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Everything posted by 244863

  1. I have the following roles: Admin Client Contractor I want to create a new one called Client_site. I want this to route through to the Client prefix's but have different ACL. Basically I want it to use all the same pages, just have read only access to them. How would I set this up in the routing? Also is there anything else I will need to amend to get this working?
  2. app/lib/Cake/Model/Model.php Line 1963 I wrapped the updateAll function with: if (!empty($keys[$foreignKey])) { Works a treat.
  3. Hi, Addresses -> $hasMany -> Users Users -> $belongsTo -> Addresses I do not need a UserAddresses table as that would suggest a HABTM relationship which is not needed here. All I want to know is why the counterCache is trying to update when I use the $this->Model->delete() and not when I use $this->Model->save when the foreign_key is NULL???
  4. Yes as I wanted to make the DB relational so I split the tables so an Address hasMany Users. This is for a building management issue logging system. So we may have 40 people that work out of one building at one address that need to log building issues. For example: My light bulb needs replacing. Thanks,
  5. Sorry got myself all in a muddle, it should of read... "No, it is the counterCache which is trying to do the UPDATE. I have 3 functions in my UsersController: add which does a $this->User->save() edit which does a $this->User->save() delete which does a $this->User->delete() when I use the delete function, it deletes the User. But the counterCache tries to UPDATE the user_count field on the Addresses table with an id of NULL. The save()'s on the add / edit do not produce this error and run correctly. Hope this explains it better." Sorry.
  6. Hi, No, it is the counterCache which is trying to do the UPDATE. I have 3 functions in my UsersController: add which does a $this->User->save() edit which does a $this->User->save() delete which does a $this->User->delete() when I use the delete function, it deletes the User. But the counterCache tries to UPDATE the address_count field on the Users table with an id of NULL. The save()'s on the add / edit do not produce this error and run correctly. Hope this explains it better.
  7. I have just looked into it more and I only seem to get the error when deleting. It does not come up when adding / editing??
  8. Any ideas on what? I have been trying everything I can think of...
  9. Hi, I have a belongsTo relationship with a counterCache set correctly. The problem being that this relationship is not always there. For example Users don't always have a link to an address so the DB allows nulls. But the counterCache is always trying to update, even when the foreign key is NULL. E.g. UPDATE [addresses] SET [user_count] = 0 WHERE [id] IS N'' Is there something I can put into the counterScope to stop this error from happening on NULL id's?? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi, Tried this in my app controller's before filter: $this->Security->unlockFields = array('DocumentationDocument.site_id'); still does not work, unless I uncomment that line of code???
  11. 244863

    export to csv

    Hi, Went with this in the end. $this->set('account_status', $this->Report->query("SELECT * FROM report_account_status AS Report;")); $this->layout = 'csv/default'; Thanks,
  12. 244863

    Cakephp ACL

    Hi, The answer was because Apache was looking at a different PHP ini file, so could not connect through the command line. Thanks,
  13. Here is the code for my view: <div class="column span-24"> <div class="box"> <?php echo $this->html->tag('h2', $title_for_layout); echo $this->form->create('DocumentationDocument', array('action' => 'add', 'type' => 'file')); echo $this->form->inputs(array( 'File' => array( 'type' => 'file', 'label' => __('Local File', true), 'required' => true ), 'site_id' => array( 'type' => 'hidden' ), 'site_name' => array( 'class' => 'site_name span-8', 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'between' => $this->html->tag( 'div', $this->html->para('notice', __('Begin typing the site name and choose from the resultant list.', true)), array('class' => 'field-description') ) ), 'documentation_category_id' => array( 'empty' => '...', 'class' => 'span-8', 'required' => true ), 'asset_category_id' => array( 'empty' => '...', 'class' => 'span-8', 'required' => true ), 'date_produced' => array('type' => 'date') )); echo $this->html->para('notice', sprintf("Maximum file size: $size_limit")); echo $this->element('standard-form-buttons'); ?> </div> </div> <?php echo $this->element('sites', array(), array('cache' => true)); echo $this->html->scriptBlock(' $(function() { $(".site_name").autocomplete(sites, { dataType: "json", matchContains: true, mustMatch: true, parse: function(data) { return $.map(data, function(row) { return { data: row, value: row.display_name, result: row.display_name } }); }, formatItem: function(item) { return item.display_name; }, formatResult: function(item) { return item.display_name; } }).result(function(event, data, formatted) { if (data && data.id) { allSites = $(".site", $("#sites")); index = allSites.index($(this).closest(".site")); $("#DocumentationDocumentSiteId").val(data.id); $(this).siblings(".error-message").hide(100).parent().removeClass("error"); } }); }); ', array('inline' => false)); $this->Form->unlockField('DocumentationDocument.site_id'); echo $this->form->end(); ?> If I remove the following line of JS the page posts fine: $("#DocumentationDocumentSiteId").val(data.id); I am pretty sure I have the unlockedField line correct as it works on other pages. Any ideas as to why it won't post? Thanks,
  14. 244863

