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Everything posted by coffeecup

  1. I am trolling through the ini file in php 5.4.4 to cross check installation and mutual relationship with My SQL . along the way i came across 'Dynamic Extensions' i went into http://pecl.php.net/ and looked in Database packages and see nothing for MySQL. Is there an extension for MySQl that should be here that i do not see as mysql_something or mod_mysql or any other varient. Thank you.
  2. your quote: wordpress installation files into the web folder you may want to go back and re read the directions.
  3. I am currently reading the ini file for 5.4.4 and there are cgi directives mid way down.
  4. okay in a multi line HTML markup that spans from the left margin to the right margin. and the text is any where from 20 to 50000 lines long. i would rather use PHP in a AJAX based app. any way it has been some time since i have worked with procedural code. because i have been moving into Linux and learning Linux while i work 10: 30 PM to 6: AM and am becoming burnt out. so i was just wondering if any one had some experience in doing a while loop to place a number system on the left side of the text. along the lines of for each 'end of line char' i do not remember the while loop at this time. after i get Linux down. and i am not working with the GUI. I am going full tilt in in Admin and Apache Admin. i do not wish to waltz into dynamic development on a pink cloud with ignorance as my guide. so it will be a while before i make my way back to procedural coding. Thanks.
  5. If i knew how to format the topic title i would not be here. the point is to write the code to have a number system for each line of text. each line of text would have a number that comes after the last line. any way, as i read thru Linux docs. i am inspired to create a web site for Linux procedural how to that would have a number 1 through x for each text line, so as to allow any one to comment on any one line number, to correct what ever may be written. i have studied and written Javascript and PHP in the past and do know of the while loop. I could imagine writing the code and could get in there and begin writing it. but the question remains. is it feasible. can it be done. for each end of line char etc. i have been spending a lot of time away from real coding while figuring out Linux so i have forgotten from memory the syntax at this time of writing so i am not able to write it out as if i were in a advanced stage of writing code. so again is it feasible can it be done to write the code to place a numbered system in the left of text for each line of text. thank you.
  6. server version 5.5.9 I would like to achieve an understanding of where i can read more information in the documentation or manual in context of what the word ' key ' is and and how to work with it. KEY user_id(user_id) ------------------------------------------------------------------- $query = 'CREATE TABLE orders ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, transaction_id VARCHAR(19) NOT NULL, payment_status VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, payment_amount DECIMAL(6.2) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, payment_date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY(id), KEY user_id(user_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ' ; I do understand that this is not the official MySQL web site. I am led to understand in the making of a table that the designations that are made after the columns are made, are constraints. I consulted the index in MySQL reference manual 5.5 PDF, and looked for the word constraints and found page 26 - 1.8.6 HOW MySQL Deals With Constraints and did read that, and that was in correlation with error`s, rollback and such all. The word key was not discussed as being used in a syntax of : constraint constraint_name (argument) While in the MySQL 5.5 manual PDF, i also looked for the word key as is all by its self and did look into functions. a dark room. Where do i look in the MySQL manual or any where that has concise information to find the use of key in context of being used here in this example. Am i miss led to beleive that the designations after the columns are termed constraints. Can any body write a politically correct book with out their own assumptions of what terms are actually called. What is the title of that book !. Thank you.
  7. Thank you I guess i could write a question to the authors listed in the man pages for the particular man page in question.
  8. Do you know of any reference material that could put some light in a dim room on the subject of the use of english punctuation in computer technical documentations. Even though i have not been thru College or University, when i was in first grade i was able to learn the dewy decimal system without a Librarian holding my hand. and then the bomb landed. and today 45 years later i am recovering and just need a tid bit of assistance. I can think and reason and have been able to wade thru the plethora of mass confusion on the net to find the raw essentials to build web apps and have learned thru open source books and the net, XHTML CSS and the basics of Javascript, PHP, MySQL. After having to sift thru a lot of ? and coming to understand the true essentials i am going back thru to learn what`s real and build. But the one thing i am stumbling on is the documentation and manuals use of basic english literature punctuation with what seems to be " mixed with conditionals ". I i just need to find a flashlight to get thru this mole hole. Thank you.
