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  1. Okay, so I am creating a Jquery registration page using "dialog". I am using the "jquery" version of AJAX. It's pretty similar, and the problem I am having can happen to either. Basically this is how my code is organized: function go_ajax(formtype){ formvalue = document.getElementById(formtype).value; $.get("/xatron/check.php?type="+formtype+"&value="+escape(formvalue), function(data) { // TEST alert(data); return data; }); } Data = httpObject.responseText Thats the same as a "get" script in AJAX. Now, later in my code I have... if(go_ajax('username') == 0){ // Fail }else{ // Pass } Now, it will come up as "Pass" EVERYTIME because... go_ajax('username') = undefined. But when I do the test and do the alert above it presents to me, 0 or 1. x_X And it alerts AFTER undefined alerts. How would I go about fixing this? Anyone know? (p.s. YES, I know this is jquery BUT ajax is the exact same problem (i've tried both methods). Thank you, Matt
  2. function check_form(){ httpObject.onreadystatechange = function() { if(httpObject.readyState == 4){ run_ajax(httpObject.responseText); } } } function run_ajax(solution){ if(solution == 0){ $("#"+formtype).addClass('ui-state-error'); updateTips("This "+formtype+" already exists in our database."); return false; }else{ return true; } } (later in coding) function (){ var bValid = true; bValid = bValid && check_form("username"); if(bValid){ alert("SUCCESS"); } (I took out all the unnecessary coding. The problem lies with it not saying success even though it is! When I alert bValid before the if(), it says "undefined". Anyone know a way around this?
  3. I worked around IE's caching... random = Math.floor(Math.random()*999999); and added +"&random="+random to the URL so it's a different link every time!
  4. Lol wow why was I thinking forms with the "GET" and "POST" thing? Ha ha Sorry about that!
  5. In Google chrome and Firefox my script works wonders. It looks amazing! However, in internet explorer there seems to be a minor problem. Once a login credential has been submitted (e.g. Username: hi, Password: hi) you cannot submit the form again with the same credentials. Seems like a security thing IE does so it's not viewing the same web page as before. Code: function check_credentials(){ httpObject = getHTTPObject(); if (httpObject != null) { httpObject.open("GET", "/xatron/login.php?username="+escape(document.getElementById('username').value)+"&password="+escape(document.getElementById('password').value), true); httpObject.send(null); httpObject.onreadystatechange = function() { setOutput(); } } } function setOutput(){ if(httpObject.readyState == 4){ // alert(httpObject.readyState); *** This is a test line... login_run(httpObject.responseText); } } function login_run(login_answer){ login_answer = login_answer; if(login_answer == 0){ // alert false }else{ document.location.href='/xatron/welcome.php'; } And the form: <table width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="50%">Username:</td> <td width="50%"><input type="text" id="username" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%">Password:</td> <td width="50%"><input type="password" id="password" /></td> </tr> </table> I am using jquery for the submit, but it's not the jquery giving the problems, it's the AJAX. any advice? Should "get" be "post" maybe?! Not sure.
  6. Is it a global message? Meaning is it viewable to more than 1 person? E.g. If I personal mail you, and you read it, it goes from "unread" to "read". OR Is it like user 1 viewed it, they see "read" but user 2 hasn't so they see "unread" ? well if it's the 2nd one... easy. user_viewed (table name) id (auto) uid (user who is viewing) type (viewing a message or item) typeid (message or item id being viewed) When they view the page make sure you update it: $item_viewed = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_viewed` WHERE uid='$uid', type='item', typeid='$item_id'"); $message_viewed = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_viewed` WHERE uid='$uid', type='message', typeid='$msg_id'"); if(mysql_num_rows($item_viewed) < 1){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_viewed`(uid, type, typeid) VALUES ('$uid', 'item', '$item_id')"); } if(mysql_num_rows($item_viewed) < 1){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO `user_viewed`(uid, type, typeid) VALUES ('$uid', 'message', '$msg_id')"); } Now on the page to echo Read or Unread... here is the code snippet. (if on same page as sql update, combine the two...) $item_viewed = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_viewed` WHERE uid='$uid', type='item', typeid='$item_id'"); $message_viewed = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_viewed` WHERE uid='$uid', type='message', typeid='$msg_id'"); if(mysql_num_rows($message_viewed) < 1){ echo 'Message Unread'; }else{ echo 'Message Read'; } if(mysql_num_rows($item_viewed) < 1){ echo 'Item Unread'; }else{ echo 'Item Read'; } And if you want it to go back to unread to all users when the message or item is updated... simply add this code to the updating code: mysql_query("DELETE FROM `user_viewed` WHERE type='message' AND typeid='$msg_id'"); mysql_query("DELETE FROM `user_viewed` WHERE type='item' AND typeid='$item_id'"); And now you can use the same table for multiple things, rather than just the "forum messages". If that makes sense.
  7. I think viewing all of the HTML would give more of general idea of what's happening... =)
  8. Or when a user requests their password, make them verify username & e-mail address and reset their password, mail them the new one (before md5() is in place) then md5() the password and insert it into the database. =) Easy as 1... 2... 3... That's what I do!
  9. Yeah what oni-kun said... Timestamps are much more easier to use and much cleaner and easier to "return" in any format you please!
  10. Not to sound, mean, but I use that exact code for my boards on my website. e.g. You posting a reply on here, you hit enter button, it supplies a "<br>"... And it works for every browser, not just some... Which is why I use it...
  11. Try this... as an alternative. Generally nl2br() is the correct term. <?php $news = "This is my news. Hey there! Thanks buddy! =) Hi!"; $news = str_replace(" ", "<br />", $news); echo $news; // Should return the "news" with line breaks. ?> OR <?php $news = "This is my news. Hey there! Thanks Buddy! =) Hi!"; echo nl2br($news); // Should print it perfectly fine the way you want it. ?>
  12. I use both depending on the situations. When retrieving data from my database, and I am inserting them into a table, I simply use the breaks. However, if I am coding something other than that, I continue with an "echo".
  13. http://havenpets.tridiantgames.com/test/jstest.php - Example It's working fine on Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome... Take a look for yourself.
  14. Whoops sorry, I forgot IE is a little fussy. Works more than a charm now <script> function sub_total(){ var qty = document.getElementById('quantity').value; if(!qty){ var qty = 0; } var price = document.getElementById('price').value; if(!price){ var price = 0; } document.getElementById('sub_total').value = qty * price; } </script> <input name="quantity" id="quantity" size="35" maxlength="255" onkeyup="sub_total();" /> <input name="price" id="price" size="35" maxlength="255" onkeyup="sub_total();" /> <input name="sub_total" id="sub_total" size="35" maxlength="255" />
  15. <script> function sub_total(){ qty = document.getElementById('quantity').value; if(!qty){ qty = 0; } price = document.getElementById('price').value; if(!price){ price = 0; } document.getElementById('sub_total').value = qty * price; } </script> <input name="quantity" id="quantity" size="35" maxlength="255" onkeyup="sub_total();" /> <input name="price" id="price" size="35" maxlength="255" onkeyup="sub_total();" /> <input name="sub_total" id="sub_total" size="35" maxlength="255" /> Works like a charm. Enjoy
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