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  1. ok I can't freaking believe what the problem was. all my pages were looking for a favicon and since there was none my .htaccess interpreted it as a page name not a file. thus a page not found page and ugh... well at least I know the problem now
  2. so I have the following .htaccess file RewriteEngine on Options All -Indexes RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^growandcreate\.com$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.growandcreate.com/$0 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^caller.php$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^page-machine.php$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ caller.php [L] I have a file called session_destroy.php that I call that does as it says. I have another that is session_display.php that does as it says. they have the following code <?php session_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); ?> <?php session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; var_dump($_SESSION); echo "Session destroyed"; ?> I call the session_destroy directly and I call the session_display directly right afterwards. the file caller.php somehow gets called somewhere in there because it puts other variables into the session variable. placing a var_dump in caller does not show anything either any ideas?
  3. let me understand this correctly. there will not be the string "/forum/" in your url which is when you'll run that code if so then I think what you want actually is If (!strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], "/forum/")) { //will occur when /forum/ is not in your url }
  4. the problem with that idea is that I know that the variable survives the trip through my code in both of those files. at the very very absolute end it is still correct. but if I go to that session_display page it's different. one thought I have is that perhaps $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] is changing... and maybe when I set my variable with it I'm simply giving it a pointer by mistake.
  5. array(2) { ["initiated"]=> bool(true) ["redirectTo"]=> string(13) "/testinit.php" } yep that's what it should be. I have another page that does the following to destroy my session which set the initiated index <?php session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; var_dump($_SESSION); echo "Session destroyed"; ?> so. it worked properly this leaves the question of what does my html do to it. cause I do not think that it could do that. what would an auto_append look like? cause I don't think I have anything like that
  6. I use the following .htaccess RewriteEngine on Options All -Indexes #RewriteRule ^maintenance$ ErrorHandling/redirectPages/maintenance.php #RewriteRule ^dev/complicate/the/url/maintenance$ dev/complicate/the/url/ErrorHandling/redirectPages/maintenance.php RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^caller.php$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !^page-machine.php$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ caller.php [L] to get to the file caller.php if put a die("t"); or even just a var_dump("t"); at the beginning of caller.php that test page and display page work properly however t is never displayed
  7. result directly after running it array(2) { ["initiated"]=> bool(true) ["loginRedirectPage"]=> string(6) "/z.php" } result at the end of the page array(2) { ["initiated"]=> bool(true) ["loginRedirectPage"]=> string(6) "/z.php" } result on the next page with the following code <?php session_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); ?> array(4) { ["initiated"]=> bool(true) ["loginRedirectPage"]=> string(15) "/page-not-found" ["application"]=> NULL ["request"]=> NULL }
  8. actually here here is a straight page <?php session_start(); $_SESSION["loginRedirectPage"] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Grow and Create - Login</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="grow.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function doLoad(){ //clock(); //ho(); //validateStart(); if(document.getElementById("anDate") !== null && document.getElementById("anDate") !== null){ //annoucements(); } } </script> <link href="http://www.growandcreate.com/grow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> </head> <body onload="doLoad();"> <table align="center" id="root"> <tr> <td id="logo"> <a href="http://www.growandcreate.com/"> <img src="http://www.growandcreate.com/images/grow-past.png" border="0"/> </a> </td> <td><!-- <td id="header"> --> <div id="headRight">Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a></div> <!-- <h2 align="center" style="clear: right;"> Login</h2></div> --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><!