  9. i would assume the PHP output needs to be formated into XHTML tags and then Javascript can be used to extract the value. if you want to filter a numeric value with Javascript look into the parseFloat method.
  10. I do not know why this will not work. i ran it thru firefox many times the syntax is correct. i ran the document write green beans thru and that shows on the doc. could someone please let me know what is wrong with this. thank you <script type="text/javascript"> var paraP = document.getElementsByTagName("p"); for (var i=0; i< paraP.length; i++) { var titleT = paraP[i].getAttribute("title"); if (titleT) alert(titleT); // if the human only writes alert (titleT) without the if (titleT) or any other logical not, alert on its own will not work } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> document.write("green beans"); </script> </head> <body> <h2>what to buy</h2> <p>the brown cow</p> <p>the barking dog</p> <p title="a gentle reminder">Don`t forget to buy this stuff.</p> <ul id="purchases"> <li>a tin of beans</li> <li>cheese</li> <li>milk</li> </ul>
  11. Could you please assist me with some informative educational web articles or book reference that would explore the communication between the function and what is being manipulated by the function. I find it difficult to follow a monkey see monkey do approach to learning a non tangible environment. below is a example Javascript function. what i am stuck on at this time is blind faith in how the statements inside of the function are communicating to the document. there are two statements inside of the function that uses the argument word shoe, as far as i know the argument word could be any word, descriptive or not. It is here in-between the parenthesis that a lot of "different" activity takes place, dependent of the purpose of the function as i presume from what little i have seen without much explaining of the different roles of the function. Here in this function shown i am in the understanding that the argument acts as a variable holding a value that was "i guess" was obtained via the argument word being attached to the getAttribute method that is actually a function. I could go on and create confusion. yet to re iterate , i need some material to read to look at the big picture and landscape of the function and as to how the statements communicate to the doc. i can slap statements together, just need to go deeper into the communication that is not seen with the eyeballs. Thank you. function showPic(shoe) { var source = shoe.getAttribute("href"); var placeholder = document.getElementById("placeholder"); placeholder.setAttribute("src", source); var text = shoe.getAttribute("title"); var description = document.getElementById("descript"); description.firstChild.nodeValue = text; }
  12. the next forum topic after javascript is devoted to ajax.
  13. how does a argument become a object ?. i am under the understanding that the method/function is called with an object, object.method(). I can almost see how the argument/perimeter is used as a variable for the href attribute to be passed to the inside of the function. i guess i need confirmation that a variable can invoke a method or how does that work. function farm(meow) { var source = meow.getAttribute("href"); } Thank you
  14. int = integer when there is a call from the Javascript script using window.getElementById("square") and in the XHTML element id there is the attribute using both char and an int as in: <td id="square14"> question: does the call from the Javascript script to the XHTML element id attribute value, ignore the int that is inside of the quotation marks where the char "square" is. from previous study`s i have been led to believe that an int is no longer an int when placed inside of quotation marks, yet how does Javascript deal with this ?. I would assume Javascript is built from C object orientated and i have not been introduced to C object orientated by my own volition , yet. Or the back end of Javascript. Question was Javascript built to ignore everything but a char in a char value wrapped in quotation marks, by way of reading the ASI values of each character set that is inside of the quotation marks. Or is the " i " a reserved character. The javascript script that i am working with works, and here it is along with a snip of XHTML element id . <tr> <td id="square4"> </td> <td id="square9"> </td> <td id="square13"> </td> <td id="square18"> </td> <td id="square23"> </td> </tr> </table> and then the Javascript script, i whipped this out here in a hurry, could be missing something? only an example. window.onload = initAll; function initAll() { for (var i=0; i<24; i++) { var newNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 75) + 1; document.getElemntById("square" + i).innerHTML = newNum } } Thank you
  15. Looks like you may want to ask the PHP side of the forums. it has been awhile since i was in PHP. the static version could be tried in a new doc anchor like this, yet as to how to wprap it in a PHP call with your existing id= target. < a href="new_doc.html#d>d is for the dog</a> " and then at the new_doc page place a id=d wrapped in some element at the top or wherever. Question what does this id link to, id=$ID&latinsk=$latinsk, the whole anchor string is a bullet, if there is PHP code it is usually wrapped in {} . if you look at how the id is being used as a target you may get somewhere ?.
