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  1. You can set it as solved by clicking 'Solved' below left above 'Quick Reply' Thx
  2. Thank you so much for your help and your quick replies, the script works like a charm.. I can't thank you enough for your patience and your help, this has helped me understand regular expressions and the usage of preg_replace_callback, which I find is complicated to understand with the PHP manual!! PS : Can somebody set this topic as solved please?
  3. Your function looks quite interesting, I will have a look at it and get back to you with more feedback.. As you pointed out, it may yield unexpected result. I tried your function, it does not yield any results (any typo in there?) Even doing a : $test = preg_match_all('~^echo\s*([\"])(.*?)\1;~sm', $file_contents, $matches); does not match anything in a file containing these lines : echo "<select>"; echo "<td><tr>"; I'm looking into it..
  4. Removing the slashes allows the htmLawed library to read and modify it. The output of the script adds the backslashes again in the xhtml parts of the PHP file. Currently, the full script looks like this : $file_contents = file_get_contents($list); //-- Removing slashes if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $text = stripslashes($file_contents); } $processed = htmLawed($text); file_put_contents($list, $processed); For now, the script manages to transform : #================================================== # function HTTPReferer # Liste des référants #================================================== function HTTPReferer() { global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $db, $admin_file; include_once("header.php"); NCGraphicAdmin(); OpenTable(); echo "<center><b>"._NCWHOLINKS."</b></center><br /><br />"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCHITS."<b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCURL."</b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCUPDATED."</b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCDELETE."</b></td>"; echo "</tr>"; $req_refs = $db->sql_query("SELECT r_id, r_url, r_count, r_lasttime FROM ".TABLE_REFERER." ORDER BY r_count DESC"); $num_refs = $db->sql_numrows($req_refs); if (!empty($num_refs)) { while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($req_refs)) { $r_id = intval($row['r_id']); $r_url = filter($row['r_url'], nohtml); $r_url2 = urlencode($r_url); $r_count = intval($row['r_count']); $r_lasttime = formatTimestamp($row['r_lasttime']); echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">$r_count</font></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" width=\"100%\"><font class=\"content\"><a href=\"index.php?url=$r_url2\" target=\"_blank\">$r_url</a></font></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" nowrap> <font class=\"content\">$r_lasttime</font> </td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"".$admin_file.".php?op=DelReferer&ref_id=".$r_id."\"><img src=\"images/objets/wrong.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\""._NCDELETE."\" title=\""._NCDELETE."\"></a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" colspan=\"4\">"._NCNOREFERERS."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br />"; echo "<form action=\"".$admin_file.".php\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DelReferer\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ref_id\" value=\"all\">"; echo "<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NCDELETEALL."\"></center>"; CloseTable(); include_once("footer.php"); } to #================================================== # function HTTPReferer # Liste des référants #================================================== function HTTPReferer() { global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $db, $admin_file; include_once("header.php"); NCGraphicAdmin(); OpenTable(); echo "<center><b>"._NCWHOLINKS."<b><center><br /><br />"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor2;\">"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor3;\"><b>"._NCHITS."<b><td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor3;\"><b>"._NCURL."<b><td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor3;\"><b>"._NCUPDATED."<b><td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor3;\"><b>"._NCDELETE."<b><td>"; echo "<tr>"; $req_refs = $db->sql_query("SELECT r_id, r_url, r_count, r_lasttime FROM ".TABLE_REFERER." ORDER BY r_count DESC"); $num_refs = $db->sql_numrows($req_refs); if (!empty($num_refs)) { while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($req_refs)) { $r_id = intval($row['r_id']); $r_url = filter($row['r_url'], nohtml); $r_url2 = urlencode($r_url); $r_count = intval($row['r_count']); $r_lasttime = formatTimestamp($row['r_lasttime']); echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor1;\"><font class=\"content\">$r_count<font><td>"; echo "<td style=\"background-color: $bgcolor1; width: 100%;\"><font class=\"content\"><a href=\"index.php?url=$r_url2\" target=\"_blank\">$r_url<a><font><td>"; echo "<td style=\"background-color: $bgcolor1; white-space: nowrap;\"><font class=\"content\">$r_lasttime<font><td>"; echo "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor1;\"><a href=\"".$admin_file.".php?op=DelRefererref_id=\"><img src=\"images/objets/wrong.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" style=\"border: 0px;\" /><a><td>"; echo "<tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\" style=\"background-color: $bgcolor1;\">"._NCNOREFERERS."<td><tr>"; } echo "<table><br />"; echo "<form action=\"".$admin_file.".php\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DelReferer\" />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ref_id\" value=\"all\" />"; echo "<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\"\" /><center>"; CloseTable(); include_once("footer.php"); } There are still problems though, as all encapsed values in double-double quotes return as empty values.
  5. Your function looks quite interesting, I will have a look at it and get back to you with more feedback.. As you pointed out, it may yield unexpected result.
  6. The goal is to parse a file such as this : #================================================== # function HTTPReferer # Liste des référants #================================================== function HTTPReferer() { global $bgcolor1, $bgcolor2, $bgcolor3, $db, $admin_file; include_once("header.php"); NCGraphicAdmin(); OpenTable(); echo "<center><b>"._NCWHOLINKS."</b></center><br /><br />"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor2\">"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCHITS."<b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCURL."</b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCUPDATED."</b></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor3\" align=\"center\"><b>"._NCDELETE."</b></td>"; echo "</tr>"; $req_refs = $db->sql_query("SELECT r_id, r_url, r_count, r_lasttime FROM ".TABLE_REFERER." ORDER BY r_count DESC"); $num_refs = $db->sql_numrows($req_refs); if (!empty($num_refs)) { while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($req_refs)) { $r_id = intval($row['r_id']); $r_url = filter($row['r_url'], nohtml); $r_url2 = urlencode($r_url); $r_count = intval($row['r_count']); $r_lasttime = formatTimestamp($row['r_lasttime']); echo "<tr><td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><font class=\"content\">$r_count</font></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" width=\"100%\"><font class=\"content\"><a href=\"index.php?url=$r_url2\" target=\"_blank\">$r_url</a></font></td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" nowrap> <font class=\"content\">$r_lasttime</font> </td>"; echo "<td bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"".$admin_file.".php?op=DelReferer&ref_id=".$r_id."\"><img src=\"images/objets/wrong.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\""._NCDELETE."\" title=\""._NCDELETE."\"></a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } else { echo "<tr><td align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"$bgcolor1\" colspan=\"4\">"._NCNOREFERERS."</td></tr>"; } echo "</table><br />"; echo "<form action=\"".$admin_file.".php\" method=\"post\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"DelReferer\">"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ref_id\" value=\"all\">"; echo "<center><input type=\"submit\" value=\""._NCDELETEALL."\"></center>"; CloseTable(); include_once("footer.php"); } The thing is, if I do a stripslashes on the entire file contents, the stripslashes function removes all backslashes, including the ones contained in the PHP Code. The script would also allow me to parse the file with a more complicated function, based on the htmLawed library.
  7. Hi everyone, :mrgreen: I'm trying to code a relatively simple script. I want to first read the contents of the file, and then apply a stripslashes(); on all lines starting with the echo " tag and ending with "; . For now, here's what I was able to come up with : $file_contents = file_get_contents($fichier); if(preg_match_all('`^echo"(.*?)"', $file_contents, $matches)){ foreach ($matches as $val) { $processed .= stripslashes($val); } } else { $processed .= $file_contents; //-- What should i put here if the line doesn't correspond? } file_put_contents($fichier, $processed); Are my heading towards the right direction? Can anybody help me out? Thx
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