($_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i]) { $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name'][$i]); $ext = strtolower(substr($uploadfile,strlen($uploadfile)-3,3)); if (preg_match("/(jpg|gif|png|bmp)/",$ext)) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$i], $uploadfile)) { $success++; } else { echo "Error Uploading the file. Retry after sometime.\n"; $fail++; } } else { $fail++; } } } echo "<br> Number of files Uploaded:".$success; echo "<br> Number of files Failed:".$fail; ?> THANKS ALOT!!!!!!!!
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