  16. here is the static version that could be placed there. <p id="d">dog</p> and then some where else a million lines of text elsewhere <p>A | B | C | <a href="#d">D</a> | E | F | G | .... </p>
  17. Hello I have worked my way through XHTML PHP CSS MySQL and now am getting into Javascript with the focas on using Ajax. Yet, while looking over Ajax and see`ing XML here and there without any clarification of XML`s role in Ajax, while Ajax information is geared towards either HTMl or XML. And seeing PHP in conjunction with Ajax with previous know how to, pointing to use XHTML with PHP and MySQL. It is all becoming a swirling bi o mass of confusion. So, a question to pose, would be: Do you know of any resource`s that show in text definitive distinctions. And if the bowl of code soup using different code constructs languages are to be mixed like salad, what is the top secret splice O matic and how would that be declared in the DTD. Any assistance ? Thank you
  18. I did find: MySQL manual 5.1 - 7.4.4. How MySQL Uses Indexes my difficulty with many things is i need a visual, view of the whole landscape, with index there is a lot behind the scenes, a lot i need to read and put into the brain cells to get a full understanding to view the big picture. I do not take any thing for granted. Thank you
  19. Thank you, i went back read and re read many times the normalization and made seven tables.
  20. My ability to describe may be off format from the person seasoned in code. I am in the middle of building tables and have just began to read into indexing at the MySQL manual and subsequent reading in High Performance MySQL and the information on Index eludes to query text search. And now i am in a quandary as to which way to go. Do Developers use Indexing in MySQL in hard coded data storage and retrieval with out a aim to use a query box to search. And does indexing assist in Joins to group multiple data into a $query = when there is only one $query = , per server request. The web application that i am aiming to build is similar to My Face, yet would tailor to business`s to show case their individual offering to the public. Call it virtual mall without e commerce ?. The static app model that i have built with XHTML / CSS has a 7 count list item option as well as a 1 M character count, appropriate headings and a image and address of course. I have worked through a basic understanding of PHP and can work with PHP code and am at this time working into MySQL. What i have come to see with MySQL is it seems everything is centered around a user query text search. What i am looking at is zero query search, a hard coded code that would display either in a drop down menu or a text item h ref in a anchor to a personal page for each business, that the business has created with pre formatted form fields to output the page from a choice from one of two templates. What would be the benefits to use MySQL. What would be benefits to create a PHP file based app ?. If using MySQL would it be beneficial to use multiple index`s in a hard coded app. Any advice and reference to "read this" from people seasoned in code would be helpful. Thank you
  21. I am looking at a 7 item, line item, character storage for up to 300 clients. should i break that up to 7 tables, one table for each line item. or would i be insane to place item_1 through item_7 in one table with a char (250). current MySQL V = 5.1.37 and will upgrade to most recent V when i go online. Thank you
  22. as i was researching into the matter of licenceing and costs i did come across the subject of FLOSS and MySQL proprietary on the "Library" of which MySQL has a reliance on to operate and do its thing. It is understandable that SQL is open source and if i remember correctly MySQL was bought by Sun and made available to the public as open source , but the one lingering question is the proprietary on the Library. And looking at the MySQL web site there are words that elude to, purchase and licence. And open source is not, "as said" like free beer. as i have read. So another question would be: has any one ever had any problem with using MySQL at a web host provider with MySQL police pounding on the door wanting licence fees.
  23. i did do a search here at php freaks for MySQL and did not see a result. I am assuming "a" or any web host provider who offers MySQL would have a licence. And The web host would bundle all business costs, including the MySQL licence, into the price plan. And the person who signs up at a web host who provides MySQL does not need to think twice about a licence. Question: would that sound applicable and within logic. I got rid of the phone some time ago and some hosts do not have a text contact so i am still shopping around to ask them, the web host community. In the mean time, please let me know what you think of this view point on who has a licence and if the joe with a web site would be held accountable for a licence fee for MySQL while the host has MySQL available. Thank you.
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