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Everything posted by Gayner

  1. I want to get both of these in my url $_GET["i"] and $_GET["a"] i can only do &i=bla bla but i want to do &i=blabla&a=blabla how do i add em together Thx
  2. Gayner

    Queiry help..

    U killed me right there
  3. Gayner

    Queiry help..

    Like is that still calling all my rows in my table? or only the specific one's i chosen that have a c. before. ?
  4. $DB->query("SELECT c.contact_name, c.contact_id, m.desktop, m.monkavatar FROM ibf_contacts c, ibf_members m WHERE member_id='".$member['id']."' AND c.contact_name=m.name ORDER By $rank LIMIT {$info['limitfriend']}"); am I calling all rows from the table "ibf_members" or just the specific ones? Cause i have alot of rows and Is there a more better performance way?
  5. oh so $_GEt alrdy does ="numberhere"? that's tight thx
  6. index.php?act=Friends&i=25 I want to grab the i="NUMBERHERE" this is my code. $global = $_GET["c"]; switch ($global) { case "i":
  7. when users get a avatar url to use for there avatar, they enter in a link to a .jpg or .gif and it works, is there a way i can read the width/height/pixels/bytes from that link they giv before the submit so i can put some restrictions on it? Thanks
  8. just use include function and call em
  9. LOL dat from lookatdat.net? This is nick LOL
  10. Im sending a private message back to my user on my forum.. and I want to beable to hold shift or a key and press something and it automatically submit's my form for me Possible?
  11. I want to create a field row called "totaltime" i know how to do that, but i want it to save the total time a user is on my site, and when to turn it off, etc. Possible if so how? thx I want the data to be stored in a Data Type mysql thing lol
  12. now i get cimage/Copy%20of%20ez%20h.png and image doesn't show.. omg
  13. Sweet thanks but what is $abcd? i get some yntax error, unexpected ',' error can u check code againty
  14. move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "packs/cimage/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]); I need to make it so, if somone has spaces when they upload like "copy of image.png" I need this function (move_uploaded_file or whatever to take out all the spaces and scrunch it together so it will be "copyofimage.png' or something but i can't have spaces .. thanks
  15. The table is called: la_items row name is "cost" HOw can I run a query to change all to 1 instead of manually doing it? Thxx
  16. Im making a row on my table, but it's only to be used for 0 and 1, simple true and false 1 and 0 what type should i do that is the smallest most less performanced? a varchar(2)? or somethinG? Ty
  17. sweet, thank u sir i had to change it to ip.pack_id
  18. i get Column 'pack_id' in where clause is ambiguous
  19. SELECT ip.item_id, ip.points_spent, ip.purchase_date, i.title, i.file_path FROM {items_purchased} ip, {items} i WHERE user_id = $user_info[user_id] AND ip.item_id = i.item_id ORDER BY i.title ASC I want to add something like this, tell me if it's wrong? AND pack_id = "1,2,3,4" Pretty mucht hat doesn't work.. but I Want to call pack_id = numbers 1 through 4, possible?
  20. Oh.. i found it Just had to move the stuff after, move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], "packs/cimage/" . $_FILES["file"]["name"]); so it reads it, thx
  21. im trying to use getimagesize function at the same type, uploading picture.. so whenever i use ($_FILES["file"]["name"]) I can get the dimensions for the pic they uploaded. Warning: getimagesize(shop.gif) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gtcom/public_html/forums/ava/upload.php on line 42 Stored in: packs/cimage/shop.gif 42: list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES["file"]["name"]); ~~ -.-
  22. HOLY SWEET SUGAR I FIXED IT changed it to mysql_insert_id()!!!! This is epic, thanks tho.
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