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  1. I am using joomla modules which shows dropdown linst/select box for weblinks. All Weblink's title are shown on select box/drop down option. BUT I would like to change select box/ drop down box to Input Box, Where i can enter title instead selecting option from drop down. <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die ('Direct Access is not allowed'); $allweblinks = intval($params->get('allweblinks',0)); $golabel = $params->get('buttonname','Go'); $blank = intval($params->get('firstblank',0)); $custom = $params->get('firsttext',''); $separator = $params->get('separator',''); $image = $params->get('buttonimage','-1'); $catname = strtolower($params->get('catname','jumplinks')); $autodirect = intval($params->get('autodirect',0)); if (isset($_POST['submit']) || isset($_POST['submit_x'])) { $link = $_POST['add']; $target = $params->get('target','parent'); switch ($target) { case 'parent': echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;URL=" .$link. "' />"; break; case 'newwith': echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;URL=" .$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "' />"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.open('".$link."');</script>"; break; case 'newwithout': echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0;URL=" .$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "' />"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.open('".$link."','',config='toolbar=no');</script>"; break; } exit(); } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $cat = "lower(jc.title) = '".$catname."' AND "; if ($allweblinks == '1') $cat = ''; $order = $params->get('order',0); switch ($order) { case 0: $orderStr = "ordering"; break; case 1: $orderStr = "j.title ASC"; break; case 2: $orderStr = "j.title DESC"; } $query = "SELECT j.* FROM #__weblinks j inner join #__categories jc on j.catid = jc.id where $cat j.published='1' AND jc.published='1' ORDER BY $orderStr"; $db->setquery($query); $rows=$db->loadObjectList(); error_reporting(E_ERROR); $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_URI']; echo "<form action='" . $url . "' method='post' >"; echo "<select style='display:none' name='add' id='add'"; if ($autodirect == 1) { echo " onChange='this.form.elements"; echo "[\"submit\"].click();' />"; } else { echo " />"; } if ($blank == '1') echo "<option value='' />"; if ($custom != '') { echo "<option value='' />".$custom; if ($separator != '') echo "<option value='' />".str_repeat($separator,strlen($custom)); } foreach ($rows as $row) { echo "<option value='" .$row->url. "' /> ". $row->title; } echo "</select>"; if ($autodirect == 1) { $style="style='visibility:hidden'"; } if ($image !=-1 ) { if ($autodirect ==1) echo "<input type='submit' ".$style." id='submit' name='submit' value='".$golabel."' />"; $image = 'images/stories/'.$image; echo "<input type='image' " .$style." src='".$image."' id='submit' name='submit' alt='".$golabel."' />"; } else { echo "<input type='submit' ".$style." id='submit' name='submit' value='".$golabel."' />"; } echo "</form>"; ?> PHP file also attached. ANY HELP WILL BE HIGHLY APPRICIATED Ramesh Chaudhary Nepal [attachment deleted by admin]
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