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Everything posted by kwheetley

  1. Thank you for your response, but I have a custom php.ini file set in place. It seems it isn't working though. I reveive the message saying it's modified and copied. Here it is. <?php // Put all the php.ini parameters you want to change below. One per line. // Follow the example format $parm[] = "parameter = value"; $parm[] = "register_globals = Off"; $parm[] = "upload_max_filesize = 30M"; $parm[] = "post_max_size = 10M"; $parm[] = "session.use_trans_sid = 0"; // full unix path - location of the default php.ini file at your host // you can determine the location of the default file using phpinfo() $defaultPath = "/usr/local/lib/php.ini"; // full unix path - location where you want your custom php.ini file $customPath = "/home/****/****/****/Uploads/php.ini"; // nothing should change below this line. if (file_exists($defaultPath)) { $contents = file_get_contents($defaultPath); $contents .= "\n\n; USER MODIFIED PARAMETERS FOLLOW\n\n"; foreach ($parm as $value) $contents .= $value . " \n"; if (file_put_contents($customPath,$contents)) { if (chmod($customPath,0600)) $message = "The php.ini file has been modified and copied"; else $message = "Processing error - php.ini chmod failed"; } else { $message = "Processing error - php.ini write failed"; } } else { $message = "Processing error - php.ini file not found"; } echo $message; ?>
  2. Hey guys. I just heard of PHP yesterday, lol, but I'm trying to make a script for a submit button on my form using FTP. My goal is to allow someone to upload a very big file to a specific folder on my server. Using the script that I have, all files that are < 2M are received on the server, but anything > 2M and I get a 'File cannot be empty' error and no transfer. Is PHP FTP the correct choice for me? And how to I get it to allow larger files of any kind, like videos, pictures, docs, etc.? Thanks for you help! Below is my script for the button (which is on another webpage). <?php //change these values to suit your site $ftp_user_name='********'; $ftp_user_pass='*******'; $ftp_server='ftp.mysite.com'; $ftp_dir='Uploads/'; //build a fully qualified (FTP) path name where the file will reside $destination_file=$ftp_dir.$_FILES['File'] ['name']; // connect, login, and transfer the file $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_server); $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass); $upload = ftp_put($conn_id, $destination_file, $_FILES['File'] ['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY); //use ftp_site to change mode of the file //this will allow it be visible by the world, $ch=ftp_site($conn_id,"chmod 777 ".$destination_file); // close the FTP stream ftp_close($conn_id); //end if ?>
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