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Everything posted by prasanthmj

  1. Why not put all those options in to one form? The link below may be useful How to create a multi-submit form
  2. having the email in the HTML code is not a good idea. You will get loads of spam. The articles below will help: How to make a web form Creating a contact form for your website
  3. If you want to make sure that the user can add only from a list, why not make a drop-down list instead of a text field?
  4. Since the check box group is an array, you have to iterate through the array to get the selections. Example: $RequiredContent_arr = $_POST['RequiredContent']; $RequiredContent_str=''; if(!empty($aDoor)) { $N = count($RequiredContent_arr); for($i=0; $i < $N; $i++) { $RequiredContent_str=. $RequiredContent_arr[$i].","; } } For more details on check box handling, see: Handling checkbox in a PHP form processor
  5. This JavaScript form validation script will be of help. Server side validations are mandatory as well. See: PHP form validation script
  6. To debug this, you have to check the HTML code for the form. Chck if the submit button is named "send" or "Send" or something else.
  7. After processing the form, redirect to a response page : header("Location: thankyou.html"); See the page below for an example: PHP form tutorial
  8. Yes It is possible to submit one form to two actions. It requires some JavaScript manipulation. Here is how: Have two iframes in the page. Switch the 'target' of the form and submit the form. Sample code: function submitMyForm() { document.contact_us.submit(); document.contact_us.action = "Another.php"; document.contact_us.target='k4'; document.contact_us.submit(); return false; }
  9. This page might help: How to create PHP based email form with file attachment
  10. Steven Give Simfatic Forms a try. It s an html form generator tool that has most of the features you are looking for.
  11. It should be document.frmID.submit() or document.forms["frmID"].submit(); or document.getElementById('frmID').submit();
  12. I guess the max post size depends on the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size setting in your php.ini file. Also the LimitRequestBody setting in Apache configuration (if you are using Apache)
  13. From the XML file, it doesn't seems to be very simple What exactly is the problem that you are facing with the script? For a simpler contact form, see: PHP email contact form and HTML contact form with captcha
  14. I guess it should be if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Submit') or just if (isset($_POST['submit']))
  15. get the $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] value and keep it in a session variable. Use the session value while emailing
  16. From the code given, there is no reason for it to fail to work. Perhaps, if you show complete code, that will help in finding the problem. The following tutorials might help: Handling checkbox in a PHP form email form how to's
  17. function IsCheckSelected($val) { $services = $_POST['services']; $N = count($services); for($i=0; $i<$N;$i++) { if($val == $services[$i]) { return true; } } return false; } then if(IsCheckSelected("GPSurgery")) { } more examples here: Handling checkbox in a PHP form
  18. You either have to use session variables to keep the values in the form (see this page example) or use hidden fields (see Passing PHP form variables )
  19. I guess checkbox group should be the right choice from a useability perspective(if the number of options is within a limit (~10 ?)) If you are wondering how to handle check box groups, here is an article that may be of help: Handling checkbox in a PHP form processor and also select box in a PHP form
  20. To create a text area, you have to use the textarea tag <textarea name='textarea1' cols='25' rows='5'></textarea>
  21. The browser has to post the mbuy to some script. Where will you mention that 'action' URL if there is no <form>?
  22. do you mean the addressbar in the browser? That can't be cleared programatically by a web site. The browser's user only can do it through menu options.
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