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Posts posted by Brandon_R

  1. OK guys just came back from vacation and im glad to see my post got answered by this wonderful user :)


    Im having a little problem returning the non hex version of the inputted value ie the value the user inputted on the top of the code. any help with that?


    Here is what im trying to do:


    on top of the outputted hex values is a line that shows what the hex means


    #[Original ascii here]

    0x00000004 0x20202020

    0x00000008 0x20202020

    0x0000000c 0x20202020

    0x00000010 0x20202020


    I tried editing the format but it returned


    #[Original ascii here]

    0x00000004 0x20202020

    #[Original ascii here]

    0x00000008 0x20202020

    #[Original ascii here]

    0x0000000c 0x20202020

    #[Original ascii here]

    0x00000010 0x20202020


    Instead of


    #[Original ascii here]

    0x00000004 0x20202020

    0x00000008 0x20202020

    0x0000000c 0x20202020

    0x00000010 0x20202020


    Please help me in fixing that :) Thank you all


  2. Hello PHP masters of phpfreaks i need help yet again. I need a code that :


    1. Takes a string and separates it into 2 characters then a space then another 2 characters like this.


    1234567890 will become 12 34 56 78 90


    2. Reverse the above output.


    12 34 56 78 90 will become 90 78 56 34 12


    So finally when a user enters a string in the form on the html page such as 1234ABCD and clicks "reverse", they will see CD AB 34 12 on the outputted page.


    Also could you give me a code to validate their input to make sure it only consists of 0-9 and A-F please. Its for hex.


    Thanks You very Much If You decide To Help Me.

  3. All that matters is the hex gets outputted in reverse order to the left of them like so.


    If i type in hello World it should be outputted like this:


    0x00010000 0x6c6c6548

    0x00010004 0x6f57206f

    0x00010008 0x00646c72

    0x0001000C 0x00000000.


    You already showed me how to convert text to hex. TY Now i need to output the result of that conversion like stated above. :)

  4. Thank You For All Your Help So Far. There's just 1 last thing i need with this script to be able to do. The ability to output the resulted hex on on arrary of addresses per say.


    Something alike this.


    [Ascii Name Here] - In This case It Will Be Hello World

    0x00000004 0x6c6c6548

    0x00000008 0x6f57206f

    0x0000000C 0x00646c72

    0x00000010 0x0000000


    while still filling the remainder of whats left with zeros.

  5. Thank you sir I think i know why your title says PHP Guru :)


    But i have just a tiny problem. After the first 4 hexes it doesn't skip a line. It Just keeps gooing line this


    6e616854 6f59206b 75000000 00000000


    I think its because instead of using $string = "Hello World";, i changed it to $string = $_POST['ascii_inputs']; and wrote a form to make it user submittable.


    Is there any way i can get it to skip a line after the first 4 Hexes. Also it would be very nice if you could show me how to put text next to the hexes like.


    The First Line= 6c6c6548

    The Second Line = 6f57206f

    The Third Line Equals= 00646c72

    The Forth Line Equals = 0000000

  6. Hello i am VERY new to PHP and would like to know how to convert ascii to hex and return the output in reversed order in lines of 4 while generating whats left with zeros. Lets say a person enters the word Hello World in a form and press submit. I would like for the php script to return the output hex values in reversed order (starting from left going right) skipping a line after every 4 while generating whats left (the counter) with zeros so it would be like this.



    6f57206f=oW 0




    Please Help Me Accomplish this. Thanks you.

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