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  1. This is the error: “Connection Error: ssl://test.authorize.net on port 443 could not connect due to error code: 218880080 :: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?” The error code is different every time, the rest is the same. When I googled “Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?” it seems to point to openssl is not being installed. I you go to http://store.subzerosupply.com/test.php you see the phpinfo() readout. It doesn’t show openssl loading as an extension. The loaded php.ini file has “extension=php_openssl.dll” which means it should be loading that DLL. I can’t figure out where there is some sort of log that show what is being loaded and what is failing. To make sure the php.ini was taking effect I disabled some other extensions that were being loaded and the changes took effect on IIS restart. Ive spent waaay to many hours tryin to figure this out.. and Im at a loss. If anyone can throw me any pointers.
  2. ok cool. i will use your concept, thanks alot phpknight
  3. does anyone have any other methods, or is this the basic idea used in these types of systems?
  4. So, if the user clicks "move item up in order" find the next 2 entries that are higher in the list. Add them together and divide by two? So lets say the order value item is 16 and the next two are 17 and 18, I would get 17.5. Could this possibly get out of hand decimal point wise?
  5. Hey guys, I have created a little CMS project. There are several cases where I have content that needs to be able to be moved to the top or down.. etc. Right now, I just asdded a field called "order" and all my sql queries are doing "ORDER BY `order` ASC" The way to change order is just to have the user change the number manually when editting the item.. So if you have 2 items.. one with the value 50 will be at bottom and one with value of 1, will be at the top. I would like the user instead of having to put in a number in an input field, just be able to hit "move up" or "move down". My question is, how would I go about this. Im having a brainfree on how to do this logically. Thanks ahead of time!
  6. I found the solution! output buffering. basically do ob_start(); then do some output.. $html = ob_get_contents(); then do ob_end_clean any performance issues with this ?
  7. i would like to avoid this.. because i could just add to a $html variable until the end and then output it with the rest of the final functions. but this creates messy unreadable code in my experience. this may sound stupid but editing $html = '<div id=mainContent>'; $html = '<h1>Title</h1>'; gets realllly messy and hard to read especially when you start having 100+ lines of html.
  8. ok so i think im really not explaining myself well.. lets say i wanted to do some logic to get the main content html i could start with printHeader(); and printNav(); then do this logic, but what if, for example you want to add a specific javascript or stylesheet to the header based on whatever logic happened.. problem is you cant, because you have already printed it to the browser. my current solution is to start a $html that just gets added to, instead of printed to screen while the logic happens. if the logic dictates that maybe i need to add another css file.. i can then add it to a value that could then get passed to printHeader($stylesheets). then at the end of all processing print the header and the nav and then echo the $html.
  9. so hmm.. alright. what would be the best way to do this: function main() { some logic include 'showPart.html.php'; $body = htmlForBody($x,$y); // htmlforbody function is found in showPart.html.php printPage($body); } function printPage($body) { printHeader(); echo $body; printFooter(); } since showPart.html.php is mostly all html ( i am trying to seperate logic and presentation ) is there any way to do this besides doing the $html = .'<div><ul></ul></div>' etcetc?
  10. So, I was wondering if there is a way to capture things that are put outside the php opener and closer and save it to a variable. Basically.. say I have a function <?php function printMainNav() { ?> <ul id="mainNav"> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">Customers</a></li> <li><a href="#">Tickets</a></li> <li><a href="#">Reports</a></li> </ul> <?php } ?> Now I call this function from somewhere else, but I dont actually want this to print to screen right then. I know I could just do something like <?php function printMainNav() { $html = '<ul id="mainNav">'; $html .= '<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>'; $html .= '<li><a href="#">Customers</a></li>'; $html .= '</ul>'; return $html; } ?> but this sux for a bunch of html and organzing it. Maybe there is a way to start reading what is being put out to screen and stop it, storing it, then call on this later when wanted. Any ideas?
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