-- <td id="menu"> --> <ul> <li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/'>Home</a></li> <li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/javascript'>Javascript</a> <ul></ul> </li> <li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/staindslowty'>Staindslowty</a></li> <li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/gains'>Gains</a></li> </ul> </td> <td id="content"> <p align="center" >To login please give your username and password</p> <form action='http://www.growandcreate.com/action' id='mainForm' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='actions/login.php'/> <input type='hidden' name='formName' value='login'/> <table style='border: 0px;' align='center'> <tr style='border: 0px;'> <td style='border: 0px;'>Username</td> <td style='border: 0px;'> <input type='text' name='username' size='35' id='username' onblur='validate("username");' value=''/> <span id='usernameValid'><!--<img src='images/eraseImage.png'/>--></span> </td> </tr> <tr style='border: 0px;'> <td style='border: 0px;'>Password</td> <td style='border: 0px;'> <input type='password' name='password' size='35' id='password' onblur='validate("password");' value=''/> <span id='passwordValid'><!--<img src='images/eraseImage.png'/>--></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2' align='center'> <input type='submit' value='submit'/><!-- </p> --> </td><!-- was missing --> </tr><!-- was missing --> </table> </form> <br/> <br/> <hr/> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="foot"> <hr/> <p align="center">Site design and content Copyright © 2008, 2009 Grow and Create, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.<br /><br />Any questions or comments about the website should be directed to <a href="mailto:i8badhaggis@yaoo.com">James Anderson</a>.</p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <?php var_dump($_SESSION); ?> I open it in that simple page above it's all based on those two td tags still set them to simply normal <td> and it all works fine set them to anything else and it breaks
  9. ok here's the weird part. you can see where I set it. if I var_dump it at the very end. the absolutely last thing to be called is that dump. it's the correct value. if I open up the following file right afterwards <?php session_start(); var_dump($_SESSION); ?> it's different. why?
  10. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head> <title>Grow and Create - Login</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="grow.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function doLoad(){ clock(); ho(); validateStart(); if(document.getElementById("anDate") !== null && document.getElementById("anDate") !== null){ //annoucements(); } } </script> <link href="http://www.growandcreate.com/grow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head><body onload="doLoad();"><table align="center" id="root"><tr><td id="logo"><a href="http://www.growandcreate.com/"><img src="http://www.growandcreate.com/images/grow-past.png" border="0"/></a></td><!-- <td id="header"> --><div id="headRight">Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a></div><h2 align="center" style="clear: right;"> Login</h2></div></td></tr><tr><!--<td id="menu">--><ul><li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/'>Home</a></li><li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/javascript'>Javascript</a><ul></ul></li><li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/staindslowty'>Staindslowty</a></li><li><a href='http://www.growandcreate.com/gains'>Gains</a></li></ul></td><td id="content"><p align="center" >To login please give your username and password</p><form action='http://www.growandcreate.com/action' id='mainForm' method='post'><input type='hidden' name='action' value='actions/login.php'/><input type='hidden' name='formName' value='login'/><table style='border: 0px;' align='center'><tr style='border: 0px;'><td style='border: 0px;'>Username</td><td style='border: 0px;'><input type='text' name='username' size='35' id='username' onblur='validate("username");' value=''/> <span id='usernameValid'><!--<img src='images/eraseImage.png'/>--></span></td></tr><tr style='border: 0px;'><td style='border: 0px;'>Password</td><td style='border: 0px;'><input type='password' name='password' size='35' id='password' onblur='validate("password");' value=''/> <span id='passwordValid'><!--<img src='images/eraseImage.png'/>--></span></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' value='submit'/></p></table></form> <br/> <br/> <hr/> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="foot"> <hr/> <p align="center">Site design and content Copyright © 2008, 2009 Grow and Create, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.<br /><br />Any questions or comments about the website should be directed to <a href="mailto:i8badhaggis@yaoo.com">James Anderson</a>.</p> </td> </tr> </table></body></html> here's my page now if I uncomment the td tags the variable is changed. keep them commented and it works.
