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  1. I have find a php class for breadcrumb navigation but I'm unsure how to use it. Any ideas? <?php /* * Breadcrumb navigation class * Mick Sear * http://www.ecreate.co.uk * * The key to using this is to decide on a $level for each page. (array, starting position 0) * This determines where in the trail a link will be placed. So, I normally make the homepage level 0, * then every page that can be accessed from the top level nav becomes level 1, and every page * from that second level becomes level 2, and so on. When users return to a higher level (e.g. level 1) * the surplus links are removed. Only one page can occupy a $level in the crumb trail. * There might be several routes to a page. In which case, the trail will reflect the route that the * user actually took to get to that page. */ class Breadcrumb{ var $output; var $crumbs = array(); var $location; /* * Constructor */ function Breadcrumb(){ if ($_SESSION['breadcrumb'] != null){ $this->crumbs = $_SESSION['breadcrumb']; } } /* * Add a crumb to the trail: * @param $label - The string to display * @param $url - The url underlying the label * @param $level - The level of this link. * */ function add($label, $url, $level){ $crumb = array(); $crumb['label'] = $label; $crumb['url'] = $url; if ($crumb['label'] != null && $crumb['url'] != null && isset($level)){ while(count($this->crumbs) > $level){ array_pop($this->crumbs); //prune until we reach the $level we've allocated to this page } if (!isset($this->crumbs[0]) && $level > 0){ //If there's no session data yet, assume a homepage link $this->crumbs[0]['url'] = "/index.php"; $this->crumbs[0]['label'] = "Home"; } $this->crumbs[$level] = $crumb; } $_SESSION['breadcrumb'] = $this->crumbs; //Persist the data $this->crumbs[$level]['url'] = null; //Ditch the underlying url for the current page. } /* * Output a semantic list of links. See above for sample CSS. Modify this to suit your design. */ function output(){ echo "<div id='breadcrumb'><ul><li>Click trail: </li>"; foreach ($this->crumbs as $crumb){ if ($crumb['url'] != null){ echo "<li> > <a href='".$crumb['url']."' title='".$crumb['label']."'>".$crumb['label']."</a></li> "; } else { echo "<li> > ".$crumb['label']."</li> "; } } echo "</ul></div>"; } } ?>
  2. Does anyone have any easy to follow code or examples usibg breadcrumb navigation?
  3. I am wanting some easy to follow code implementing breadcrumbs in php.
  4. This function dosen't work properly. Any clues? function makeSelect($name,$label,$options,$value='',$message='') { $this->count++; $html ="<div class ='selectRow'>"; $this->makeLabel($name, $label); $html.='<select id="'.$name. '"name="'.$name.'" tabindex= "'.$this->count.'" class ="selectBox">'; foreach($options as $optionValue=>$optionLabel){ $checked = $optionValue == $value ? " checked " : ""; $html.="<option value ='$optionValue' $checked>$optionLabel</option>"; } $html.="</select>"; $this->makeMessage($message); $html.="</div>" ; $this->html.= $html; } Associated Errors # Line 60, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: attributes construct error …ltipart/form-data"><div class="boxa"><div class="label"><label for="name">You… ✉ # Error Line 60, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: Couldn't find end of Start Tag select line 60 …ltipart/form-data"><div class="boxa"><div class="label"><label for="name">You… ✉ # Error Line 60, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 60 and select …ltipart/form-data"><div class="boxa"><div class="label"><label for="name">You… ✉ # Error Line 60, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: form line 60 and div …ltipart/form-data"><div class="boxa"><div class="label"><label for="name">You… ✉ # Error Line 60, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: div line 52 and form …ltipart/form-data"><div class="boxa"><div class="label"><label for="name">You… ✉ # Error Line 88, Column 6: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: body line 24 and div </div> ✉ # Error Line 89, Column 7: XML Parsing Error: Opening and ending tag mismatch: html line 2 and body </body> Full code for page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Dave's Web Designs</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/blueprint/screen.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/blueprint/grid.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/blueprint/print.css" type="text/css" media="print" /> <!--[if IE 8]> <link href="assets/IE - 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