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Everything posted by camster

  1. Bjom.....if you don't like the questions people ask than simply dont reply. You dont know me, you dont know what I've researched or anything else about me. So take your condescending BS somewhere else.
  2. well Bjom what is it you think I should do, try inserting and testing one line at a time for every line on each php page and see what happens? Thanks for setting me up for your little lecture. FYI I did research on your suggestion in google and several php/mysql sites but couldnt find anything relevant. So sorry for asking.
  3. Thanks for the suggestions but unfortunately for me this is way over my head. Not sure what to do with the echo code? do I insert it somewhere? and not sure if I can use .htaccess. Maybe someone can explain with a little more detail? Thanks
  4. I recently switched my hosting of my php/mysql website. I successfully recreated and connected the database on the new hosting, all the data for members is displaying, and I'm able to login to my Super Admin. It appears everything is working fine except the login for members keeps coming up as wrong username or password even though I am sure it's been correct. I really have no idea where to pinpoint the problem so thought I would show the code for the login page here and maybe someone can direct me to where I should look. Any help would be great! Thanks Camster <?php session_start(); if($_SESSION['AUTH']=="OK") { header("Location:addIntro.php"); exit; } $submit=$_POST['Signin']; $uid=$_POST['userid']; $password=$_POST['password']; $mesg=""; //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($_POST); if($submit) { include "../connections/db.php"; $sql="select GID from golfer where UserId='$uid' and UserPwd='$password'"; echo $sql; $conn=mysql_query($sql); $rowscnt=mysql_num_rows($conn); if($rowscnt!=0) { $resc=mysql_fetch_object($conn); $_SESSION['GID']=$resc->GID; $_SESSION['USER']=$uid; $_SESSION['AUTH']="OK"; header("Location:addIntro.php"); //echo "done"; exit; } else { //echo "whats wrong"; $mesg= "The User ID or Password is incorrect. Please retype the User ID and Password"; } } ?>
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