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Posts posted by Gayner

  1. Trying to make a cool upload script but at a loss. I have basic concept of how uploading works but want to do something bit different. The idea is to be able to select multiple files at once, for instance when i click brose i am only able to select one file but i want to be able to just highlight 3+files with ease.


    Am at a loss on how to do this if anyone can start me off.


    Easiest one.





  2. There should not be any problem with language.  I have a script that works but it is a simple one, and for example when some one do not fill out the form and hit submit I get an email from nobody, no email no message. So I am trying to avoid this by developing my scrip but I cant get it right


    This is my simple script that works


    $to = "mymail@gmail.com";
    $subject = "Invitation";
    $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;
    $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;
    $headers = "From: $email";
    $sent = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers) ;
    {print "your email was sent"; }
    {print "En error has occurred, try again , "; }




    Were are u getting $_REQUEST from ? lol

  3. I meant like a JAvascript and a PHP combination of let's say


    Holding down shift key, then using mouse to rotate image to the right or left as far as u want, like circular, then save it with php, using javascript. but I don't think javascript supports anything like that, like Actionscript does




    I want when the user submit the form and the query execute successfully the information in the $_POST delete and unset because if the user refresh the page the query execute once again and make another similar row in the database so I want when the query execute the information delete.I user unset($_POST) but it doesn't make doofrence.How can i fix this problem?




    just do unset();

  5. I would just do somethink like Andy posted. Probably just use ajax to update their gold when they are logged on, then just update their gold when they log in


    ? javascript updates php ?


    No, AJAX uses Javascript to sent HTTP messages to PHP scripts that send back content so that javascript can update content without refreshing the whole page, theres a whole board dedicated to AJAX on PHPFreaks if you wish to learn more.


    do u Think I wasn't being starcastic?


    Ahh lmao, I only gave it a quick scan... Sorry ;)


    I was just havin fun sorry about that lol

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