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Everything posted by Vegar

  1. By not public i mean that it's made for me + 3 mates. We use it to decide what movie to watch etc
  2. Important or not, what you are proposing is most likely illegal, assuming the images aren't free for public use. You can use them off the owner's server, but to take them and put them on your server is theft. even if my server is not for public use? and if it's not okay, even though it's not public, how can i find out if "imdb" is okay with this? just send them a mail?
  3. Okay, thats too bad :/ Do you know of any image hosting service where i can upload multiple images at once, and accepts links? Then ill just make a list of all the image links and upload them there Or, any way i can download all the images myself (using php) and then upload them to a desired site which allows uploading multiple files. Also it's important that the images don't get deleted from the site Thanks in advance.
  4. I can't see any edit buttons here, so ill just make a new reply; This is just a test code, and how it looks in the browser. (the black around the images is not shown in the browser, ofc. )
  5. Well, I'm making a list of all my movies, using php. I've got some problems when it comes to displaying the cover, I've located the "bug", but i don't know what the problem is. This doesn't work. <img border="0" alt="300" title="300" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM1NDU1MTIxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTcwMjI2MQ@@._V1._SX100_SY127_.jpg" /> This doesn't work. <img border="0" alt="300" title="300" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM1NDU1MTIxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTcwMjI2MQ&#64;&#64;&#46;&#95;V1&#46;&#95;SX100&#95;SY127&#95;.jpg" /> This works: <img border="0" alt="300" title="300" src="http://i28.tinypic.com/219qww5.jpg" /> What's wrong? P.S. I'm all new to php/HTML, so all help appreciated.
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