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Everything posted by merck_delmoro

  1. can someone help me to troubleshot my problem in my codes I want to reload the records that views in my website every sec the problem in my code was I can view the records but when I chance the record into my database the record that viewed into my webpage was not change here is the code I have made: <script type="text/javascript"> var tym = 0; tym = setInterval ( "view()", 1000 ); function view ( ) { document.getElementById("Message").innerHTML = "<?php sel(); ?>"; } </script> <?php function sel() { $host="localhost"; $dbh="test"; $pass=""; $con = mysql_connect($host,$dbh,$pass) or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("mris_db", $con); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM db_table"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['firstname']."<br>"; } } ?> <div id="Message" style="height: 10.5em; font-size: 2em; color: red;"></div> [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. #Your Code: $result = mysql_query("Insert into uaer_table(amountd,department,email,fname,ledgerno,lga,lname,nationalty,oname,pfno,residentialadd,soorigin) values('$amountd','$department','$email','$fname','$ledgerno','$lga','$nationalty','$oname',$pfno,$residentialadd,$soorigin)"); #Check every variables in your values you forgot to place semi quote on some variables.
  3. Can I know the syntax on how to call the database or any one post a url of tutorial on how to connect a JavaScript to the database MySQL
  4. I want to create a website that enables a log in user to view all the records into the database but when the authorized user update some records the website that viewing by the other log in user will automatically updated and can change automatically
  5. may I know how to copy the records in excel to mysql??? PHP script
  6. may I know how to logout the user when the browser get close ??? for security purposes so no one can view someones account when they forgot to log off when they close the browser
  7. I can select all the user that is active that the question is how can I Update the records in the database when they are log-out or the cookie has expired????
  8. I've done it by my self haha this is the code I've made $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM animals"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query) and $row['animal'] !="dog") { $count+=1; } echo print "The Dog is Located at # ".$count+1;
  9. im trying to do a webpage that counts how many user is on my site and who they are ... there username will be stored into my database when they are online but when they are not available they will be deleted into my database
  10. Im trying to make a login page that inserts the username of the user into the database and when it expires the username of the user will be deleted
  11. Can you give me some advise how to do it???? or some sample codes to help me to build my project
  12. update db_provisioning set [acct number] = b.[acct number], [cid type] = b.[cid type], [set-up date] = b.[set-up date], [termination date] = b.[termination date], [ixc provider] = b.[ixc provider], jurisdiction = [lata jurisdiction] from db_provisioning a, smfcid b where convert(float,a.ani) = b.[caller id] database records int a.ani: 8473641255 9086543468 4037465617 003602490B 012420755B 012454145B 012507387B ERROR: Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1 Error converting data type nvarchar to float.
  13. Example Record in the DataBase: Cat Dog Mouse I want to output : The Dog is Located at # 2
  14. example: Animal Dog Cat Mouse The output must be the Dog is on the 1 position The Cat is on the 2nd Position and Mouse is on the 3rd Position
  15. I want to create a system that the log-in users can view the database but the records that they can view is depends on the number of users online, Example: user1 log-in into the website he/she can view 100 records but when user2 log-in the records was cut into 2. user1 and user2 both view 50 records user1 view the records from the database starting from 1-50 and user2 can view database records starting from 56-100 the records that they can view is depending on how many of them are online into the site can you help me to solve it can you give me some ideas on how to build it????
  16. I want to create a system that the log-in users can view the database but the records that they can view is depends on the number of users online, Example: user1 log-in into the website he/she can view 100 records but when user2 log-in the records was cut into 2. user1 and user2 both view 50 records user1 view the records from the database starting from 1-50 and user2 can view database records starting from 56-100 the records that they can view is depending on how many of them are online into the site can you help me to solve it can you give me some ideas on how to build it????
  17. Can any body knows how to do it???? please help me into this problem
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