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Everything posted by fanfavorite

  1. what did you end up using for this? Looking for a solution myself.
  2. I was wondering if it was possible to put all ErrorDocuments in one line of the .htaccess like: ErrorDocument (*) /errorpages/$1 I just wanted to know if it was possible, rather than have to list each error line by line. Thanks.
  3. Thanks, I forgot to hit topic solved before, but that example gives other users reading a good idea of how to use it properly. Thank you all for your help.
  4. Thank you, that was what I was looking for. What I am doing is creating customizable conditional statements for websites to be able to choose a field from a drop down, what operation (==, >, >=, etc) in a drop down and a value. I am setting it up to be secure to not allow injections, etc. I also need to be able to make specific conditions manually. It is all reading into a file on a server that displays certain content depending on the persons database. Not sure if I am explaining very well, but don't know how to really explain it much better.
  5. That was just a quick example I put up to keep it very simple. I need a way to store conditions. Right now I do it in a database. So for example, the first line has conditions attached: $testvariable=="Some Text";$testvariable2=="Some Other Text" That whole thing is in the database field and I explode ";" to separate into different conditions. It is just true when you put it in the condition, like you mentioned above because it is making the whole thing: if ('$testvariable=="Some Text"') { Rather than what I am looking for it to do: if ($testvariable=="Some Text") { Do you have any ideas on the best way to accomplish this?
  6. I was wondering how I would convert a conditional statement that is in a database to an actual statement. For example, the database is if $TestMode == "Yes". If I do that in a statement like: $q = mysql_query("SELECT FROM TestTable"); while ($f = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { if ($f[Condition]) { echo 'Condition Passed'; } } This will not work however, as I believe it is reading it as a full string, rather than a condition. My workaround right now is to strip out the equation into parts, but that is a pain when it gets complex. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Didn't really work with it after this, but just tried your solution and it works like a charm. Thanks!
  8. Sorry bud, don't have much time to come on here anymore, so just getting to this post now. AES is the best solution I have found. Haven't played around with it too much, but is what I am using.
  9. Does album already exist in the url? I would do something like: if (isset($_GET['album'])) { $album = $_GET['album']; } else { $album = 0; //Whatever default value you want if an album isn't selected } Then change to: echo '<li><a href="?album=' . $album . '"></a></li>';
  10. Ok try this: <?php for($i=1; $i>=-364; $i--) { $today = date("z",(time()-3600))+$i; ?> - <? INCLUDE "/usr/home/bcmurray/public_html/features/$today.txt";?> <BR> <?php if ($today == 0) { exit; } } ?>
  11. You should just be able to do change: for($i=1; $i>=-3; $i--) { to for($i=1; $i>=-364; $i--) { This should give you the links for the past 365 days.
  12. I use lists for navigation as well, but I don't see anywhere where they state this is for navigation. It shouldn't be a main concern though, although I too like really clean input and output code.
  13. Once you clean it up, it will be easier to see what is happening, but it may fix most of the issues.
  14. I would watch about opening and closing brackets: <c><h2>Under Construction</c></h2> should be <c><h2>Under Construction</h2></c>. By the way, what does the <c> tag do? Other things to watch out for is starting the doctype and such again or ending the html (</html>) and then continuing down the page. Check out http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.exectronics.com.au%2Findex.php%3Fpage%3Dhome. The more valid your site is, the more cross browser compliant it will be.
  15. Try changing: <tr align="center"><td align="left"> to just <tr><td>. I would avoid using the align attribute altogether though and use CSS text-align in place of it.
  16. Did you fix it? I don't see a different with the bottom margin.
  17. Yes contact your host and see what they say.
  18. IE is slower than most other browsers, so could be timing out at a certain point. I ran into a similar issue once where it randomly would display a blank page instead of loading the page. I contacted the host of the clients and they were able to resolve it. I can't remember exactly what the cause was though.
  19. I was wondering how people are storing passwords to use with PHP. I normally store passwords in databases with md5, but you cannot decrypt it, so it is useless if you want to be able to use ftp passwords to connect to other sites. Is it best to create a custom function to encrypt/decrypt the passwords? Does anyone have any examples? Thanks.
  20. Try a negative margin-bottom value for the iframe. Start off with something like margin-bottom: -20px; and adjust from there.
  21. Sounds more like a server issue to me. I would get your system administrator or host to check the system logs and see what is happening.
  22. I haven't tested this posted code, but I have done things similar. At second look, I think it needs to be username.value.length Been looking at code all day, need to get some shuteye.
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