  11. ok so here is everything first to be called even if the page is people-search caller.php <?php ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', true); ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', ''); /* Required Files */ require_once("ReqOnce.php"); $c_files[] = "business/domainInfo.php"; $c_files[] = "business/requestDispatcher/RequestDispatcher.php"; $c_files[] = "pageRequest.php"; $c_files[] = "page-machine.php"; ReqOnce::customReqOnce($c_files, null, "caller.php"); $ac_piecesDot = explode(".", str_replace("http://", "", constant("baseUrl"))); if($ac_piecesDot[0] == "growandcreate"){ header('location: http://www.' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); die("should never be reached"); } /* Determine file name and get variables */ $pieces = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if(count($pieces) == 1){ $parts = explode("/", $pieces[0]); $c_fileName = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; }else{ $parts = explode("/", $pieces[0]); $c_fileName = $parts[count($parts) - 1]; $c_get = $pieces[1]; } //no longer needed I think /* Process the get variables if($c_get){ $ac_getVariables = explode("&", $c_get); if($ac_getVariables && is_array($ac_getVariables)){ foreach($ac_getVariables as $c_getVariable){ $ac_pieces = explode("=", $c_getVariable); if($ac_pieces[0] && $ac_pieces[1]) $ac_get[$ac_pieces[0]] = $ac_pieces[1]; } } } */ /* Determine and require the action file */ if($_POST['formName'] || $_POST['action'] || $_GET['action']){ if($_POST['action']){ $c_actionLoc = $_POST['action']; }elseif($_GET['action']){ $c_actionLoc = $_GET['action']; }else{ $c_actionLoc = "actions/actionDefault.php"; } ReqOnce::customReqOnce($c_actionLoc, count($c_files) + 1, "caller.php"); } /* calling an action */ if($c_fileName == "action" && $c_actionLoc){ /* Start the session */ session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated']) || !$_SESSION['initiated']) { session_regenerate_id(); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; } $o_requestDispatch = new RequestDispatcher(); $pieces = explode(".", basename($c_actionLoc)); if(class_exists($pieces[0])){ if(method_exists($pieces[0], "execute")){ call_user_func_array(array($pieces[0], "execute"), array($o_requestDispatch)); } } die("hello here"); } /* finds correct page file */ $c_file = PageRequest::processPageRequest($c_fileName); /* finds and requires files that are need to properly start session with objects in it */ $o_xml = simplexml_load_file($c_file); if($o_xml){ $results = $o_xml->xpath("//storage"); for($n = 0; $n < count($results); $n++){ ReqOnce::customReqOnce($results[$n] . "", count($c_files) + $n + 2, "caller.php"); } } /* Start the session */ session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['initiated']) || !$_SESSION['initiated']) { session_regenerate_id(); $_SESSION['initiated'] = true; } /* creates the request dispatcher */ $o_request = new RequestDispatcher($ac_get); /* set the page viewed */ //$_SESSION['request']['pageView'] = $c_fileName; /****************************************/ /******calls for page to be created******/ /****************************************/ $newContent = new anXML($c_file, $c_contentTitle, $o_request); ?> then pagemachine.php is called <?php $c_files[] = "Common/peopleSearch.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/menu.php"; $c_files[] = "business/backup.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/content.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/format.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/admin.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/table.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/Columns.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/newForms.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/LogIn/log.php"; $c_files[] = "tagLibrary/coinSlot.php"; $c_files[] = "business/Mail.php"; $c_files[] = "phpMailer/class.phpmailer.php"; if(class_exists("ReqOnce")){ ReqOnce::customReqOnce($c_files, null, "page-machine.php"); }else{ header('location: http://www.growandcreate.com/'); die('should never be reached'); } class anXML{ private $request; private $tables; private $content; private $format; private $col; private $log; private $admin; private $newForms; private $slot; public function __construct($c_filePath, $title, $myRequest){ $this->request = $myRequest; $this->tables = new tables($this); $this->content = new content($this); $this->format = new format($this, $myRequest); $this->col = new Columns($this); $this->log = new Log($this); $this->admin = new Admin($this); $this->slot = new CoinSlot($this); $this->newForms = new newForms($this, $myRequest); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $o_xml = simplexml_load_file($c_filePath); $b_errorOccured = false; if(libxml_get_errors()){ $b_errorOccured = true; foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $ac_error){ echo "<p>Error "; switch($ac_error->level){ case LIBXML_ERR_WARNING: echo "<br/>Level: warning "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_ERROR: echo "<br/>Level: simple error "; break; case LIBXML_ERR_FATAL: echo "<br/>Level: fatal error "; break; } echo "<br/>code: " . $ac_error->code; echo "<br/>column: " . $ac_error->column; echo "<br/>message: " . $ac_error->message; echo "<br/>file: " . $ac_error->file; echo "<br/>line: " . $ac_error->line; echo "</p>"; } libxml_clear_errors(); } if($b_errorOccured) die(); if($o_xml){ $this->newHead(str_replace(".xml", "", str_replace("grow.", "", basename($c_filePath))), $o_xml); foreach($o_xml->children() as $i){ $this->choice($i, 0); } $this->endFoot(); } } private function emailMeSearchedPage($file){ session_start(); $o_mail = new Mail(); $o_mail->setFrom("scoilnadtri-page-manager@scoilnadtri.com", "Page Manager"); $o_mail->addAddress("i8badhaggis@yahoo.com", "James"); $o_mail->setSubject("Page desired unfound by user."); $today = getdate(); $c_message = null; $c_message = "<p>A user tried to load the following page " . constant("baseUrl") . $file . "</p>" ."<p>on " . $today['weekday'] . ", " . $today['month'] . " " . $today['mday'] . " at " . $today['hours'] . ":" . $today['minutes'] . ":" . $today['seconds'] . "</p>"; $c_message .= "<p>" . $_SESSION['user'] . "</p>"; $o_mail->setBody($c_message); $c_altMessage = null; $c_altMessage = "A user tried to load the following page " . $file; $o_mail->setAlterBody($altMessage); $o_mail->mailSend(); } private function newHead($pageTitle, $o_xml){ /* determine if the page requires the user to be logged in */ $c_login = $this->getAttribute("login", $o_xml); if($c_login == "true") $b_loginRequired = true; else $b_loginRequired = false; /* determine if the page is closed */ $c_pageClosed = $this->getAttribute("closed", $o_xml); if($c_pageClosed == "true") $b_pageClosed = true; else $b_pageClosed = false; /* determine role requirements */ $c_role = $this->getAttribute("role", $o_xml); if($c_role == "admin") $b_adminRequired = true; else $b_adminRequired = false; /* redirect to the page closed page */ if($b_pageClosed){ header("location: " . constant("baseUrl") . "page-closed"); die("should never be reached"); } /* redirect to the home page */ if($pageTitle == "login" && array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['loggedIn']){ header( 'Location: ' . constant("baseUrl")); die("should not be reached ever"); } if($pageTitle != "login"){ if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/") == 0) $c_currentUri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); else $c_currentUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_SESSION["loginRedirectPage"] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if($b_loginRequired){ /* verify the user is logged in otherwise redirect to login */ if(array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION)){ if(!$_SESSION['loggedIn']){ //user is not logged in header( 'Location: ' . constant("baseUrl") . 'login'); die("should not be reached ever"); } }else{ session_write_close(); header( 'Location: ' . constant("baseUrl") . 'login'); die("should not be reached ever"); } /* make sure the session is secure */ if (isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ if ($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $_SESSION['loggedIn'] = false; header( 'Location: ' . constant("baseUrl") . 'login'); die("should never be reached"); } }else{ $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); } if($b_adminRequired){ $ao_people = People::findByUsername($_SESSION['user']); if($ao_people[0]->getRole() != "admin"){ header('Location: ' . constant("baseUrl") . 'access-denied'); die("should never be reached"); } } } var_dump($_SESSION); $arTitle = explode("-", $pageTitle); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head> <?php if($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ ?> <title><?php echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); ?></title><?php }else{?> <title><?php echo "Grow and Create -"; foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); }?></title> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="grow.js"></script> <?php /* if($b_isLoggedIn){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> lockAccount(); </script> <?php } */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function doLoad(){ clock(); ho(); validateStart(); if(document.getElementById("anDate") !== null && document.getElementById("anDate") !== null){ //annoucements(); } } </script> <?php /* if (file_exists("images/favicon.ico")) { echo "<link REL=\"shortcut icon\" HREF=\"http://www.scoilnadri.com/favicon.ico\" TYPE=\"image/x-icon\">\n"; } */ echo '<link href="' . constant("baseUrl") . 