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  1. Little bump. Anyone have any help they could lend with this one? I'll be playing around today, but I'm pretty new to SOAP, and could use some advice. Thanks.
  2. Well, I've got the tough part out of the way, which was securely connecting 2 servers using a certificate and a specific, non-standard port, through firewalls and such... Now I need to connect and send the correct parameters via my SOAP app to the client's server. Looking at some SOAP examples, I though: Oh, this stuff is easy, pretty straightforward. That is, until I received, from our client, what I'm supposed to be passing them on connection. So this (below) is a sample request for their specific schema, and I have no idea how to send this... Format: http://www.drivingcreative.com/soap_example.xml My connection code looks like this (so far) and needs to be passing the parameters above to fully work. There's also HTTP Authentication, which is why there's a login and password. $params = array( 'login' => 'cluser', 'password' => 'clpass' ); $c = new soapclient('https://client.website.org:123/services/ActivityReport', $params); So I need to know how to format that XML and send it using this soap connection. Anyone able to give some advice? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks, David
  3. Well I know why hex was used (for the HTML IDs), but why it was being passed using Javascript, I don't know.
  4. Neither am I... We were sending through POST something like: 2f746573742f68656c6c6f and it was being translated from hex to text as: /test/hello Then we'd take that, and append it to the site directory path, so we'd end up with something like: /home/usr/project/public_html/files/test/hello Which is a valid path, and would make rmdir() return true. Yet it wouldn't get deleted. When I switched it to just pass the /test/hello as a POST variable instead of the hex-encoded variable, it worked. Again, I'm not sure why it was using hex, but there's no reason for it. So I took it out. Still... Strange, right?
  5. Actually, it looks like it's working now... What we were doing is (for some reason) passing a hex-encoded version of the directory path, and translating it back into standard text. Don't ask me why... But I saw that yesterday evening and altered it to use the real directory path. All is well in the universe this morning, it seems. Javascript guy says it's working, and it seems to be working for me too. Not sure what the exact problem was, but it was definitely strange. Things work now. Thanks, David
  6. All right, so this is very strange... I have an AJAX file manager set up, and when I pass information to remove a directory, rmdir() returns true, but DOES NOT DELETE THE DIRECTORY. Using the same script, and simply posting with an HTML form returns true and DOES delete the directory. I'm using Javascript POSTing the data to a PHP script, which returns either true or false - it only returns true if rmdir() returns true; literally. Like I said earlier, I copy/pasted the code to a different file and used an HTML form to POST the data instead of having Javascript POST it, and it works. So here's my question: Why would rmdir() return true if it didn't actually delete the directory? Thoughts? Thanks.
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