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Everything posted by BMBATS

  1. Indeed it was! I was actually trying to figure out how to edit my post (still can't seem to do that) and tell you that it worked and you made my day! haha I got a stat failed error so I changed it to the replay directory from the text directory (the replay parser uses the text directory to store information on the replay file so it doesn't have to parse it every time) and added the .w3g extension and it worked fantastically! $replays[filemtime($w3g_path.$replay_file.'.w3g')] = $replay_file; Of course you essentially did all the work for me so I must sincerely thank you for helping me, a complete PHP noob.
  2. Thank you for the reply! Unfortunately I get the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/virtual/site354/fst/var/www/html/replays.php on line 765 I've never seen this error before. Here's the code in it's entirety which generates the error: <?php $time_start = microtime(); require('w3g-julas.php'); $id = $_GET['id']; // path to the replay directory (*.w3g files) - must be ended with / if (isset($_GET['w3g_path'])) { $w3g_path = $_GET['w3g_path']; } else { $w3g_path = 'replays/'; } // path to the data files, can be identical as w3g one or not $txt_path = 'database/'; // only for links to webprofiles $gateway = 'Azeroth'; // listing replay files (we need it even when viewing details for // prev/next links if (false !== ($replays_dir = opendir($w3g_path))) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($replay_file = readdir($replays_dir))) { if ($replay_file != '.' && $replay_file != '..' && false !== ($ext_pos = strpos($replay_file, '.w3g'))) { $replay_file = substr($replay_file, 0, $ext_pos); // create database file if replay is new if (!file_exists($txt_path.$replay_file.'.txt') && $replay_file != 'LastReplay') { // LastReplay additions just for my own purposes $replay = new replay($w3g_path.$replay_file.'.w3g'); $txt_file = fopen($txt_path.$replay_file.'.txt', 'a'); flock($txt_file, 2); fputs($txt_file, serialize($replay)); flock($txt_file, 3); fclose($txt_file); } $replays[filemtime($txt_path.$replay_file)] = $replay_file; $i++; } } closedir($replays_dir); if ($replays) { //This sorts all replays alphabetically ksort($replays); } else { echo('<p>Replay folder contains no replays!</p>'); } // listing replays - short info if (!isset($id) && !isset($_FILES['replay_file'])) { echo('<div id="top"><h1><font color="527095">Re</font>plays</h1></div> <div id="functions"><b>'.$i.'</b> replays available.</div> <div id="content">'); ?> <h2>Upload your own replay!</h2> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upload.php" method="POST"> <input name="uploaded" type="file" /> <input type="submit" value="Upload"/> </form> <ol id="replays"> <?php foreach ($replays as $replay_file) { if ($replay_file == 'LastReplay') { // LastReplay additions just for my own purposes continue; } echo('<li><a class="title" href="?id='.$replay_file.'">'.$replay_file.'</a> <a class="download" href="'. $w3g_path.$replay_file.'.w3g">&#187; download</a>('.round(filesize($w3g_path.$replay_file.'.w3g')/1024).' KB)<br />'); $txt_file = fopen($txt_path.$replay_file.'.txt', 'r'); flock($txt_file, 1); $replay = unserialize(fgets($txt_file)); flock($txt_file, 3); fclose($txt_file); $i = 1; foreach ($replay->teams as $team=>$players) { if ($team != 12) { echo('<b>team '.$i.': </b>'); foreach ($players as $player) { echo(' <img src="img/'.strtolower($replay->header['ident']).'/'.strtolower($player['race']).'.gif" alt="'.$player['race'].'" />'); if ($player['race'] == 'Random') { echo('&#187; <img src="img/'.strtolower($replay->header['ident']).'/'.strtolower($player['race_detected']).'.gif" alt="'.$player['race_detected'].'" />'); } if (!$player['computer']) { echo('<a href="http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/'.$replay->header['ident'].'-player-profile.aspx?Gateway='.$gateway.'&PlayerName='.$player['name'].'">'.$player['name'].'</a> ('.round($player['apm']).' APM)'); } else { echo('Computer ('.$player['ai_strength'].')'); } } echo('<br />'); $i++; } } $temp = strpos($replay->game['map'], ')')+1; $map = substr($replay->game['map'], $temp, strlen($replay->game['map'])-$temp-4); $version = sprintf('%02d', $replay->header['major_v']); echo($replay->game['type']); echo(' with '.