'grow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/></head><body onload="doLoad();">'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/" || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/main"){ echo '<p align="center"><img src="' . constant("baseUrl") . 'images/grow-past.png"/></p>'; } echo '<table align="center" id="root">'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/" || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/main"){ echo '<tr><td id="head" colspan="3"><div style="padding: 4px; float: left;">'; if($this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml); }elseif($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); }else{ foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); } } echo '</div><div style="padding: 4px; float: right;">'; if(array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['loggedIn'] && $_SESSION['user']){ echo '<form name="logout" action="action" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="actions/logout.php"/>Welcome '; $ao_people = People::findByUsername($_SESSION['user']); echo $ao_people[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $ao_people[0]->getLastName() . '<input type="submit" class="buttonToLink" value="Logout"/> <a href="view-profile"/>View Profile</a></form>'; }else{ echo 'Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a>'; } echo '</div></td></tr>'; }else{ echo '<tr><td id="logo"><a href="'; echo constant("baseUrl"); echo '"><img src="'; echo constant("baseUrl"); echo 'images/grow-past.png" border="0"/></a></td>'; ?><!-- <td id="header"> --><div id="headRight"><?php if(array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['loggedIn']){ echo '<form name="logout" action="action" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="actions/logout.php"/>Welcome '; $ao_people = People::findByUsername($_SESSION['user']); echo $ao_people[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $ao_people[0]->getLastName() . '<input type="submit" class="buttonToLink" value="Logout"/> <a href="view-profile"/>View Profile</a></form>'; }else{ echo 'Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a>'; } echo '</div><h2 align="center" style="clear: right;">'; if($this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml); }elseif($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); }else{ foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); } } echo '</h2></div></td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><!--<td id="menu">-->'; $menu = new Menu($this); if(strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) > 1){ $uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); }else{ $uri = ""; } $menu->createMenu(simplexml_load_file("Content/grow.menu.xml"), $uri); echo '</td><td id="content">'; die(); } private function division($xmlChoice){ $divId = $this->getAttribute("id", $xmlChoice); $divClass = $this->getAttribute("class", $xmlChoice); if($divId){ ?><div id="<?php echo $divId;?>" <?php if($divClass){ ?>class="<?php echo $divClass; ?>"><?php }else{ ?>><?php } }else{ ?> <div <?php if($divClass){ ?>class="<?php echo $divClass; ?>"><?php }else{ ?>><?php } } foreach($xmlChoice->children() as $divChild){ $this->choice($divChild, 1); } ?> </div> <?php } private function endFoot(){ ?> <br/> <br/> <hr/> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" id="foot"> <hr/> <p align="center">Site design and content Copyright © 2008, 2009 Grow and Create, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.<br /><br />Any questions or comments about the website should be directed to <a href="mailto:i8badhaggis@yaoo.com">James Anderson</a>.</p> </td> </tr> </table></body></html><?php } public function choice($i){ switch($i->getName()){ //this class functions case "sect": $this->division($i); break; //content tag file case "aLink": $this->content->linking($i); break; case "bar": $this->content->bars($i); break; case "ampersand": $this->content->ampersand($i); break; case "centerH": $this->content->headers($i, "center"); break; case "centerP": $this->content->paragraph($i, "center"); break; case "clock": $this->content->clock(); break; case "rightP": $this->content->paragraph($i, "right"); break; case "centerS": $this->content->subHeaders($i, "center"); break; case "centerT": $this->content->titles($i, "center"); break; case "copyright": $this->content->copyright(); break; case "fire": $this->content->urgency($i); break; case "head": $this->content->headers($i, "left"); break; case "imgTest": $this->content->imgTest($i); break; case "include": $this->content->included($i, $this->request); break; case "list": $this->content->listing($i); break; case "par": $this->content->paragraph($i, "left"); break; case "part": $this->content->part($i); break; case "pict": $this->content->picture($i); break; case "spe": $this->content->specialize($i); break; case "sub-head": $this->content->subHeaders($i, "left"); break; case "title": $this->content->titles($i, "left"); break; case "xmlError": $this->content->xmlError($i); break; case "findToReplace": $this->content->findToReplace($i); break; case "indent": $this->content->indent($i); break; case "justP": $this->content->paragraph($i, "justify"); break; //coinSlot tag file case "coinSlot": $this->slot->coinSlot($i); break; case "slot": $this->slot->slot($i); break; //column tag file case "col-set": $this->col->column($i); break; //format tag file case "date": $this->format->date($i, "normal"); break; case "fullDateTime": $this->format->fullDateTime($i); break; case "dateY": $this->format->date($i, "year"); break; case "random": $this->format->random($i); break; case "screen": $this->format->screen($i); break; case "quote": $this->format->quote($i); break; case "split": $this->format->split($i); break; case "time": $this->format->time($i); break; case "key-text": $this->format->keyText($i); break; case "for": $this->format->forXml($i); break; case "variable": $this->format->variable($i); break; case "if": $this->format->xmlIf($i); break; //table tag file case "note": $this->tables->note($i); break; case "table": $this->tables->createTable($i); break; case "row": $this->tables->row($i); break; case "header": $this->tables->header($i); break; case "headers": $this->tables->headers($i); break; case "cell":$this->tables->cell($i); break; //log tag file case "admin": $this->log->admin($i); break; case "forgot": $this->log->forgotPass(); break; case "logButtons": $this->log->logButtons(); break; case "logError": $this->log->error(); break; case "logIn": $this->log->logIn(); break; case "seCure": $this->log->secure($i); //for whatever reason it will not allow for secure as the tag name break; case "notLoggedIn": $this->log->notLoggedIn($i); break; case "stolen": $this->log->stolen(); break; case "userNotExist": $this->log->userNotExist(); break; case "welcomeMessage": $this->log->welcomeMessage(); break; //info tag file case "allDirTable": $this->info->allTable(); break; case "dirInput": $this->info->inputFields(); break; case "dirResult": $this->info->searchResult(); break; case "dirTable": $this->info->speTable($i); break; //photos tag file case "albums": $this->photos->albums(); break; //admin tag file case "newPassword": $this->admin->newPass(); break; case "newForm": $this->newForms->form($i); break; case "text": $this->newForms->text($i, "text"); break; case "pass": $this->newForms->text($i, "password"); break; case "textbox": $this->newForms->textbox($i); break; case "submit": $this->newForms->button($i); break; /* case "errors": $this->newForms->errors($i); break; case "subject": $this->newForms->formEmailSubject($i); break; case "formTitle": $this->newForms->formEmailTitle($i); break; */ case "radio": $this->newForms->radio($i); break; case "newFormNone": $this->newForms->formNone($i); break; case "textNone": $this->newForms->textNone($i, "text"); break; case "passNone": $this->newForms->textNone($i, "password"); break; case "textboxNone": $this->newForms->textboxNone($i); break; case "submitNone": $this->newForms->buttonNone($i); break; /* case "errors": $this->newForms->errors($i); break; case "subject": $this->newForms->formEmailSubject($i); break; case "formTitle": $this->newForms->formEmailTitle($i); break; */ case "radioNone": $this->newForms->radio($i); break; case "checkboxNone": $this->newForms->checkboxNone($i); break; } } public function getRequest(){ return $this->request; } public function errorInvalid($message){ ?><div class="notice"><table><tr><td><?php echo $message; ?></td></tr></table><?php } public function xmlError($choice){ ?> <table> <tr bgcolor="red"><td><?php echo $choice; ?></td></tr> </table> <?php } //pass in a attribute name followed by the xml object it exists in public function getAttribute($name, $node){ foreach($node->attributes() as $key=>$val){ if($key == $name){ return (string)$val; } } } //returns true if the simplexml object has a child public function hasChild($xmlChoice){ $hasChild = FALSE; if($xmlChoice && $xmlChoice->xPath("child::*")){ $hasChild = TRUE; } return $hasChild; } public function childNum($xmlChoice){ $childNum = 0; foreach($xmlChoice->children() as $child){ $childNum++; } return $childNum; } }//end of the class ?> let me know if you need anything more. I just don't understand how a variable in session can be modified simply by not outputting a <td> tag. if I change it from <td id="head or header"> to <td> it works I don't understand
  12. sorry there is a lot of code above it. I can assure you session_start() has been called properly. it's really weird still... it doesn't like those two <td id="header"> or <td id="menu">
