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Everything posted by MDanz

  1. I have these input fields. How do i do a duplicate button?.. so when i press the button i get another stack of input fields(the code below) and if i press the button again i get another stack etc.
  2. i think i tried that but i didnt get what i was trying to accomplish. i need to find a way to simplify this? is there anyway to simplify this?... so i can do stuff like add this whole code to an array/echo ..
  3. i obviously declared the variable wrong. Whats the correct way to declare the $result variable as the Layer?
  4. i've tried this before...its not the keyword, its the results. The results are echoed into a table. So i would have to store the whole table in the array. This way is too complicated for me. the new way i'm doing it is 2 layers each with a submit button. radiobutton1 brings forward layer1 and radiobutton2 brings forward layer2. it's much easier for what i'm trying to accomplish. Thanks for the help i appreciate it. btw any idea how to bring a layer to the front?
  5. the link i gave is the best solution i came up with my problem.. even though it looks completely different to this thread. if i explained the whole thing it would be like a paragraph long. in short as possible; search new data while keeping old data on the page
  6. i've found a new way to implement what i'm trying to do, maybe you can help me.. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,263873.0.html i'm new to php, so i am slow with it...
  7. srry wasn't meant to be rude.. just frustrated
  8. yeh similar, i've changed it to make it easier for me... e.g. if radiobutton1 is pressed then bring forward layer1(which has the submit button). ^^ This way i can do as many submit buttons as i want because layers can overlap. The only problem i have is how to slot in the command whats the code to bring layers to the front? thx for the help btw
  9. instead how do i do... if radiobutton 1 is selected. then bring submitbutton1 to the front?
  10. i have 8 radio buttons next to a text field. how do i do,... if radiobutton 1 is pressed then textfield 1 is shown. if radiobutton 2 is pressed then shown textfield 2 etc.? do i have to overlap the textfields?
  11. then it will display the search terms, when i query... 4get i'll figure it out myself
  12. i've been asking the same question all night, so this the best i can think of. what i have is a search engine. say i search for car and it displays a car. then i search for house and it displays a house. i don't want the car search to be removed. I want it to display both old and new. Its a multiple search function. When i post the full code for help, i dont get the help i need. so i was thinking save the result in a database.. it might not be the best idea. i tried array_push but i don't know where to place it in my code. this is my full code for the working search. I'm not asking for you to do it for me, i'm just having trouble implementing keeping the old results displayed while displaying the new ones.
  13. umm i don't quite understand. This is my table below. When you mean table_name, some_column , some_value, i don't know what your referring too. That is the table i echo below. I need that in the mysql database. Is your way the correct way of doing it? is Some_Value.. where i input the echo?
  14. how do you save an echo in mysql I know how to connect to the db etc.. but how do i update an echo into mysql? e.g. echo <table>$results</table> i been working on this all night., please help
  15. doesn't work.. keeps saying Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/ustackc1/public_html/search.php on line 151 thats where i declare the $result
  16. For my search engine the results are echoed into a table. The best way i can think of doing this. Is declaring the results as a variable. So then i can input the results into an array and do this so i get to display my old results with my new one how do i declare my results as a variable though... how do i declare all of that as a variable?... like $results
  17. i have a search engine that echo's images into a table. e.g. i search car and two car images display what happens is if i search e.g. house, a house image is displayed. what i want is the house image to display underneath the two car images. how do i do this? Everytime i press submit in search it resets it and i lose the car images. please help...
  18. my submit button searches, now i want to save the results in a hidden form. How do i save?
  19. ok in simple... an example any kind how do i post results into a hidden form and retrieve results from that hidden form?
  20. ^^this is a working search engine, how would i submit the results i'm echoing into the hidden form? And the hidden form echo the results back to the search engine. So when i do a new search the results are still displayed.. ..not asking you to do it, just really need some help
  21. basically i'm thinking for the hidden form <form action='search.php' method='get'> \\echo results </form> I don't know how to send results to the hidden form though, is this done all within 1 php file? so i have the search engine and hidden form in one php file?
  22. Want to send the search results to a hidden form and have the hidden form save it. So that when i search for something new the old results are still displayed. can i have an example, i'll implement it in my own way.
  23. ajax.. i know nothing about it lol :'(, so i need to learn a new programming language for this?
  24. thx for all the help i been messing around with sessions but with no success. This is my Search everything works fine. I haven't included radio buttons but they work correctly. Its a multiple search system if your wondering. How do i keep old results, because when i press a radio button and then search, i have new results on a different area of the page but still want the old results where they were. What do i add to this code to do that? Someone mentioned a session, is that correct?
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