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  1. Nope just that error over and over again
  2. I added that and I get a BUNCH of the following error repeated over and over again Notice: Undefined index: quantity in /var/www/webfiles/Movies/Movies1.php on line 159
  3. I went ahead and updated the path to the file. That didn't help at all. I also changed the resolution to X200. Also this didn't do anything. Any other suggestions?
  4. I went ahead and updated the code and I still receive the following output string(0) "" The Imgsrc line appears to be working just fine. It IS displaying the image, but with the original dimensions. If I run the mogrify command on the command line and refesh the page, it does change the resolution. If you beleive that the IMG SRC could be the problem, then I will go ahead and update that to the HTML path.
  5. Sorry I overlooked the "CODE" part in the last posing. When I run the code I get string(0) ""
  6. When I reload the page, It seems to be loading for a little bit but nothing new is being displayed. I entered exec('mogrify -resize 468.75x200 /home/deathdefyer2002/imageA.jpg'); I am testing the code by using the following: echo "<img src='/home/deathdefyer2002/imageA.jpg' >"; Every refresh and the image never changes.
  7. Thanks for the reply.... Actually just tried that with NO luck. Any other ideas?
  8. All- I'm trying to automatically resize all of the images on my webpage. I currently have them stored in an array. I can access the array from the following code for ($imagecounter = 0; $imagecounter < $pic_count; $imagecounter++) { $currentimage = $folder[$imagecounter]; echo "<img src='/Movies/$currentimage' >"; } That goes through all of the images and displays them as pictures. I wanted to use the function from Imagemagik: mogrify . From the command line it resized the images without any trouble using the following code mogrify -resize 200x125 Left1.png I have been trying to incorporate this into PHP to have it do this automatically. Here is what I tried and it appears to be failing everytime $command = '"mogrify -resize 468.75x200"/home/deathdefyer2002/imageA.jpg exec($command); Please help.
  9. All- I am trying to pull data from my url. Here is my URL: http://index.php?type=ALL&size=ALL I'm using Type to determine what to display and size to determine how many to show before going to a new page. I have also created a drop down menu: <FORM ACTION=""> <select name="jumpto" onChange='window.location.href= this.form.jumpto.options[this.form.jumpto.selectedIndex].value'> <option selected># Per Page</option> <option value ="index.php?type=&size=ALL">All</option> <option value="index.php?">100</option> <option value="index.php">50</option> <option value="index.php">25</option> </select> </FORM> Now what I want to do is take whatever "type" is currently being viewed and only change the size attribute. So If im on http://index.php?type=A&size=ALL and I select 25 from the drop down, I want the corresponding url to be http://index.php?type=A&size=25. I have been trying many different things and one idea I had was to store the variable in javascript. Here is the code for that: <script type="text/javascript"> var type = "<?echo $_GET['type']; ?>"; //document.write(type); </script> Can't quite figure how how to make that work. Anyone have any ideas? Please Help!!
  10. Thanks for taking a look. I tried that exact code and it doesen't print anything to the screen. If I break it appart... $Directory = "*FILENAME/FILEA/FILEB"; $Directory = substr($Directory, 0); echo $Directory = strpos('/', $Directory); Still Doesn't Display anything. If I take the strpos part out, then it semi works but doesent do as needed.
  11. All- I have a PHP string that consists of the following. $Directory = "DIR/*FILENAME/FILEA/FILEB" Now I am currently using $Directory = strrchr($Directory, '*'); To shorten it to $Directory = "*FILENAME/FILEA/FILEB" That part is working like a champ. Where I am running into trouble is I want to make the string look like the following. $Directory = "*FILENAME Now I thought about going X amount of characters over from the * but what happens then 'FILENAME' changes in size. also tried using the strrchr function but that seems to work from left to right... I need something that works from right to left. Any Ideas????
  12. All- I have a page coded that pulls files from a directory using PHP then sets them up using a Flash type player to stream the video. My problem is that I have to resize the video window for each computer I play it on. They all have different resolutions. I was able to use: <script type="text/javascript" src="/jwplayer/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = (+screen.width); var y = (+screen.height); if (x == '1920' & y == '1080') { var xn = 1440; var yn = 900; document.write(xn); document.write(yn); } if (x == '1024' & y == '600') { var xn = 900; var yn = 400; document.write(xn); document.write(yn); } swfobject.registerObject("player","9.0.98","/jwplayer/expressInstall.swf"); </script> To pull out the current Resolution of the user and pass to a variable the resolution I want the video to be. Here is where the video code is <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="900" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="/jwplayer/player.swf" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <? echo "<param name='flashvars' value='file=../Movies$full_dir.mp4 =../Movies$full_dir.jpg' />"; ?> <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="/jwplayer/player.swf" width="900" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="/jwplayer/player.swf" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <? echo "<param name='flashvars' value='file=../Movies$full_dir.mp4&image=/Movies$full_dir.jpg' />"; ?> <p><a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer">Get Flash</a> to see this player.</p> </object> </object> In the video part, where it says Height and Width, I just need to have it take the 2 variables i created depending on the resolution used. Variables xn or yn. Any ideas? Please Please help! been stumped on this all afternoon!! Thanks Defyer!
  13. Still plugging away at this. With the help from the guys at Hak5.org, I was able to come up with this using the following script $fileselection = scan_directory_recursively('/var/www','mp4'); $count = count($fileselection); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $extractedArray = $fileselection[$i]; echo $extractedArray['name'] . "<br />"; } Only Problem is that it only is showing the contents of the current directory. I need to to work on all the sub directories within that current directory. Any ideas?
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