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Everything posted by kodie

  1. ooops. needed to escape backslash. try that. i just tested it and it works. Works perfect! Thanks a bunch!
  2. Thanks for the reply, That doesn't return anything, even tried print_r($matches); and it's empty.
  3. Hey guys, I've got a little problem that I can't seem to find the answer to... I have a string like this: $oldstring = "<test1>here is some text</test1>"; and what I want to do is get "test1" and "here is some text" into 2 separate strings kind of like this: $newstring[0] = "test1"; $newstring[1] = "here is some text"; I figured I'd use preg_replace to do this but no luck. I know the answer has to be something simple but I just can't figure it out. Thanks for any help you can give!
  4. oh! i was typing something wrong when testing it. Everything works perfectly as intended. Thanks again!
  5. JACK POT! thank you very much, that was the ticket. Ok now i have another question if you don't mind helping me further: I'd like to be able to search for multiple tags using that method. i.e: "?id=blog&tags=test,site news" would give me results that have both of those tags regardless of what order they are in. Any ideas?
  6. JACK POT! thank you very much, that was the ticket.
  7. That doesnt work either. Still only shows results that have exactly what you searched for. i.e: "?id=blog&tags=test" shows items that only has the "test" tags and no other tag. "?id=blog&tags=test,news" shows items that have both the "test" and "news" tags in that order and no other tags. Why are you storing tags in a comma separated string? I figured it was the easiest way. Guess not so much. lol. I don't quite understand, can you explain this a little more? or send me to a link that explains?
  8. This doesnt work either because the "tags" data from the mysql table is still "blog,site news" and needs to be splitted somehow. Is there a way to do that?
  9. I have a mysql table set up like this: id subject body userid date time tags 1 blog subject blog body 1 11|29|2009 9|30|AM blog,site news,tech when displaying the data i want to be able to add "?id=blog&tags=blog,tech" to the url to search for multiple tags. i'm pretty close with this: if (isset($_GET['tags'])) { $tags = addslashes($_GET['tags']); $srchinfo = "WHERE tags IN ('$tags')"; }; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM blogs $srchinfo ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $offset, $rowsPerPage"); but, when using the url, it will only show up posts that have one of the tags. For example: Post1: site news, blog Post2: blog Post3: blog,site news "?id=blog&tags=blog" Only shows Post2 "?id=blog&tags=site news, blog" Only shows Post1 Anyone know what to do? Thank you.
  10. welp i ended up fixing her myself. Here's the code that worked just incase anyone wanted to know: $permissions1 = split("\|", $_SESSION['permissions']); foreach ($permissions1 as &$perm) { $permissions2 = split(":", $perm); if (isset($permissions2[1])) { $permissions[$permissions2[0]] = split(",", $permissions2[1]); } else { $permissions[$permissions2[0]] = Array("null"); } } which gives me this array: Array ( [blog] => Array ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [users] => Array ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [settings] => Array ( [0] => null ) ) thanks anyways. EDIT: if anyone cantell me how to mark as solved i will do that as well.
  11. here it is: $permissions1 = split("\|", $_SESSION['permissions']); $i = "0"; foreach ($permissions1 as &$perm) { $permissions2 = split(":", $perm); $permissions_a[$i] = $permissions2[0]; $permissions_a[$i] = split(",", $permissions2[1]); $i++; } and it outputs the array like this: Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [1] => Array ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [2] => Array ( [0] => ) )
  12. ok so i have a string that looks like this: blog:edit_all,delete_all|users:edit_all,delete_all|settings and i want to make a code that can take that string and put it in a multi-layered array like this: Array ( [0] => blog ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [1] => users ( [0] => edit_all [1] => delete_all ) [2] => settings ) i've googled and everything and cant seem to get anything to work. ive come close but not quite. any ideas? thank you.
