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  1. Hi, I need to get links from a web page and display them. User enters a url say abcxyz.com and all the links present on the page abcxyz.com will be displayed. How can i do this? Thanks.
  2. i have web page containing links to files and some other links. A login is required to access the page but problem is if user accesses one of these links directly, It opens and does not ask for a login. I am using xampp. Plz help
  3. Thanks for replying. Mail.yahoo.com was just an example. I've looked into Curl and it can be done. But can i do for different users? for example if B open mail.yahoo.com link, his account is opened and if i open it then my account is opened? I will appreciate any help
  4. I have a simple php login page. When a user login a page containing multiple links open. for example i have a link to mail.yahoo.com. What i want is if i click at mail.yahoo.com link, it automatically log in to my mail account. Can i do it in php or there is some other way to accomplish it? Thanks
  5. Hi, I have multiplte text files containing numbers e:g 123400 0000001 000001 2333334 I am taking input from html form and passing to php script using post. I want to search multiple files if input is found then display the line containing the input. Kindly help.Thanks in advance.
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