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  1. Ken2k7, I think a light just went on in my head.... Thanks G
  2. Many thanks Guys, I shall study the 'sessions method' and thanks for the link to the tutorial - I shall do. To answer the question of why it did not work, I suspect it has to do with me trying to used a string variable ($truckid is say T101) from page one and then try and make it act as an array for page 3 ($specs5 =& $truckid) where I ask it to get the spec $specs5[0] (it would work perfectly if instead of using $specs5[0], I used $T101[0] - which is the array set in page two) Hope that makes sence.... Again many thanks - more to learn GRB
  3. Afternoon, I am totally new to PHP - I trying to learn PHP via some books but not everything is covered. I have created 3 pages - the first identifies some trucks and trailers which are selected by using a drop down box. The second holds a series of arrays containing the dimensional specifications of the trucks and trailers. In the third I am trying to take the truck id from page one and select the specs of that truck from page two. My results so far in page three are I can identify the truck from page one by $truckid =$_POST method, etc the code I have used <?php $truckid = $_POST['language']; $trailer1id = $_POST['language1']; $trailer2id = $_POST['language2']; $loadingregime = $_POST['ML']; include "specs1.php" ?> <html> <head> <title>Compartment Loading!</title> </head> <body> <?php echo " Selected Truck is ".$truckid; echo " - Trailer1 is ".$trailer1id; echo " - Trailer2 is ".$trailer2id; echo "<BR>"; echo " Selected Loading Regime is ".$loadingregime."<BR>"; $specs5 =& $truckid; print $specs5; ?> <form method="post" action="loading.php"> <p>T1 Comp 1 <?php echo "SFL ".$specs5[0] ?> : <input type="text" name="T1C1" value = "6000"> </p> I have experience in VB and VBA, and understand my coding technique is poor - but I would seriously appreciate some help. Many thanks
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