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  1. thanx xcandiottix but that threw the same error. However I did get it, goto() appears to be a reserved function as of 5.3, as soon as i replace all instances with new name chgSpot() no error
  2. Anyone see what's wrong here? I've been making various changes with no success, the error is at line 147, its the goto() method <?php class DB_Result { private $id; // The ID that was created as a result of inserting a row private $length = 0; // The size of the resultset private $result; // The result itself private $currentRow = array(); // The row at our current position in the resultset private $position = 0; // Current position private $lastPosition = 0; // The last position we were at when we read from the resultset private $gotResult = false; // If we have pulled out any rows or not yet private $affectedRows = -1; // The affected number of rows from the query /** * Constructor * @param result result * @param resource connection * @param boolean insert query */ public function __construct(&$result, &$conn, $insert=false) { $this->result = $result; $this->conn = $conn; if ((@mysql_num_rows($this->result) >= 0 && $this->result !== false) || $insert) { if ($insert) $this->id = mysql_insert_id($conn); $this->length = (int) @mysql_num_rows($this->result); $this->affectedRows = mysql_affected_rows($conn); } } /** * Magic overloaded method. * Returns data from the resultset * @param string column */ public function __get($field) { if ($this->lastPosition != $this->position || !$this->gotResult) { mysql_data_seek($this->result, $this->position); $this->currentRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result); $this->lastPosition = $this->position; $this->gotResult = true; } return $this->currentRow[$field]; } /** * Get the insert id */ public function id() { return $this->id; } /** * Size of the resultset */ public function length() { return $this->length; } /** * Go to the first row of the resultset * @return boolean */ public function first() { if ($this->length > 0) { $this->goto(0); return true; } else return false; } /** * Go to the last row of the resultset * @return boolean */ public function last() { return $this->goto($this->length-1); } /** * Check if we've reched the end of the resultset * @return boolean */ public function end() { if ($this->position >= $this->length) return true; else return false; } /** * Check if we are at the start of the resultset * @return boolean */ public function start() { return ($this->position < 0); } /** * Move to the next row of the resultset * @return boolean */ public function next() { return $this->goto($this->position+1); } /** * Move to the previous row in the resultset * @return boolean */ public function prev() { return $this->goto($this->position-1); } /** * Go to a specified row in the resultset * Row numbering starts at zero * @param int row * @return boolean */ public function goto($position) { if ($position < 0 || $position > $this->length) return false; else { $this->position = $position; return true; } } /** * Get the affected number of rows */ public function affectedRows() { return $this->affectedRows; } /** * Get the result resource itself */ public function &get() { return $this->result; } /** * Get the current position */ public function position() { return $this->position; } } // end of DB_Result ?>
  3. thanks i love to see simple fixes to things i ponder for hours lol
  4. i have checkbox column returned in a table row by a while statement. How can i grab the id from each row where the state is changed to post, then i can update the db
  5. i should mention that the array is already in a particular order which would eliminate the last option and also the reason i want to pass the array through the buttons
  6. can i get the array first then use the next() & prev() in a conditional way in combination with the buttons. i want to do something different than pagination. so maybe as the pointer increases or decreases use the value to hold the place
  7. i have a table that holds client records with a pri key of account _id. i am attempting to use an array of all of the account_ids to shift to the next or previous id in the array depending on which button was pressed
  8. is it possible to use an non-paged list such as an array of record_ids and a set of next /prev buttons to navigate through rows in a mysql db to display an individuals record ex. client records
  9. getting closer date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+7 days", date("Y-m-d",$sDate))) but now my end date is being calc'ed from todays date and i was trying to make it from start date
  10. well i've tried strtotime and mktime, and date() functions in various combinations but still frankenstein the latest is still not giving back a valid end date strtotime(date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date)) . " +1 day");
