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  1. $('#test .ulError'). This worked fine! Thanks... can't believe I didn't try it before asking here.. lol thanks mate!
  2. Hey guys, <td id=”test”> <div>blabla</div> <div class=”ulError” style=”margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;”></div> </td> I want to access to the second div in jQuery... but I also want to access it from the TD #test. I tried different thing like : $(’#test:eq(1)’).......... didn’t worked. $(’#test > .ulError’)........ didn’t worked. I need to get to the .ulError by the #test because I have a #test2 that is exactly the same... so I can't just call the .ulError straight... Would this work? $('#test').children('div .ulError') Thanks for your time!
  3. Hi try to do some alert inside an .js... the alert work fine... but the french accent character is wrong. I do something like alert('Salut à toi mon ami!'); But the "à" is displayed like an square with a ? inside. I need to replace the "à" with "\xE0" for it to work... which is hexa... now is there a function I could use? Thx
  4. I just tried again with "commentaire" as an ID and still didn't work... No typo error 100% sure... Even if I look in the source code I don't see ANY "commentaire" in all the damn page!!! weird....
  5. For fun I tried to copy past your textarea and javascript code and it worked... I then tried my code again.. didn't work... I then changed the id="commentaire" to id="whatever" and it worked..... WTF :wtf: It seems that the code just don't like the id "commentaire".... WTF !???? I searched all my code and I have NO other place with "commentaire"........
  6. I have this when the page load <textarea name="commentaire" id="commentaire" rows="3" cols="54"></textarea> Then I type some text, click on a button that execute a alert and the alert doesn't display anything... if I put this otherwise <textarea name="commentaire" id="commentaire" rows="3" cols="54">TEST</textarea> and click my button, the alert display TEST... ...
  7. Thanks for your answer kickstart... While trying to do it with the POST... I found this example -> http://www.captain.at/howto-ajax-form-post-request.php and there I say the encoreURI function! so I did http://www.xxx.com/commentFunction.php?comment=" + encoreURI(document.commentForm.comment.value); And in the PHP I did echo "<td><pre>" . urldecode($_GET["comment"]) . "</pre></td>"; Worked like a charm!!! Now I'll try to insert/retrieve from the Database to see how it run!
  8. More information... I tried to do alert(document.commentForm.comment.value); And the Alert message is displayed exactly as in the textarea (with the line break)... It seems that passing that value as a parameter in the URL just sanitize the variable and remove all the line break...??
  9. Not sure if its the right place... but here is the problems I have a Javascript function that get the value of a textarea and then send it to a php pages with AJAX... here is the URL.. http://www.xxx.com/commentFunction.php?comment=" + document.commentForm.comment.value ; Now, in the PHP... I retrieve the variable with $comment = $_GET["comment"]; And then insert the $comment in MySQL.. the problem is that when I retrieve the info from MySQL...there is no Linebreak...? How could I correct that? Thanks
  10. Hey guys, I just CAN'T get the text from a <textarea> with the getElementById... the only way I can do it is by putting my <textarea> in a <form> and doing something like document.form1.textarea1.value why is this not working? --> document.getElementById('textarea1').value Thanks
  11. The PHP I called was from another subdomain... so the returned value just didn't came back since AJAX need to be executed on the same domain........... grrrr! SOLVED !
  12. I'll make this short before posting my code, I call my php pages which execute an Insert on my Database... the query is executed without problems... then I finish the .php with echo "test"; And the responseText is just empty...! I goes in the stateChanged function since I display an Alert but when I try to display the responseText (Which should be "test")... it is just Empty... Any ideas?
  13. I'm trying to find something like the website I mentioned above without success. It is called "CrowdSourcing"... It give users the opportunity to leave suggestions that can later be commented and rated by other users. I need an script that does the exact same thing but that is 100% Free/Open Source and Hosted on our OWN server? Can't find any..... all those I found were not 100% Free, had one bad thing that didn't make me want to pay for the product and they're all hosted on the company server.. not mine. Anyone can help me on this? :S
  14. Sometime it ask me to authorize the content while other time it doesn't... and NO I didn't placed them in the "AUTO ACCEPT".... so we'll stay here I think... it's impossible to do! Thanks!
  15. I just found out there was a 1pixel .png imagine in the email but still... hotmail didn't asked me if it could be open or not... I'm lost
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