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  1. Thank you everybody for answering me at the very earliest. I am very new to php. Your guidance are very useful to me. I hope you take me wrong. If I ask another question here. index.php function User_Role_Menu($Role_id) { //getting the records for that particular role //echo $Role_id; - Test Passed $myrset = mysql_query("CALL SP_User_Role_Menu(".$Role_id.")"); //Return a recordset of tabs and menus. So we have to fetch //A General Counter $counter = 0; //updating the session with tabs and menuslinks arrays while($User_Role_Menu_Set_Row = mysql_fetch_array($myrset)) { //echo $User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_NAME']; - Test Passed //Even no for Tabname and odd for tablink $_SESSION[$counter]=$User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_NAME']; //echo $_SESSION[$counter]; - Test Passed $_SESSION[$counter+1]=$User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_LINK']; //echo $_SESSION[$counter+1]; - Test Passed $counter = $counter+1; } } something.php <?php if(!isset($_SESSION)) { session_start(); } $counter = 0; while($counter <= count($_SESSION)) { echo $_SESSION[$counter]; echo $_SESSION[$counter+1]; $counter = $counter+1; } ?> Result: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 Notice: Undefined offset: 1 Notice: Undefined offset: 3 .......................................... n. Why? Whats the Problem? We can't store arrays in Session? Suggest me a way to achieve this. Work at stake. Kindly help.
  2. index.php function User_Role_Menu($Role_id) { $myrset = mysql_query("CALL SP_User_Role_Menu(".$Role_id.")"); //fetch and read and session the tabs and links for this user //A General Counter $counter = '0'; while($User_Role_Menu_Set_Row = mysql_fetch_array($myrset)) { //echo $User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_LINK']; - Guruji $_SESSION['Tabs'][$counter]=$User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_NAME']; $_SESSION['Links'][$counter]=$User_Role_Menu_Set_Row['TAB_LINK']; echo $counter; $counter = $counter+1; } } something.php <?php $MYOBJ->User_Role_Menu($_SESSION['ROLE_ID']); ?> why this generates this error „Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array“? Where's the problem whats the remedy. Dear Friends. Please dont suggest to do in any other way. I am very curious about the errors I am getting while i work even though I achieved it by some other way. I still wants to understand. Thanks in advance.
  3. index.php <?php $_SESSION['Set'] = mysql_query("Select * from SOMETABLE"); $_SESSION['Test']=“Testval“; redirect('Dummy.php'); ?> Dummy.php <?php echo $_SESSION['Test']; $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($_SESSION['Set']); echo $myrow['USERID']; ?> Why Dont I get the results from a Session's Dataset variable like any other Session's variables. How to pass datasets from page to page. Work on stake. Help needed. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello! I am Prabhakaran from Mumbai(India). In a decision to switch over to the Open Source Web Development. I must have to develop a website using the Open Source Tools within a week. One of my friend suggested me to take the “Big-Leap” i.e. from Windows to Linux and also advised me to install an Open Source Web Development Software tool called LAMP. After so many complications I finally installed a linux distribution called “OpenSuse 10.2” yesterday. I installed OpenSuse 10.2 because my friend gave me the CD. But for LAMP he instructed me to search the net for it. The whole problems started there. The first information i got in the internet about the LAMP is that LAMP is not a software tool but a software bundle, also I came to know thats its an acronym for Linux, Apache, Mysql, Php/Perl. I already know that these softwares are already found in the net individualy. Since, My friend specially mentioned the 'LAMP' word. I searched for the bundle itself. After so many frustating hours of fishing in the net. I finally found a LAMP bundle called “TurnKey LAMP” from some site. Actually its an 150 MB file approx. Its in iso format. The site claimed from which I downloaded the “TurnKey LAMP” claimed that the bundle is having “Linux, Apache Server, Mysql and Php” as a bundle. But currently I am having a “OpenSuse 10.2” linux already. Since I am having another version of linux and not having any software to handle the iso files. I fear to open it. So I searched for the Individual elements i.e for Apache, Mysql and Php individually. This time I downloaded every components successfully (but dont know surely). As a fact, I am only using the Linux from yesterday only, I dont know how to install the individual components too. Wherever I searched help in Net, They are only giving some kinds of commands to execute for the installation and configuration process of all the individual components too. I request you all friends to please guide me in this problem. I have to develop small website within a week. Kindly help. In short: What I Want? I want to install and configure the “TurnKey LAMP” in Opensuse 10.2., else wants a link to get a compatitable version of LAMP for opensuse 10.2 and also the instructions to install and configure., else wants to know where to get and how to install and configure all the Individual elements (Apache, Mysql, Php/perl) in Opensuse 10.2. Also dont forget me to tell how to test them finally. Thanks in advance.
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