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  1. Thank you for your quick response! Ive been beating my head against the wall with this for days, lol. Below is the output from the array. Also if it helps the context actually stands for an office. So I am trying to sort by office and then by the persons name to provide a neatly organized directory listing. Array ( [201] => Array ( [type] => friend [context] => a [username] => 201 [secret] => pass20 [callerid] => John Smith<4072301234> [host] => dynamic [nat] => 1 [qualify] => 5000 [canreinvite] => [dtmfmode] => rfc2833 [mailbox] => 201@abc-vm [disallow] => all [allow] => g729 ) [202] => Array ( [type] => friend [context] => a [username] => 202 [secret] => pass202 [callerid] => Andy Jones<4072301235> [host] => dynamic [nat] => 1 [qualify] => 5000 [canreinvite] => [dtmfmode] => rfc2833 [mailbox] => 202@abc-vm [disallow] => all [allow] => g729 ) [203] => Array ( [type] => friend [context] => b [username] => 203 [secret] => pass202 [callerid] => Mr X<4072301235> [host] => dynamic [nat] => 1 [qualify] => 5000 [canreinvite] => [dtmfmode] => rfc2833 [mailbox] => 202@abc-vm [disallow] => all [allow] => g729 ) )
  2. Hello all. This is my first post here and I appreciate any help you all can provide to me. I have a multiline file as shown below. If anyone is wondering it is the sip.conf file from an asterisk server. From each entry I would please only the username and caller id field into a standard html table to provide a directory listing. Here is the issue. I need to first sort every entry by the context field and then by the caller id field. I do not need to display the context field. By using the parse_ini_file function I am able to place this data in an array but cannot sort it the exact way I want. I sure hope someone has a suggestion. Thank you for your time! ;John Smith [201] type=friend context=a username=201 secret=pass20 callerid=John Smith<4072301234> host=dynamic nat=yes qualify=5000 canreinvite=no dtmfmode=rfc2833 mailbox=201@abc-vm disallow=all allow=g729 ;Andy Jones [202] type=friend context=a username=202 secret=pass202 callerid=Andy Jones<4072301235> host=dynamic nat=yes qualify=5000 canreinvite=no dtmfmode=rfc2833 mailbox=202@abc-vm disallow=all allow=g729 ;Mr X [203] type=friend context=b username=203 secret=pass202 callerid=Mr X<4072301235> host=dynamic nat=yes qualify=5000 canreinvite=no dtmfmode=rfc2833 mailbox=202@abc-vm disallow=all allow=g729
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