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Everything posted by HostColor

  1. Hmm, The twitter box is too big and covers the top bar and the main menu. otherwise it displays correctly for me. I've checked it with Safari and Chrome. Weren't you able to use a smaller widget or to change the size in the code. One more thing! I saw you have the same thing in the left side of the home page in the main body. Wahy don't you just remove the top Twitter widget and add some text for each slide. The site would look much better
  2. Yes they do and i would suggest you to make every single page in your web site to be relevant and consistent. The content must be well written and the pages must connect to each other in terms to better refer website visitors to the next relevant page... you know... just make a good website without taking care of the SEO... and it will work
  3. It is not a good idea to "buy traffic". Advertising in appropriate websites is a must, but if you go buying traffic you would get just a computer generated clicks that aren't worth the money.
  4. Hi, I would suggest you to create a list of websites that represent the targeted audience of yours and to try to get visitors from them. Do not work to get your links featured in any websites as a part of any commercial contract and DO NOT post in any forums only to get your signature featured in the threads. Try to help others and participate to quality sessions and discussions. Presence in social networks with your own video clips (hoe you would have interesting ones) would help you to attract more attention.
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