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Everything posted by ninnypants

  1. I'm trying to build a script that will take a list of images and combine them in a pdf but I don't seem to be able to get the images to load correctly for the pdf. pdf_load_image() says that it can take the name of a php file that creates an image, but it keeps failing on me. Can anyone see any errors in my code? [pre] $pdf = pdf_new(); pdf_open_file($pdf, md5(time()).'.pdf'); $cnt = count($commic_arr); for($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++){ $img = pdf_load_image($pdf, 'auto', 'image.php?com='.$comic_arr[$i], ''); echo $img; $page = pdf_begin_page($pdf, 695, 1100); pdf_fit_image($pdf, $img, 0, 0, ''); pdf_close_image($pdf, $img); pdf_end_page($page); } pdf_close($pdf); [/pre]
  2. not sure what you mean but wouldn't it be easier to do all three <td>'s at once so that you'd only have to use one loop?
  3. You could create a php file that imports the image then copies it then displays it with the correct header. you could ten just link to it like so <img src="img_handle.php?image=02349343" />
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