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  1. I've created a search box to search the inventory of product. The results page shows the select statement is like this: SELECT tbID, tbName, tbItemNo, tbThumb, tbCostR FROM tbProduct WHERE tbSearch like '%s%%' AND tbCostR != 'NULL' ORDER BY tbID DESC s% = the search string the visitor entered in the search box tbSearch has a list of words describing a product The search only finds the first word within the list of words in the tbSearch field of my databank. How can I get the search to go through the whole list within the tbSearch field and pull out all revelent product. For example.....one tbSearch field has: eagle, bird The eagle comes up on the results page if you type eagle in the search box. If you type bird into the search box, nothing appears on the results page. Help!
  2. You can try use this class (simpoll v1.0). It was helpfull for me. The URL to download or copy the code is here: codewalkers
  3. Hi all, I can't get a fireworks html (nav bar with pop up menus) to work properly within my div layer in my dwmx 2004. Is there a trick to inserting this nav bar with pop up menus in a div layer, or am I asking too much of these programs? I know the nav bar html is built properly (the nav bar works outside of a page that isn't built on div layers). How does a person get a pop up menu to work on the nav bar while trying to use the newer standards (not using table layouts -- using div layers instead)?
  4. Hi, I would recommend using the charset of "utf-8". I recently had to do a mirror site in Hebrew. Lots of trouble for an English-based program (Hebrew reads right to left). Always check your browser for how everything is displayed...as Dreamweaver sometimes doesn't show you exactly how the characters are displayed in the browsers. Hope this is a start to helping you. Do a google search for "utf-8 dreamweaver and your language of choice" ... this should give you information that you need.
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