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Everything posted by eacollie

  1. Thanks MatthewJ. I'm not very good with PHP, but here's what I'm trying to do: 1. User fills out html form and this submits to a php file. 2. PHP file collects form data and automatically sends this to formmail.php (which sends email). I then want to do other "stuff": give the user the option of paying by either printing out form data or redirecting to PayPal. So far, I've got the html form and I can pick up the form data in the php file. I just don't know how to send this information out to formmail.php for processing. Any help you can give this newbie would be really appreciated! Thanks
  2. I have an html form that submits to a php file. I want the php file to send this information to another file (for email using formmail.php). I can pick up the form data, but how do I send this information to another file? Do I create another form, populate it with the data, and submit it? Or is there another way?
  3. I hope I'm in the right forum. I'm asking for any help with design...not coding. This is what I'm trying to do: 1. Present a form for the user to fill out to make a reservation. 2. Display the information entered into the form and allow for editing if needed. 2. Allow the user to either (1) send email to reservation coordinator and print out the form so the user can mail it in with payment, or (2) send email to reservation coordinator and allow the user to pay using PayPal. I'm running into problems in displaying the form information after the user is taken to PayPal's site and the session is broken. I'm sure this has been done many times, but I can't find a good example and I'm totally blocked! Any help in how the flow should go would be very much appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Maybe it's a concept that I'm not understanding... On page1.php, when the user enters an email address in the form and then clicks the submit button, this is saved into a session variable, right? On the next page, page2.php, that session variable is retrieved with: $_SESSION['ReservationForm']['email'] = $_POST['email']; This variable is displayed on the same page with: <?php echo $_SESSION['ReservationForm']['email']; ?> However, when the user clicks on the PayPal button and is brought to another page, and then clicks "continue shopping" and is brought back to page2.php the session variable does not display. If I set the session variable on page2.php, it will display after being redirected from PayPal.
  5. The first page (page1.php) contains the form. The form's action is page2.php. Both these pages start with session_start(); However, when the user selects to pay with PayPal, they are directed to https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr.
  6. I don't know much about PHP, but want to use it to retain information from a form and I believe I need to use sessions to do this. I have a form in a php page that starts with session_start(); at the top of the page. In the form, I've set the inputs as (for example): <input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="<?php echo isset($_SESSION['ReservationForm']['email']) ? htmlentities($_SESSION['ReservationForm']['email'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") : '' ?>" /> The form action is another php file which also has session_start(); at the top. $email = $_REQUEST['email']; And in the html code: email:</td><td><?php echo $_SESSION['ReservationForm']['email']; ?> This works OK and it displays the form data on the second page. However, on this second page, I have a PayPal button where the user can add an item to a shopping cart. When the shopping cart is displayed and the user "continues shopping" back to page 2, the session data is not displayed. I know I'm missing something essential (for sure), but don't know what it is. Can anyone help? Thanks so much!
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