$replay->game['observers']); echo(' | '.$map.' | v1.'.$version.' '.$replay->header['ident'].' | '.date("<b>F d Y h:i</b>",filemtime("$w3g_path$replay_file.w3g")).'</li>'); } echo('</ol></div>'); // details about the replay } else { $pos = array_search($id, $replays); echo(' <h1>'.$id.' details</h1> <div id="functions">'); if ($pos > 0) { echo('<a href="?id='.$replays[$pos-1].'">&#171; prev</a>'); } echo('<a href="?">index</a> <a href="?id='.$replays[$pos+1].'">next &#187;</a> </div> <div id="content">'); if (file_exists($txt_path.$id.'.txt')) { $txt_file = fopen($txt_path.$id.'.txt', 'r'); flock($txt_file, 1); $replay = unserialize(fgets($txt_file)); flock($txt_file, 3); fclose($txt_file); } elseif ($id) { $replay = new replay($w3g_path.$id.'.w3g'); } elseif (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['replay_file']['tmp_name'])) { $replay = new replay($_FILES['replay_file']['tmp_name']); $gateway = $_POST['gateway']; } else { echo('No replay file given!'); $error = 1; } if (!isset($error)) { if ($replay->errors) { echo('<p><b>Warning!</b> The script has encountered some errors when parsing the replay. Please report them to the <a class="menuleft" href="mailto:julas&#64;toya.net.pl">author</a>. <a href="javascript:display(\'errors\');">&#187; details</a></p> <div id="errors" class="additional">'); foreach ($replay->errors as $number => $info) { echo($info.'<br /><br />'); } echo('</div>'); } echo(' <h2>General information</h2>'); $temp = strpos($replay->game['map'], ')')+1; $map = substr($replay->game['map'], $temp, strlen($replay->game['map'])-$temp-4); $version = sprintf('%02d', $replay->header['major_v']); echo(' <img style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;" src="http://www.battle.net/war3/images/ladder-revise/minimaps/'.$map.'.jpg" alt="Mini Map" /> <ul class="info"> <li><b>name:</b> '.$replay->game['name'].'</li> <li><b>type:</b> '.$replay->game['type'].'</li> <li><b>host:</b> '.$replay->game['creator'].'</li> <li><b>saver:</b> '.$replay->game['saver_name'].'</li> <li><br /><b>map:</b> '.$map.'</li> <li><b>players:</b> '.$replay->game['player_count'].'</li> <li><b>length:</b> '.convert_time($replay->header['length']).'</li> <li><b>speed:</b> '.$replay->game['speed'].'</li> <li><b>version:</b> 1.'.$version.' '.$replay->header['ident'].'</li>'); if (file_exists($w3g_path.$id.'.w3g')) { echo('<li><br /><a class="download" href="'.$w3g_path.$id.'.w3g">&#187; download</a>('.round(filesize($w3g_path.$id.'.w3g')/1024).' KB)</li>'); } echo('</ul><ul class="info"> <li><b>lock teams:</b> '.convert_yesno($replay->game['lock_teams']).'</li> <li><b>teams together:</b> '.convert_yesno($replay->game['teams_together']).'</li> <li><b>full shared unit control:</b> '.convert_yesno($replay->game['full_shared_unit_control']).'</li> <li><br /><b>random races:</b> '.convert_yesno($replay->game['random_races']).'</li> <li><b>random hero:</b> '.convert_yesno($replay->game['random_hero']).'</li> <li><br /><b>observers:</b> '.$replay->game['observers'].'</li> <li><b>visibility:</b> '.$replay->game['visibility'].'</li> </ul>'); echo('<h2>Players</h2> <div>'); $i = 1; foreach ($replay->teams as $team=>$players) { if ($team != 12) { echo('<b>team '.$i.'</b>'); // "If at least one player gets a draw result the whole game is draw." if (!isset($replay->game['winner_team'])) { echo(' (unknown)'); } else if ($replay->game['winner_team'] === 'tie' || $replay->game['loser_team'] === 'tie') { echo(' (tie)'); } elseif ($team === $replay->game['winner_team']) { echo(' (winner)'); } else { echo(' (loser)'); } echo('<br />'); foreach ($players as $player) { echo(' <div class="section"> <img src="img/'.strtolower($replay->header['ident']).'/'.strtolower($player['race']).'.gif" alt="'.$player['race'].'" />'); if ($player['race'] == 'Random') { echo('&#187; <img src="img/'.strtolower($replay->header['ident']).'/'.strtolower($player['race_detected']).'.gif" alt="'.$player['race_detected'].'" />'); } if (!$player['computer']) { echo('<b><a href="http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/'.$replay->header['ident'].'-player-profile.aspx?Gateway='.$gateway.'&PlayerName='.$player['name'].'">'.$player['name'].'</a></b> ('); } else { echo('<b>Computer ('.$player['ai_strength'].')