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  1. I wanted to know if it were possible to have something like this halfway down a page: if { *something* } else { *redirect to another page*} Everything I've found requires the redirect to be at the very top of the page.. is it possible to have it within a page? Any help much appreciated!
  2. Thanks for your help. I'm not familiar with php so I don't know how I would go about using that code to create the link..
  3. Is there a way to have a link open up a dialogue box for the user to save a particular image to their computer, instead of them having to right click and save it? Thanks in advance.
  4. I've been googling for hours but can't seem to get this working!
  5. This .htaccess is located in site.com/gallery so it's in that folder and not in the root of my site.. sorry I didn't add that earlier! When using your code I remove the gallery folder and put: RewriteRule ^([^\.]*).\w{1,3} $1? since it's in that folder.. is that the wrong way to do it? When I did add that line I got a 500 internal server error when trying to access anything in the gallery folder including the index page.. is possible my server is not compatible with using that method? I tried it several times and it loaded fine when I delete that line and kept coming up with that error when I add it.
  6. Thanks for your help. I accidentally forgot to add a folder in the url in my first post (it's http://site.com/gallery/gallery-name/image-name.gif) so I think that might be preventing the code from working, and I think there are other things in my .htaccess for the gallery folder that might affect it like: RewriteRule ^([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?cat=$1 [L] which makes site.com/gallery/paris lead to the paris category page RewriteRule ^([^/]*)/([^/]*)$ preview.php?cat=$1&img=$2 [L] which makes site.com/gallery/paris/image-name.gif lead to the image page So I think if I add another rule it'd think I'm looking for another category and lead me to the category page as not found.. so because of these other rules would it not be possible for me to make site.com/gallery/paris/image-name.gif accessable as site.com/gallery/paris/image-name?
  7. I'm wondering if there's a way to be able to access the urls http://site.com/gallery/image-name.gif (which leads to an actual page through a gallery script, not an image) through the url http://site.com/gallery/image-name With each extension being either .jpg or .gif.. is this possible? Thanks in advance for any help.
  8. Maybe try setting a width to the div if the text is wrapping in some browsers and not others..
  9. With my new computer bullets aren't showing up in IE, but are in firefox.. in the image below the top is what I see in IE and the bottom in Firefox. I've check many many sites with bullets and get the same thing.. does anyone know why this would happen?
  10. You could define one as the body background in your css with repeat-x, say the right hand side.. then the top and bottom can be a div with it's width set to auto, height at 100px, positioned at the very top and very bottom of your content and your background as it's background.. and another div with it's width at 100px, height at 100%, and positioned absolute to the left.
  11. Thanks for that, it works perfectly with outputting 10 lines, but I can't figure out how to use it in my situation. Each line in that text file is an image url, so I'm looking to have < img src = " print line here " > for each of the ten lines instead of the lines outputting in a list. I've googled quite a bit but can't figure out how I can do this, or if it's even possible.. every code I try just outputs a list.
  12. When you say 'run across the top, bottom left and right of my page', are you looking for a horizontal border on the top and bottom of the page only, and not on the right or left?
  13. Thank you for your reply. I've tried many codes pulling random lines from arrays and they all end up with some lines being repeated, so I'm wondering if there's a way to avoid that.
  14. You can use images with this script: http://www.hesido.com/web.php?page=customscrollbar
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