  13. //so here's where I set the variable if($pageTitle != "login"){ if(strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/") == 0) $c_currentUri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); else $c_currentUri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_SESSION["loginRedirectPage"] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } //a bunch of outputting ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head> <?php if($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ ?> <title><?php echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); ?></title><?php }else{?> <title><?php echo "Grow and Create -"; foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); }?></title> <?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="grow.js"></script> <?php /* if($b_isLoggedIn){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> lockAccount(); </script> <?php } */ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function doLoad(){ clock(); ho(); validateStart(); if(document.getElementById("anDate") !== null && document.getElementById("anDate") !== null){ //annoucements(); } } </script> <?php echo '<table align="center" id="root">'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/" || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == "/main"){ echo '<tr><td id="head" colspan="3"><div style="padding: 4px; float: left;">'; if($this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml); }elseif($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); }else{ foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); } } echo '</div><div style="padding: 4px; float: right;">'; if(array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['loggedIn'] && $_SESSION['user']){ echo '<form name="logout" action="action" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="actions/logout.php"/>Welcome '; $ao_people = People::findByUsername($_SESSION['user']); echo $ao_people[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $ao_people[0]->getLastName() . '<input type="submit" class="buttonToLink" value="Logout"/> <a href="view-profile"/>View Profile</a></form>'; }else{ echo 'Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a>'; } echo '</div></td></tr>'; }else{ //die(); //problems around here echo '<tr><td id="logo"><a href="'; echo constant("baseUrl"); echo '"><img src="'; echo constant("baseUrl"); echo 'images/grow-past.png" border="0"/></a></td>'; ?><td id="header"><div id="headRight"><?php if(array_key_exists('loggedIn', $_SESSION) && $_SESSION['loggedIn']){ echo '<form name="logout" action="action" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="actions/logout.php"/>Welcome '; $ao_people = People::findByUsername($_SESSION['user']); echo $ao_people[0]->getFirstName() . " " . $ao_people[0]->getLastName() . '<input type="submit" class="buttonToLink" value="Logout"/> <a href="view-profile"/>View Profile</a></form>'; }else{ echo 'Welcome guest. <a href="login">Login</a>'; } echo '</div><h2 align="center" style="clear: right;">'; if($this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("subTitle", $o_xml); }elseif($this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml)){ echo $this->getAttribute("title", $o_xml); }else{ foreach($arTitle as $someTitles){ echo " " . ucwords($someTitles); } } echo '</h2></div></td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><td id="m">'; //die(); $menu = new Menu($this); if(strlen($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) > 1){ $uri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 1); }else{ $uri = ""; } $menu->createMenu(simplexml_load_file("Content/grow.menu.xml"), $uri); echo '</td><td id="content">'; die(); after I run this I look at my session on another page... it should still say the correct page and doesn't always <td id="header"> can not be <td id="head"> it won't work then <td id="m"> can not be <td id="menu"> again it won't work then I have no idea why it wouldn't like those
  14. so this is really weird. I can't quite figure out why it doesn't work. I am doing the following: $_SESSION['loginPage'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // = /people-search I then begin to output the page. After a little bit of html tags outputted the variable changes to /page-not-found instead which is the name of my page that people are sent to on default and I can't figure out why it sends me there. it works only if I remove anything like <td id="content"> it seems to work without those being outputted but of course I want / need to have those in there. at this point I think I'm going to have to simply add divs inside those tds like <td><div id="content"> instead. is there some reason it shouldn't like those to be outputted?
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