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Everything posted by webbhelp

  1. Hi! I have been on the paypal website a lot but I can't find what I am looking for. I trying to find some API so I can show Paypal links on every page I generate from mysql. When the user press Paypal button, he/or she will be redirected to paypal.com with a form where a field with the ID, already is filled in. So let's say I press Paypal button ,then a ID, to that page will be sent to paypal and when the user pay the money, a reply from paypal with the ID will come back and confirm the payment. How can I get this to work? I really hope you can help me with this! Thanks!
  2. I cannot give you an answer which I can say, this is the correct way to do but... I think it is much easier for the developer to handle an array than so much variables! I think is more faster with CPU because if not why should it be used so much in specially frameworks. Say codeigniter, they want arrays all the time. And I don't think it is a different you even can see... Now you got a answer from me better than nothing =)
  3. The user is uploading the original image, and then he/she comes to the cropping tool, so there is different image width and height, because the user is uploading. I will payback if you can help me =)
  4. Ok, no idé what to do now... I don't now how to make the images 300*370 px in a good quality and not to small on the width etc. The problem is still how to show the picture to the users so I can calucalte it right and get a good shape of the images at the end... PLEASE help :/
  5. The problem is: I can show the whole picture for the user which will crop it, but if the user will crop 300*370 px of a image when the original size is 1000*1300px. Then I will get a really little cropped part of the image, and I will only see a half of a face if the user is unlucky. So the image will be cropped but even resized to a smaller image but here is the problem, How do I know how much I need to resize the picture and how do I need how much I need to crop the picture? If I show the picture in a smaller size in the cropping tool, and then the user is done and have chosen the X and Y for the rectangular cropping shape, if I now am going to crop the picture, then I have to change the X and Y , because on the smaller image the X position may be 200px but on the big picture it will be 600 px; and I don't know how much I will resize the picture? The finish picture will be exactly: 300px*370px
  6. Just want to say: If you will code XHTML, (And I think you want?) The do never use capitale letters, only small = no caps lock
  7. Aha, I do like this: When the upload a CV, I insert a row into a database - table. in that table I save all information the may have villed in a form like name, email OR title, description etc. And I also save the file extension in a column/field in the table. And directly after the row has been inserted into the database I use: mysql_inserted_id(); and get the ID for that row. With that id I name the file to ID.extension. So if you will upload a file, I first put a row into the database, and let's say it got the ID 457, the the file will get the name in a directory: 457.doc win this way no file will get the same name... nice
  8. I will just give you the code I use, it works really nice =) $img = $_FILES['img']; $pathinfo = pathinfo($img['name']); $imgtypes = array('jpg','jpeg'); //Allowed types $maxsize = 3; //maxsize in mb $savepath = '../uploaded/'; //directory to save. if(in_array(strtolower($pathinfo['extension']), $imgtypes)) //I check if the img-extension is in array if not, the type is not allowed. { if($img['size'] < 1000*1000*$maxsize) //You get the image size in bytes that is why I take 1000* 1000 * $maxsize, then I get it to MB { if(!file_exists($savepath)) //if the directory exists { if(!mkdir($savepath, 0700)) //create dir else give error message { //if the Directory couldn't be created exit(); } } if(move_uploaded_file($img['tmp_name'], $savepath . $image . '.' . $pathinfo['extension'])) To see if the file exists before you upload the image just use: file_exists('path'); //look at php.net to see more about it. this will be enought =)
  9. I see there i s just this query but what is above and below this line? I mean if there is something which can run lines of code more than once?
  10. Do you mean have to do that? Use AJAX, And send the chosen name to the php file which is Selecting, the firstnames and put it into a select box
  11. It isn't a payment mission, if somebody can help me to the right way I can do this by my own, BUT this is in a really hurry that's why I am so desperat to get this to work
  12. Hi! This picture shows the crop tool for the users. The picture will be after cropped and resized: 300*370 px How can I do so the picture will be 300*370 px in a nice quality and good shape when the cropping and resizing is done? I mean the proportions must be right when the user crop and when I save because I make the picture smallre with HTML/CSS when the user will crop. please help me with this!
  13. How do you mean by have firstname dependent on lastname?
  14. I haven't done this before but I will try to help you anyway because I think you will be happy to get a answer anyway =) I would try: First I would connect to the first database and insert it... Then I would use: mysql_close(); And then I would create a new connection Then I would insert it there. I think that is the only way, but I am not sure! Try =)
  15. Have you tried to echo it out directly on the page and see if you get any capitalized letters on the page? Try that and tell Just want to say: CSS got a function which captialize every first letter, just if that is an option...
  16. Use a variable: $type = 'name'; "SELECT $type FROM table1" Or $type = 'COUNT(*)'; "SELECT $type FROM table1" then yo u can decide what with an if() if(...) { $type = 'name'; } else { $type = 'COUNT(*)'; } Hope this help
  17. I not sure what you mean, but if you want on the page to highlight words, I think it is better to use JavaScript than PHP then!
  18. Thanks for your answers. The first answer the link, just resize the images, but the images got different sizes so they will look strange when I make the width and height less... The second link... I don't get magicquick and I can't install it :/ So is there another solution... I would be very happy Thanks
  19. Hi! I using PHP - GD to rotate an image and put a watermark to it, that works great! But I want to make the image smaller because the image the user uploads is big. I can make the image smaller by: style="width: 300px; height:300px;" but the quality is not good then. My question is how I can make the image smaller, with GD if that's necessary. I guess I want to keep the proportion so I got a normal picture and not to width or to height or something. I want the picture width a width like 300-320 px how do i know how much the height will be? And do i need to crop the image? And how do I crop the image and still beeing sure to keep the face of the person on the picture? The width and height need to be same at all images! Thanks in advance, I really hope you can help me with this, this is really important! =)
  20. Hi! I am wonder how to create like a adminpanel who can create categories and subcategories. The admin will create subcategories to subcategories you know... like a hierarchy. It never ends the admin can create jhow many subcategoriers to the subcategories: cat1 subcat1 subcat1 subcat2 subcat 2 subcat 3 subcat4 subcat5 You see, the admin can create subcats to subcats... My question is... how can create this application? Thanks //WebbHelp
  21. Ok! I thougt I would understand this much earlier but I didn't But now I really understand, actually it is like JavaScript/ActionScript. You got the object, then the propertie and then the method. Now I'm quite sure that I understand this. Thank you so much for helping me. Now I finally understand OOP more. THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS, THANKS
  22. Waite waite waite.... I think I have missunderstood all this now..- You mean that the object is: $object = new class('tjo'); The object the properties $object->funcname(); the object a method? Is the variable that I create a new class() in, the object?
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