    Cakephp ACL

    It says the same thing: Database connection "Mysql" is missing????
  15. 244863

    Cakephp ACL

    Yes, my whole site works fine. It is just the plugin that does not like it. I have a feeling it is to do with the default database connection using a Datasource of Database/Sqlserver and the plugin not liking / finding the file location. But I'm not sure how to test / change it too????
  16. 244863

    Cakephp ACL

    I have installed the AclExtras Plugin and within the plugin have the following: public $dataSource = 'default'; my default datasource is: public $default = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Sqlserver', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'IAINROSE\SQLEXPRESS', 'login' => 'administrator', 'password' => 'd3veloper', 'database' => 'clearview', 'prefix' => '', ); The rest of the app can connect and functions as normal, but when I try and run the plugin commands e.g. cake -app "c:\wamp\www\app" AclExtras.AclExtras aco_sync I get the following error: database connect Sqlserver is missing, or could not be created?? Any ideas why only the plugin can not connect??
  17. I was using $this->Model->Validates() and $this->Model->Save() which validates as well. When I removed the Validates() and left just the save() everything works. Serves me right for trying to validate twice. thanks.
  18. Tried that both ways. It just says the standard (Please fill out this field) from the DB as it is a required field and not the validation I stipulated below for minLength??? public $validate = array( 'description' => array( 'rule' => array('minLength', , 'message' => 'The descripton must be completed.' ) );
  19. VIEW: <div class="column span-24"> <div class="box"> <?php echo $this->html->tag('h2', $title_for_layout); echo $this->form->create('Job', array('action' => 'add')); echo $this->form->inputs(array( 'description' => array( 'class' => 'span-22' ) )); echo $this->element('standard-form-buttons'); ?> </div> </div> CONTROLLER: public function add() { $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Create new Job', true)); if ($this->request->is('post')) { $this->request->data['Job']['created_by'] = $this->Auth->user('id'); unset($this->request->data['Job']['asset_category_id']); $this->Job->set($this->request->data); if ($this->Job->validates()) { $this->Job->create(); if ($this->Job->save($this->request->data, array($params = array('validate' => 'first')))) { $this->Session->setFlash('The job has been saved'); $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'jobs', 'action' => 'index')); } else { $this->Session->setFlash('The job could not be saved. Please, try again.'); } }else{ $errors = $this->ModelName->invalidFields(); } } } MODEL: <?php class Job extends AppModel { public $validate = array( 'Job.description' => array( 'notEmpty' => array( 'rule' => 'notEmpty', 'message' => 'The descripton must be completed.' ) ) ); } ?> IT won't show the validation errors on the form when I hit save??? any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  20. <?php class ReportsController extends AppController { public function asset_cat_aov() { $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Asset Category Average Order Value', true)); $this->set('data', $this->Report->query("SELECT * FROM report_asset_cat_aov AS Report;")); } public function asset_aov() { $this->set('title_for_layout', __('Asset Average Order Value', true)); $this->set('data', $this->Report->query("SELECT * FROM report_asset_aov AS Report;")); } public function accrual_export() { ini_set('max_execution_time', 600); Configure::write('debug', 0); if($this->request->is('post')) { $filename = "export_".date("Y.m.d").".csv"; $results = $this->Report->query(" SELECT 'job_id', 'date', 'days', 'type', 'status', 'job_client_reference', 'site_client_reference', 'priority', 'fascia', 'address_line_4', 'postal_code', 'area_name', 'asset_category', 'asset', 'total', 'description' FROM report_accrual AS Report; "); $csv_file = fopen('php://output', 'w'); header('Content-type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"'); $headers = array( 'ID', 'Date', 'Days', 'Type', 'Status', 'Job Ref', 'Site Ref', 