</b> ('); } // remember there's no color in tournament replays from battle.net website if ($player['color']) { echo('<span class="'.$player['color'].'">'.$player['color'].'</span>'); // since version 2.0 of the parser there's no players array so // we have to gather colors and names earlier as it will be harder later $colors[$player['player_id']] = $player['color']; $names[$player['player_id']] = $player['name']; } if (!$player['computer']) { echo(' | '.round($player['apm']).' APM | '); echo($player['actions'].' actions | '); echo(convert_time($player['time']).')<br /> <div class="details">'); if (isset($player['heroes'])) { foreach ($player['heroes'] as $name=>$info) { // don't display info for heroes whose summoning was aborted if ($name != 'order' && isset($info['level'])) { $hero_file = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $name)); echo('<img style="width: 14px; height: 14px;" src="img/heroes/'.$hero_file.'.gif" alt="Hero icon" /> <b>'.$info['level'].'</b> <a href="javascript:display(\''.$hero_file.$player['player_id'].'\');" title="Click to see abilities">'.$name.'</a> <div id="'.$hero_file.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional">'); foreach ($info['abilities'] as $time=>$abilities) { if ($time !== 'order') { if ($time) { echo('<br /><b>'.convert_time($time).'</b> Retraining<br />'); } foreach ($abilities as $ability=>$info) { echo('<img src="img/abilities/'.strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $ability)).'.gif" alt="Ability icon" /> <b>'.$info.'</b> '.$ability.'<br />'); } } } echo('</div>'); } } } if (isset($player['actions_details'])) { echo('<br /> <a href="javascript:display(\'actions'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; actions </a> <div id="actions'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); ksort($player['actions_details']); foreach ($player['actions_details'] as $name=>$info) { echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;">'.$name.'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.$info.'</b></td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.round($info/10).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); } echo('</table> <b>'.$player['actions'].'</b> total</div>'); } if (isset($player['hotkeys'])) { echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'hotkeys'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; hotkeys </a> <div id="hotkeys'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); ksort($player['hotkeys']); foreach ($player['hotkeys'] as $name=>$info) { echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.($name+1).'</b></td><td style="text-align: right;">'.$info['assigned'].'</td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.round($info['assigned']/7).'px;"></div></td><td style="text-align: right;">'.$info['used'].'</td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.round($info['used']/7).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); } echo('</table>(assigned/used)</div>'); } if (isset($player['units'])) { echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'units'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; units </a> <div id="units'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); $ii = 0; foreach ($player['units'] as $name=>$info) { if ($name != 'order' && $info > 0) { // don't show units which were cancelled and finally never made by player echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;">'.$name.'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.$info.'</b></td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.($info*5).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); $ii += $info; } } echo('</table> <b>'.$ii.'</b> total</div>'); } if (isset($player['upgrades'])) { echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'upgrades'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; upgrades</a> <div id="upgrades'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); $ii = 0; foreach ($player['upgrades'] as $name=>$info) { if ($name != 'order') { echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;">'.$name.'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.$info.'</b></td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.($info*20).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); $ii += $info; } } echo('</table> <b>'.$ii.'