  13. PFMaBiSmAd, your a genious. I removed the showpage() code to see if that would work and sure enough it did. Now the reasoning behind the whole showpage() function was in user_auth.php it detects if the user is logged in or not. If the user is not logged in, it displays a message. If the user is infact logged in, it calls the showpage() function, which, shows the page. Heres what's inside of user_auth.php: <? $restricted_pages = array( "usercp/users" => "1", "usercp/users/edit" => "1", "usercp/users/delete" => "1", ); if (!isset($_COOKIE["logininfo"])) { echo $_TXT_NOTLOGGEDIN; //If cookie does not exsist, then the user is not logged in, show message. } else { if ($_COOKIE["logininfo"] !== "") { $logininfo = split(":", $_COOKIE['logininfo']); //If user is logged in, split up cookie info "user:pass". //Connect to database. mysql_connect("localhost", "kodieg", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("kg_usersystem") or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_data WHERE name='$logininfo[0]'")) or die(mysql_error()); if ($logininfo[1] == $row['pass']) { //Check if password is correct. if (array_key_exists($_GET['id'], $restricted_pages)) { //Check if current page is restrcited to certain users only. if ($row['type'] == $restricted_pages[$_GET['id']]) { //If current page is restricted, make sure user has the authroity to view it. showpage(); //If user has authroiry to view the restricted page, allow it. } else { echo $_TXT_RESTRICTED; //If user does not have authroirty to view the restricted page, deny it and show message. }; } else { showpage(); }; //If page is not restricted, show it to any user. }; } else { echo $_TXT_NOTLOGGEDIN; }; //If the cookie exsists, but is blank, then the user is not logged in, show message. }; ?> My next question is, in your opinion, what would be the best way to change this code so that i do not have to use the whole showpage() way?
  14. That's really werid... I'm not browsing directly to the users.php file and there isn't really anything that i haven't posted. Do you think it could be that i'm using WampServer? I don't actually have any webspace so i use WampServer so that i can still code php on my computer.
  15. includes/strs.php does have php tags. and are lines 1 through 18 in pages/usercp/users.php: <? include("user_auth.php"); function showpage() { ?> <div align="left"><? include("user_nav.php"); ?></div> <br><br> <b>Current Users:</b><br><br> <table> <tr><th>Username</th><th>User Type</th><th><th></tr> <? echo $_TXT_NOTLOGGEDIN; //Connect to database. mysql_connect("localhost", "kodieg", "pass") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("kg_usersystem") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_data") or die(mysql_error()); $logininfo = split(":", $_COOKIE['logininfo']); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ($row['type'] == "1") { $user_type = $_TXT_USRTYPE_ADMIN; }; //Find out if ($row['type'] == "2") { $user_type = $_TXT_USRTYPE_OP; }; //what type if ($row['type'] == "3") { $user_type = $_TXT_USRTYPE_NORMAL; }; //of user
  16. Well i have my main page that includes a page depending on the url extension (index.php?id=PAGE). but the main page also includes a file containing mostly all the text strings being used in the sub pages. If i haven't lost you yet, here's a breakdown of it all: includes/strs.php (Contains all strings being used on other pages.) pages/main.php (Page that is included by index.php) pages/usercp/users.php (Page i'm having trouble with.) index.php (Main page that includes above files. Calls pages by ?id=PAGE) Ok, so here's an example of some code in "includes/strs.php": $_TXT_NOTLOGGEDIN = "You are not logged in. Click <a href=\"?id=usercp/login\">here</a> to log in."; $_TXT_USRTYPE_ADMIN = "Administrator"; $_TXT_USRTYPE_NORMAL = "User"; And here's where index.php includes the other two files: require_once('includes/strs.php'); if (!isset($id)) { $id="home"; }; $file = "pages/".$id.".php"; if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = "pages/404.php"; }; include($file); Well everything works until you try to go to a page that is in a folder inside "pages". in this case, "pages/usercp/users.php" or "?id=usercp/users.php" i get this error here: Notice: Undefined variable: _TXT_NOTLOGGEDIN in C:\wamp\www\public\kodieg\pages\usercp\users.php on line 8 Notice: Undefined variable: _TXT_USRTYPE_ADMIN in C:\wamp\www\public\kodieg\pages\usercp\users.php on line 16 Notice: Undefined variable: _TXT_USRTYPE_NORMAL in C:\wamp\www\public\kodieg\pages\usercp\users.php on line 18 I'm not sure if i'm being descriptive enough, any questions just ask, but i feel like i've tried everything. Anybody know why it's doing this? Thanks.
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