'Priority', 'Fascia', 'Address', 'Postal Code', 'Area Name', 'Asset Category', 'Asset', 'Total', 'Description' ); fputcsv($csv_file,$headers,',','"'); // Each iteration of this while loop will be a row in your .csv file where each field corresponds to the heading of the column foreach($results as $result) { $row = array( $result['Report']['id'], $result['Report']['date'], $result['Report']['days'], $result['Report']['type'], $result['Report']['status'], $result['Report']['job_client_reference'], $result['Report']['site_client_reference'], $result['Report']['priority'], $result['Report']['fascia'], $result['Report']['address_line_4'], $result['Report']['postal_code'], $result['Report']['area_name'], $result['Report']['asset_category'], $result['Report']['asset'], $result['Report']['total'], $result['Report']['description'] ); fputcsv($csv_file,$row,',','"'); } fclose($csv_file); } $this->layout = false; $this->render(false); return false; } } ?> http://localhost/index.php/reports/accrual_export this link gives me a blank page, I am expecting it to give me a file download???
  21. added: /index.php/ before the URL and it worked fine!! thanks,
  22. the ELSE{} $url = $this->getUrl($var); $str .= '<li ' . $selected . ' ' . $default_selected . '>'; $str .= '<a href="' . $url['url'] . '" ' . $url['target'] . '><span>' . $name . $showCarret. '</span></a>'; $str .= $sub; $str .= '</li>'; It gives me this: <a class="sf-with-ul" href="users/add">
  23. if(!empty($this->url)){ $theURL = (isset($var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl]) && !empty($var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl])) ? $this->url."/".$var[$this->modelName][$this->slugUrl] : $this->url."/".$var[$this->modelName][$this->params]; $str .= '<li ' . $selected . ' ' . $default_selected . '>'; $str .= '<a href="' . $theURL . '"><span>' . $name . $showCarret. '</span></a>'; $str .= $sub; $str .= '</li>'; }else{ $url = $this->getUrl($var); $str .= '<li ' . $selected . ' ' . $default_selected . '>'; $str .= '<a href="' . $url['url'] . '" ' . $url['target'] . '><span>' . $name . $showCarret. '</span></a>'; $str .= $sub; $str .= '</li>'; }
  24. Hi, when I am on a page, with a URL like: http://localhost/index.php/users/index and I have a HTML <a> tag with a href of "users/add" when I click on the link it takes me to the following URL: http://localhost/index.php/users/users/add it does not remove the controller name??? BUT when I am on: http://localhost/index.php/users/ it goes to the right URL: http://localhost/index.php/users/add any ideas welcome.
  25. I have the controller below and when I use the edit page the redirect works and takes me to the right page. But when I go through the add page it does not???? <?php class GrievanceTypesController extends GrievanceAppController { function add() { $this->edit(); $this->render('edit'); } function edit($id = null) { $this->helpers = am($this->helpers, array('Form')); $grievanceTypeGroupId = $this->params['named']['grievance_type_group_id']; $this->set('grievanceTypeGroupId', $grievanceTypeGroupId); if($this->GrievanceType->GrievanceInitiation->typeHasGrievances($id) == true){ $this->flash( sprintf( __('The %s, "%s", can not be edited.', true), $this->_humanisedModelName(), $this->GrievanceType->field('title') ), array('controller' => 'grievance_type_groups', 'action' => 'view', $this->GrievanceType->field('grievance_type_group_id')) ); }else{ $this->_edit($id, array('redirect' => array('controller' => 'grievance_type_groups', 'action' => 'view', $this->GrievanceType->field('grievance_type_group_id')))); } } function delete($id = null) { if($this->GrievanceType->GrievanceInitiation->typeHasGrievances($id) == true){ $this->flash( sprintf( __('The %s, "%s", can not be deleted.', true), $this->_humanisedModelName(), $this->GrievanceType->field('title') ), array('controller' => 'grievance_type_groups', 'action' => 'view', $this->GrievanceType->field('grievance_type_group_id')) ); }else{ $this->_delete($id, array('redirect' => array('controller' => 'grievance_type_groups', 'action' => 'view', $this->GrievanceType->field('grievance_type_group_id')))); } } } ?>
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