  11. i've been trying to set an option value that posts to a variable which is switched based on say Last week(past 7 days), last month(past 30days),etc.. then generates two vaiables a start and end date to be used for mysql query Hers my latest attempt <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $freq = $_POST['freq']; switch ($freq) { case "This Week":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-7 days"));break; } case "Last Week":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-14 days"));break; } case "YTD":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-365 days"));break; } case "This Month":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-30 days"));break; } case "Last Month":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-60 days"));break; } case "This Quarter":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-120 days"));break; } case "Last Quarter":{ $freq=date('Y-m-d', strtotime("-240 days"));break; } } $sDate = $freq; echo $sDate; $freq = $_POST['freq']; $d = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); switch ($freq) { case "This Week":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+7 days",$d));break; } case "Last Week":{ $freq=date(date("m-d-Y",$sDate),strtotime("+7 days",$d));break; } case "YTD":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+365 days",$d));break; } case "This Month":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+30 days",$d));break; } case "Last Month":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+30 days",$d));break; } case "This Quarter":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+120 days",$d));break; } case "Last Quarter":{ $freq=date($sDate,strtotime("+120 days",$d));break; } } $eDate = $freq;echo $eDate; } ?> <form action="test_dates.php" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>Report Scope: </td> <td> <select name="freq" value=""> <option <?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="")){ echo "selected";}?>>(Choose One)</option> <option value="This Week" <?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="This Week")){ echo "selected";}?>>This Week</option> <option value="Last Week"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="Last Week")){ echo "selected";}?>>Last Week</option> <option value="YTD"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="YTD")){ echo "selected";}?>>YTD</option> <option value="This Month"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="This Month")){ echo "selected";}?>>This Month</option> <option value="Last Month"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="Last Month")){ echo "selected";}?>>Last Month</option> <option value="This Quarter"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="This Quarter")){ echo "selected";}?>>This Quarter</option> <option value="Last Quarter"<?php if(isset($freq)&&($freq=="Last Quarter")){ echo "selected";}?>>Last Quarter</option> </select> </td> </tr> <tr><td> </td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr> </table> </form>
  12. somehow its mixing up the date and month
  13. yeah strtotime() is the first way i tried but with no success. So then i figured maybe since the data was already formatted as a date i would try without strtotime() same results
  14. Hi folks, I'm having a hell of a time reordering my date format. I'm using a JavaScript date picker calendar on in my form to post data. the date picker likes to see the m-d-Y format otherwise it cant define the days or months properly. so i use date_format() in the query and all is fine. however when i format the date to Y-m-d & update the records in the db the date is not correct(non well formed) in a troubleshooting script Ive done this to isolate the issue. Form: <?php include db.php; mysql_select_db($database_bio); $ctrct="SELECT client_id,date_format(start_date,'%m-%d-%Y') AS sd , date_format(end_date,'%m-%d-%Y') AS ed,term_length,drum_count,drum_amt_paid,price_per,contract_id,freq,contract_status FROM `contract` WHERE contract_id=$contract_id"; $ctrct_qry=mysql_query($ctrct); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($ctrct_qry)){ $client_id=$row[0]; $start_date=$row['sd']; $end_date=$row['ed']; $term_length=$row[3]; $drum_count=$row[4]; $drum_amt_paid=$row[5]; $price_per=$row[6]; $contract_id=$row[7]; $freq=$row[8]; $contract_status=$row[9];?> <form name="contract" method="POST" action="<?php echo "test_dates.php";?>"> <table align="center"> <tr> <td align="center"><strong>Start date</strong></td> <td align="center"><input name="start_date" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($start_date)){ echo date("m-d-Y",strtotime($start_date)); } ?>" onFocus="showCalendarControl(this);"/> </td> </tr><tr> <td align="center"><strong>End date</strong></td> <td align="center"><input name="end_date" type="text" value="<?php if(isset($end_date)){ echo date("m-d-Y",strtotime($end_date)); } ?>" onFocus="showCalendarControl(this);"/></td> </tr></table></form> Testing: <?php $sDate=$_POST['start_date']; $eDate=$_POST['end_date']; echo $sDate."<br/>"; echo $eDate."<br/>"; $s=date('Y-m-d',$sDate); $e=date('Y-m-d',$eDate); echo $s."<br/>"; echo $e."<br/>";?> and what i get back from $s and $e is 1969-12-31 or non well formed. i've also tried $s=date("Y-m-d",strtotime($sDate)) in place of just plain date()
  15. correct i was getting back results for null rows in the column
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