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Everything posted by Jintu

  1. Hello, I dun quite understand the 1st Point, well i tried the 2nd part, it seems to calculate ok, expect the fact that I used my own grades and in my teacher's gradebook it shows as 91.5% whereas in mine it calculates at 96.45%, this is excluding AL2 and Final, please advise, my code is reflected below: <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <title>Grade Calculator</title> </head> <body> <?php $grade=0; if ($_POST['Quiz1'] >= 0 && $_POST['Quiz1'] <= 100) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Mid-Term'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Mid-Term'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Mid-Term'] * 0.30; else $grade = $grade + 30; if ($_POST['Quiz2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Quiz2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL1'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL1'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Participation'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Participation'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Participation'] * 0.10; else $grade = $grade + 10; if ($_POST['Final'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Final'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Final'] * 0.40; else $grade = $grade + 40; ?> <?php echo "Grade Report: <br />"; echo "<br />"; ?> Your final grade percentage will be: <?php echo $grade . "%"; echo "<br />"; { if ($grade > 90.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A+ <br />"; elseif ($grade > 85.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A <br />"; elseif ($grade > 79) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 76.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B+ <br />"; elseif ($grade >71.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B <br />"; elseif ($grade > 69.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 65.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C+ <br />"; elseif ($grade > 59.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C <br />"; elseif ($grade > 54.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 49.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: P <br />"; else echo "Your final grade for the course will be: F <br />"; } ?> </body> </html> Thank you... Tony
  2. Hello, this is the code I have implemented, however I am not sure if this is correct or not although it work because it might work wrongly if the user selects the other fields, pls advise.... <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <title>Grade Calculator</title> </head> <body> <?php $grade = 0; if ($_POST['Quiz1'] >= 0 && $_POST['Quiz1'] <= 100) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Mid-Term'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Mid-Term'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Mid-Term'] * 0.30; else $grade = $grade + 30; if ($_POST['Quiz2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Quiz2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL1'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL1'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Participation'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Participation'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Participation'] * 0.10; else $grade = $grade + 10; if ($_POST['Final'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Final'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Final'] * 0.40; else $grade = $grade + 40; $currentgrade = $grade * 100 / 55 ?> <?php echo "Grade Report: <br />"; echo "<br />"; ?> Your final grade percentage will be: <?php echo $currentgrade . "%"; echo "<br />"; { if ($currentgrade > 90.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A+ <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 85.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 79) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A- <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 76.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B+ <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade >71.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 69.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B- <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 65.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C+ <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 59.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 54.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C- <br />"; elseif ($currentgrade > 49.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: P <br />"; else echo "Your final grade for the course will be: F <br />"; } ?> </body> </html> Thanks, Tony
  3. Icic, thank you. So if I want to learn about the code to implement the function, I have to post it in the other section right...... Thanks Tony
  4. I dun get you mean, so far in the course they would have done everything less the al2 and final, which have a combined value of 45%, so how could I implement this, please help.... Tony
  5. Below is the code I have used for my php program which is linked to a html file, this program calculates grades, everything is correct, except for the fact that If the user selects the option "not done yet / excused", it must be able to calculate without taking the % of the whatever quzi, mid-term, etc that that they missed, ie if they have only taken 50% of the available marks in the course, it must be able to just calculate that. Could someone help me on this, any help is greatly appreciated Thanks, Tony <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="2.css" /> <title>Grade Calculator</title> </head> <?php ?> <body> <?php $grade = 0; if ($_POST['Quiz1'] >= 0 && $_POST['Quiz1'] <= 100) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Mid-Term'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Mid-Term'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Mid-Term'] * 0.30; else $grade = $grade + 30; if ($_POST['Quiz2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Quiz2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Quiz2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL1'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL1'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL1'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['AL2'] >= 0 && ($_POST['AL2'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['AL2'] * 0.05; else $grade = $grade + 5; if ($_POST['Participation'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Participation'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Participation'] * 0.10; else $grade = $grade + 10; if ($_POST['Final'] >= 0 && ($_POST['Final'] <= 100)) $grade = $grade + $_POST['Final'] * 0.40; else $grade = $grade + 40; ?> <?php echo "Grade Report: <br />"; echo "<br />"; ?> Your final grade percentage will be: <?php echo $grade . "%"; echo "<br />"; { if ($grade > 90.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A+ <br />"; elseif ($grade > 85.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A <br />"; elseif ($grade > 79) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: A- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 76.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B+ <br />"; elseif ($grade >71.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B <br />"; elseif ($grade > 69.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: B- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 65.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C+ <br />"; elseif ($grade > 59.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C <br />"; elseif ($grade > 54.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: C- <br />"; elseif ($grade > 49.9) echo "Your final grade for the course will be: P <br />"; else echo "Your final grade for the course will be: F <br />"; } ?> </body> </html>
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