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Galab Juman

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  1. RESOLVED ( I hope) When entering into DB: htmlspecialchars ($myString); When displaying: html_entity_decode($myString)
  2. stripSlashes does NOT restore the formatting. It just removes the slashes. For example: addSlashes turns a carriage return into \r\n stripSlashes turns that to rn I want to turn it back into a carriage return
  3. OK so it looks like it IS because of single quotes (apostrophes) inside a string inside my query So I need to escape these... addslashes() seems to work, as does htmlspecialchars() But how do I restore the formayting upon HTML display of this data?
  4. I did implement those calls just to be safe but I think I may have miss diagnosed the issue. But I have narrowed it down to my update This works $myquery = "INSERT INTO games (nameid, name, `desc`, time, width, height, cat,instructions, keywords, active, `type`, authorsite, authorname, updated) VALUES ('$nameid', '$name', '$desc', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), '$width', '$height', '$cat','$instructions', '$keywords', 'Yes', 'SWF','$authorsite', '$authorname','$updated')"; $result = mysql_query($myquery) or die(mysql_error()); This doesn't: $myquery = "UPDATE games SET nameid='$nameid', name='$name', `desc`='$desc', time=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), width='$width', height='$height', cat='$cat',instructions='$instructions', keywords = '$keywords', authorsite='$authorsite', authorname='$authorname', updated='$updated' WHERE nameid = '$nameid'"; $result = mysql_query($myquery) or die(mysql_error()); Any thoughts? And COULD it have to do with the data itself?
  5. I wrote a php script that reads a JSON feed and populates a db with the data. It has been working fine but is now erroring out on a certain entry. I get this error "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '..." Since it has worked for all other entries I assume its an issue with the string itself. I am using "mysql_real_escape_string" on every string before I put into DB. Are there other ways to "clean" a string of unaccepted chars? Especially if I don't know what those chars may be ? ( I am not making the JSON feed) Thanks for any insight!
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