</b> total</div>'); } if (isset($player['buildings'])) { echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'buildings'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; buildings</a> <div id="buildings'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); $ii = 0; foreach ($player['buildings'] as $name=>$info) { if ($name != 'order') { echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;">'.$name.'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.$info.'</b></td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.($info*20).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); $ii += $info; } } echo('</table> <b>'.$ii.'</b> total</div>'); echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'buildorder'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; build order</a> <div id="buildorder'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional">'); foreach ($player['buildings']['order'] as $time=>$name) { echo('<b>'.convert_time($time).'</b> '.$name.'<br />'); } echo('</div>'); } if (isset($player['items'])) { echo('<a href="javascript:display(\'items'.$player['player_id'].'\');">&#187; items</a> <div id="items'.$player['player_id'].'" class="additional"> <table>'); $ii = 0; foreach ($player['items'] as $name=>$info) { if ($name != 'order') { echo('<tr><td style="text-align: right;">'.$name.'</td><td style="text-align: right;"><b>'.$info.'</b></td><td><div class="graph" style="width: '.($info*20).'px;"></div></td></tr>'); $ii += $info; } } echo('</table> <b>'.$ii.'</b> total</div>'); } echo('</div>'); } else { echo(')'); } echo('</div>'); } $i++; } } if (isset($replay->teams['12'])) { echo('<b>observers</b> ('.$replay->game['observers'].')<br />'); $comma = 0; foreach ($replay->teams['12'] as $player) { if ($comma) { echo(', '); } $comma = 1; echo('<a href="http://www.battle.net/war3/ladder/'.$replay->header['ident'].'-player-profile.aspx?Gateway='.$gateway.'&PlayerName='.$player['name'].'">'.$player['name'].'</a>'); } echo('<br /><br />'); } echo('</div>'); if ($replay->chat) { echo('<h2>Chat log</h2> <p>'); $prev_time = 0; foreach ($replay->chat as $content) { if ($content['time'] - $prev_time > 45000) { echo('<br />'); // we can easily see when players stopped chatting } $prev_time = $content['time']; echo('('.convert_time($content['time'])); if (isset($content['mode'])) { if (is_int($content['mode'])) { echo(' / '.'<span class="'.$colors[$content['mode']].'">'.$names[$content['mode']].'</span>'); } else { echo(' / '.$content['mode']); } } echo(') '); if (isset($content['player_id'])) { // no color for observers if (isset($colors[$content['player_id']])) { echo('<span class="'.$colors[$content['player_id']].'">'.$content['player_name'].'</span>: '); } else { echo('<span class="observer">'.$content['player_name'].'</span>: '); } } echo(htmlspecialchars($content['text'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'<br />'); } echo('</p>'); } } echo('</div>'); } $time_end = microtime(); $temp = explode(' ', $time_start.' '.$time_end); $duration=sprintf('%.8f',($temp[2]+$temp[3])-($temp[0]+$temp[1])); ?>
  3. // listing replay files (we need it even when viewing details for // prev/next links if (false !== ($replays_dir = opendir($w3g_path))) { $i = 0; while (false !== ($replay_file = readdir($replays_dir))) { if ($replay_file != '.' && $replay_file != '..' && false !== ($ext_pos = strpos($replay_file, '.w3g'))) { $replay_file = substr($replay_file, 0, $ext_pos); // create database file if replay is new if (!file_exists($txt_path.$replay_file.'.txt') && $replay_file != 'LastReplay') { // LastReplay additions just for my own purposes $replay = new replay($w3g_path.$replay_file.'.w3g'); $txt_file = fopen($txt_path.$replay_file.'.txt', 'a'); flock($txt_file, 2); fputs($txt_file, serialize($replay)); flock($txt_file, 3); fclose($txt_file); } $replays[$i] = $replay_file; $i++; } } closedir($replays_dir); if ($replays) { //This sorts all replays alphabetically sort($replays); } else { echo('<p>Replay folder contains no replays!</p>'); } I'd like to sort the files by their last modified date(filemtime) rather than alphabetically. I'm a total noob at PHP and I've been trying to do this for three days straight now. Anyone know how I would go about doing this?
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