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Everything posted by krepepet

  1. used meta tag, but this time i link directly to the frame thx all
  2. <?php session_start(); session_destroy(); echo "You have been successfully logged out. <br><br> You will now be returned to the login page. <META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\" content=\"2; URL=login.php\"> "; ?> hi. i am using this for my logout script, inside a frame. it works well except that it refresh the whole page to login.php, not the frame it was in only..how to solve this?
  3. i succeeded in doing some if else with the arrays but for about 25 boxes, it will be too complicated. i believe theres a simpler way to do it. and this one looks like it. but a bit confused here, can u explain this part
  4. hello. i am developing a system, and the system needs to handle so many checkboxes.. ??? ok. something like this.. form 1 : []a, []b, []c form 2 : []d, []e, []f, []g form 3 : []h, []i, []j, []k the form will be used to select data from database. i dont really have a good idea on how to handle the forms. i did this SELECT * FROM table WHERE (form1 = '$form[0]' OR form1 = '$form[1] OR form1 = '$form[2]') AND (form2 = '$form2[0]' OR form2 = '$form2[1]' ..) AND .. the thing is, not all box will be checked so it will cause error. if is_null is used, it will produced a very long if else statement. and i believe this is not a good technique to handle the checkboxes. is there any good article/example on the net on how to handle many checkboxes? i tried googling around but fail to find one that suits my project
  5. Fatal error: Call to undefined function msyql_error() out of idea..already rebuilt the code in case i overlook any misspelled..still the same.. -the table closednf not updated -it doesnt show any error..
  6. the first code is working, the data from table "closed" can be udpated..while for the second one, the data from table "closednf" cant be updated..i also have 4 more tables..it works fine but only for the table closednf it stucks..
  7. Are there any known issue about this? I have few pages with the exact same code, the only difference is the table name. I just copy paste the coding from the first page and change the table name but unfortunately one of them is not working at all. The page is about updating data..
  8. <a href='pullclosednf.php?id=$id'> problem solved..thx very much elis
  9. exactly, but i couldnt explain it in my last post. the "1 page which will pull infos from database" is what i need. will read the tizag first, anyone with anymore idea are welcome to give opinion. thx elis
  10. Hello.. I am totally lost here, I dont have any idea to do it.. I have a system, each time user enter a new data, it will be put into database, and users can view the data in a page.. lets say user key in this data no: 300 title: abc mentor : awie so, users can now click on a new link appear on a page, lets say "300", then it will lead to the page showing the number 300, title abc and mentor awie. the question is, how can i create a page each time users key in new data, i can only think about manually creating new page..but how if users key in 500 data per day? tried to google but cant find suitable phrase to search.. ps : sorry if this is totally noob question, because im a totally lost noob here
  11. no error.. my query is fine..it produced the desired result..
  12. hi guys, im new with php.. can someone tell me whats the problem with my coding? it tells .. Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\extract.php on line 46 which is at the closing of html </html> thanks.. ok already delete that part, no more error but it shows nothing..just a blank page..
  13. hi guys, im new with php.. can someone tell me whats the problem with my coding? it tells .. Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\extract.php on line 46 which is at the closing of html </html> thanks..
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