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Everything posted by A JM

  1. How do I write a SELECT query using a variable echoed from another query, <?php echo $row_rstreviewclaims['num']; ?> I tried the following with no luck - I can't get the syntax correct... $query_rstcomments = "SELECT comment FROM comments WHERE num = " <?php $row_rstreviewclaims['num']; ?>; Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. A JM,
  2. Not sure why the backslash didn't show up but that is what I'm currently using? escaping I'm guessing is my problem...? <?php $query_rstcomments = "SELECT comment FROM comments; $rstcomments = mysql_query($query_rstcomments, $dbconn) or die(mysql_error()); while ($rec=mysql_fetch_assoc($rstcomments)){ $comment = $comment . '\n' . $rec['comment']; } ?>
  3. I'm trying to add breaks to my $comment line but its not working as I anticpiated, can someone help me out with this? It just runs on with breaking after each item in the query...? <?php $query_rstcomments = "SELECT comment FROM comments; $rstcomments = mysql_query($query_rstcomments, $dbconn) or die(mysql_error()); while ($rec=mysql_fetch_assoc($rstcomments)){ $comment = $comment . "\n" . $rec['comment']; } ?> <textarea cols="40" wrap="virtual" disabled="disabled"><?php echo $comment; ?></textarea> Thanks. A JM,
  4. That might be exactly what I'm looking for - I don't need the user to be able to add any information, I just want to display whats in the DB field in it. Thanks.
  5. yes, sorry I must not have been very clear. I don't want access to the DB only to display the record information in a list box on my form that the end user can read through. My concern is the amount of information to be displayed my be large and I don't know if a textarea will be appropriate for my needs. Thanks.
  6. I'm looking for a way to present records in a field of my database - kind of like a chat box where the comments are seperated by user but I want to use recordID's instead to seperate the comments. I'd like the user to be able to scroll through the list of a "comment" field of my DB. Does anyone have any ideas for creating such a thing, is there already something available for me to use? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. A JM,
  7. I have a table with userid set as a unique field in my DB since I don't want duplicates. Before my user submits the form for adding a new user how can I validate that the userid doesn't exist and give the user some feedback? A JM,
  8. I see that I was adding <?php tags where they weren't needed... no errors on loading the page but no img either? any thoughts? Thanks,
  9. Should this be implemented in HTML like so?
  10. Is there a way to disable a image link on my page if the resultset from a Mysql query returns zero rows? Maybe there is a better way to do this instead of testing the resultset is equal to zero, any other ideas or suggestions? Thanks, A JM,
  11. Is there a simple function for converting a date in "m/d/y" format to mysql datetime format of "y-m-d"? A JM,
  12. Is there a reason this can't be done on a single line? Thanks,
  13. I'm still trying to get this to work and having problems. $selectBox = "<select id='querytype' name = 'querytype' onchange='loadWheres();'><option>Select Query Type</option>"; $selectBox = $selectBox."<option value=number<?php if(". $querytype ." == number) {echo selected=selected; }?>Number</option>"; $selectBox = $selectBox."</select>"; From the source of the page. <select id='querytype' name = 'querytype' onchange='loadWheres();'><option>Select Query Type</option><option value=number <?php if(number == number) {echo selected=selected; }?>Number</option></select> Since the php is showing on the page I know I have the syntax wrong... Any help would be appreciated.
  14. I believe this is correct but I can't get the syntax correct, any help? $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value=number. <?php if($querytype == number) {echo "selected=selected"; }?>>Number</option>';
  15. Like? $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value='number' <?php if ($selectedItem == 'number') { echo ' selected="selected" '; }?>>Number</option>';
  16. If I have a listbox like so and I have a variable with the value of the item that I want to have selected how can this be done? $selectedItem = $_GET['querytype']; $selectBox = "<select id='querytype' name='querytype' onchange='loadWheres();'><option>Select Query Type</option>"; $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value="number">Number</option>'; $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value="name">Name</option>'; $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value="address">Address</option>'; $selectBox = $selectBox.'<option value="state">State</option>'; $selectBox = $selectBox."</select>"; <script type="text/javascript"> function loadWheres() { var d = document.getElementById('querytype'); var value = d.value; document.location = 'filtered_qrys.php?querytype=' + escape(value); } </script>
  17. Neil, Since I suck at joining tables and the like can you explain a little why a left join seems to have worked? Thanks for all your help. A JM,
  18. This works perfectly with one exception - you knew it was coming... sorry SELECT e.user_id, e.home_id, u.user_name AS user1, h.user_name AS user2 FROM EntryTable e INNER JOIN UserTable u ON(e.user_id = u.user_id) INNER JOIN UserTable h ON(e.home_id = h.user_id) By default the the EntryTable has both fields user_id and home_id set to zero(0) and there is no zero(0) in the UserTable so unless both fields are populated I get nothing, anyway you can think of around this? A JM,
  19. On the second join did you mean to join the h table instead of the u table or does it matter what table is referenced? ...INNER JOIN UserTable u ON(e.user_id = u.user_id) INNER JOIN UserTable h ON(e.home_id = h.user_id) Thanks. A JM,
  20. I still think this has a problem in that as long as the user_id and home_id are the same user it will work but if the user_id and the home_id are different users it wouldn't, does that make sense? With a slight modification to the UserTable - that's my fault I misled you. UserTable user_id user_name home_descr ... EntryTable item_number rack_position user_id 'from UserTable user_id home_id 'from UserTable user_id ... For instance from the EntryTable the user_id and home_id can be different. Ultimately I should be able to pull any field from the UserTable given either the user_id or the home_id from the EntryTable. user_id=1 home_id=1 should equate to: user_name=fred_flinstone user_name=fred_flinstone user_id=1 home_id=2 should equate to: user_name=fred_flinstone user_name=barney_rubble user_id=2 home_id=2 should equate to: user_name=wilma_flinstone user_name=barney_rubble user_id=3 home_id=5 should equate to: user_name=bam_bam user_name=pebbles
  21. This works perfectly for the user_id but not for the home_id. SELECT u.user_name, e.* FROM UserTable u INNER JOIN EntryTable e ON (u.user_id = e.user_id) I think I also need a query like this incorporated into the first query - is that possible or am I thinking about this incorectly? SELECT u.home_descr, e.* FROM UserTable u INNER JOIN EntryTable e ON (u.home_id = e.home_id) A JM,
  22. I have 2 tables that I want to pull some results from. The fields from the 2 tables that I'm mostly concerned with are as follows. UserTable user_id home_id user_name home_descr ... EntryTable item_number rack_position user_id home_id ... Essentially I want to pull the user_name and home_descr from the UserTable with a SELECT query that pulls from the EntryTable sort of like below. I'm just terrible at joining tables together and could use some help. SELECT item_number, rack_position, user_name, home_descr FROM EntryTable
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